Pearzap x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 30 Jule 2021

Pearzap x Satoshi CLUB AMA Session 30 Jule 2021

TradeStars is a Fantasy Stocks Trading Game powered by the Ethereum + Matic Layer 2 blockchains. Fans can trade and monetize digital assets.

PART 1. Introduction of Pearzap project and community questions.

Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. Let’s talk today about project on the Polygon chain.

PearZap is a High yields farms & pools on Polygon chain focused on security. Low fees & Mass adoption, Polygon chain is close to 1,000,000 users.

The plan of AMA session:

  1. Part – Introduction and preselected questions.
  2. Part – Live questions
  3. The Quiz about TradeStars

The reward pool is 500$

Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club – @AndresM77

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club – @GoldRocket27

The Representative of the project:

Bosc @BoscPearZap – one of the two marketing managers on the Pearzap team. 

Mr. Concorde @concorde_pear –  one of the two marketing managers on the Pearzap team. 

Andrew @AndrewPearZap – PearZap CEO and main blockchain dev.

Jay @jasonZap – lead dev

Introduction of Pearzap project.

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:


Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Greetings, dear Satoshi Club community! We are pleased to announce our AMA with Pearzap 🍐🍐🍐

Today our guests are @concorde_pear @andrewpearzap  @boscpearzap  @jasonzap!

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Hello dear Satoshiclubbers

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

Hello everyone!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Today we have an amazing AMA to celebrate our 90k milestone🥳

Mr. Concorde:

Hey everybody, thanks for having us over to give you all more info on Pearzap finance!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, guys!🍐🍐🍐

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Welcome to Satoshi Club😁

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

Hello, it’s a pleasure to be here, congrats on 90K!

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

Congratulations Satochiclubbers! Did I win something to be the 90000 to join? 🤣

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thank you very much for sharing this holiday with us.😍

Mr. Concorde:

I can hook you up with some $pear😉

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

I hope you have fun today😁

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

So kind! Thx my friend!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Of course, a big hug😁

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Let’s start!

Introduce yourself. How did you get to be involved in crypto and Pearzap?

Tell us please about yourself and your position in Pearzap .🍐🍐🍐

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

Thank you for that opportunity!

Hello everyone, my name is Bosc I am one of the two marketing managers on the Pearzap team.

I have been a crypto enthusiast since 2017 and have actively worked in a marketing role on projects in the BSC space up until now as well as a day job in marketing and sales for a large electronics company. I now have turned my passion into being a part of one of the fastest growing polygon farms with security in mind, Pearzap  🍐⚡️

Mr. Concorde:

So, I am Mr. Concorde. I am one of the 2 marketing managers. I am a crypto enthusiast since the beginning of 2017 and I have experience from working on big projects on the BSC network.

In real life I own a personal training gym and a line of supplements for training. So, I got a lot of marketing going on in real life as well.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

We are happy to know great personalities like you guys

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

You are very versatile guys with a great background😁👏👏👏

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

I’m Andrew, Pearzap CEO and main blockchain dev 😉

In crypto since 2016.

Software engineer in day job.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Wonderful experience👍

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

A true pear legend along with Jay!🍐❤️

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

What is the essence of your project and which problems you are trying to solve with it?

Jay ️:

I’m Jay, lead dev. Dev since 12 years and crypto addict since 2 year 🤘

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Yes, we all know what it is like to love crypto 😁 What is the essence of your project? Main idea

Mr. Concorde:

🍐⚡️Pearzap Finance is a new  secure yield farming project on the Polygon Chain. The idea of the Pearzap  project was born out of the idea of bringing innovation to the current ecosystem.

We are striving to stand out from existing Yield farmings with:

– high aprs on pools and farms

– a very high focus on smartcontracts security

– community votes for certain decisions to be made

– innovative ideas: like “the garden” and a multichain NFT platform (you can read more about this in our roadmap)

BUIDL is our motto, because crypto moves fast and developments will keep the hype going, we have to remain creative throughout the adventure and keep BUILDING.

A lot of projects are promising high aprs and good marketing but they dont deliver. We stick to our promises and we deliver

Mr. Concorde:

Pearzap app

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Great 👌

Mr. Concorde:

These are our current aprs, so decide for yourself if we delivered😎

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Also, we would like to know about your team. Who is on the project team?

Mr. Concorde:

The core team exists out of me, @boscpearzap  @andrewpearzap  @jasonzap. And we have an amazing team of admins that we like to include

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Is your team anonymous?

Mr. Concorde:

Yes, we decided to stay anonymous like Satoshi, for 2 reasons:

– we do it for our own safety. We don’t want to get aroused on our personal socials and we didn’t want to be in any potential danger

– also bringing our identities out is not beneficial to any of the investors in our opinion.

These 2 points made us decide to stay anonymous.

We still have taken all investor security measures to assure investor safety

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

How long does it take to develop a project?

Mr. Concorde:

@jasonzap and @andrewpearzap   can best answer you on this. I am a total coding noob myself. Marketing is my speciality

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

I took us about 2 months to develop Pearzap.

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

But development is in continuous progress because we have still great things to deliver

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

What is the meaning of the name of the project?🤔

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

What fruit is juicer than a delicious Pear!

We thought it would be a fun combination of juicy yields and lightning speed in development of our roadmap 🍐⚡️

Jay ️:

It had to sound fruity and juicy and also dynamic (and the name was not taken yet) 😆

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Haha a great name and a delicious fruit

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thanks for great introduction, we will have a questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

Let’s do it!

Mr. Concorde:

Lets go🚀

Preselected questions about the Pearzap DeFi project.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Q1 from Telegram User @Asela1112

One of your ambitious goal is enhance the user experience & usability on Polygon network as I noticed from my researchings. Which marketing strategies & innovative methods will you integrate within Pearzap  platform? Do you have more giveaways in order to reach more users onboarding to the Polygon mainnet through Pearzap  platform?

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

I’ll take this one ❤️🍐

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Haha an infiltrated

Mr. Concorde:

How do you like the stickerpack?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

Haha! Love that one!

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

@Asela1112 You’ll notice right away we have two marketing pears, why is that?

Well it allows us to be agile in delivering around-the-clock marketing push thru innovative evergreen ads that stay relevant to roadmap features as well as the opportunity to reward our amazing community with raffles, contests and so much more to truly create the best community this side of Polygon!

If you’re new to the Poly space don’t worry as we have also created intuitively how-to videos on our YouTube page! ❤️🍐


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Do you have any community contests at the moment?

Mr. Concorde:

🎉800 $PEAR to be won🎉

Mr. Concorde:

We have a contest going right now on Twitter, I can share the link if thats allowed

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Of course, you can, don’t worry😃

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Of course🤝

Please share these useful video guides with us 🙏

Jay ️:

Our Youtube Channel: ✌️

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thanks for sharing👍

Mr. Concorde:

We love hosting contests every day for it truly builds the community in an amazing way.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thanks a lot for the answers😁 Can we proceed. Or you want to add something?

Mr. Concorde:

We can proceed👌

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Q2 from Telegram User @andrey_seleznov

Hi Pearzap!

Pearzap recently announced a couple of partnerships: with Koala Defi and with Wault Finance. Please share the details about these exciting agreements. What benefits will they bring to Pearzap community and vice versa. Are you opening farms/pools on their platforms that will allow users to stake and earn Pear tokens? And lastly, what other partnerships or collaborations do you have or plan to create in the future? How do these partnerships play into your plans to expand cross chain to BSC, xdai and Fantom?

Thank you!

Mr. Concorde:

I will take this one👌

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Take your time💪

Mr. Concorde:

So far, our partnerships have helped us to gain more exposure in the crypto space.

Partnerships are a very helpful tool to grow the community and satisfy the community with more options to earn the tokens they like so much.

The partnerships that we currently have are withholding deployment of pools on each of our platforms, and in our case also deploying a “Garden” (which is our amazing feature where you stake 1 token and earn 2 tokens in return). Also, we are hosting cross channel telegram AMA’s to inform as many people as possible on each other’s project

We have a lot of more partnerships incoming, and we are having our focus on the polygon chain for now. Later on we will look for more amazing partnerships on the other chains where we want to operate from as well

Mr. Concorde:

Sorry for the bookwork😬

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

👍 Great answer

Mr. Concorde:

Thank you

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Give us hints😁what partnerships are you planning? 🍐🍐

Mr. Concorde:

I can’t disclose to much yet, but there are some pretty big ones lined up.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Any sneak peek?

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

In fact we just had one drop live during this very AMA!

The new Garden is live!

Stake our $POLAR from @polarisdefi to earn juicy $PEAR! 🍐🍐🍐


Don’t miss the early APR’s!

Many more to come 😎

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Great opportunity Satoshiclubbers, let’s join🥳

Btw, where and how to buy $PEAR tokens?

Mr. Concorde:

We are the first to follow Wault finance their moonfuel program, so we are listed at Wault.

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

Mr. Concorde:

Haha great minds think alike.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thanks for your answer’s guys😁 Ready to proceed to the next question😉

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

It’s a pleasure 🍐 Let’s do it!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Q3 from Telegram User @victorogb

Pearzap  is said to introduce “The Garden Deposit Fee Redistribution”, where users are entitled to a portion of the deposit fee charge for every farm entry that occurs in the garden. Even as this helps to incentivize users, what percentage of these farm entry fee are reserved for redistribution, and what criteria does Pearzap  adopt in it’s redistribution formula to users, and what happens to a users staked tokens after the eventual expiration of a garden?

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

@jasonzap or @andrewpearzap  could better answer the detailed formula on this one ❤️🍐

Jay ️:

I’ll take this one

When a garden expires, user staked tokens are still safe and user will be able to unstake at any time.

The user will also be able to claim his share of accumulated rewards even after a Garden expires if there are still rewards left.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

What is the APY?

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

We didn’t fixed the numbers, we are monitoring the first gardens to adapt the parameters in live to offer competitive aprs.

You can’t make a deposit after expiration.

Jay ️:

Aprs are great, TAKO + INKU garden by example

Mr. Concorde:

This one was just released right now, and the rewards are not live yet.

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

And all rewards are available of course for staked users after expiration!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Wow, high APR, that’s fantastic for holders 👏

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

It is! Yes!

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Thanks for the answer’s guys, ready to know the next question?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Yes! Thank you very much for the detailed answer.🍐

Mr. Concorde:


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Let’s proceed

Q4 from Telegram User @Caterpillar29

About the Roadmap of Pearzap , I can see that you have plans on integrating Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and as you integrate BSC you will also launch your new token $bpear – a reflect token of $PEAR on BSC. So may we know your preparations for this BSC integration and what would be the purpose of launching a new token? Also What would be the utilities and usecases you planned for your new token?

Mr. Concorde:

@andrewpearzap  will elaborate on this one👌

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Meanwhile, could you share us your whole roadmap?

Mr. Concorde:

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

I’ll take it

We want to be cross-chain since the beginning of the project. Polygon and BSC.

Mr. Concorde:

Mainly we would expand to BSC to grow our network. Polygon is doing great but it still has a lot of catching up to do in terms of growth.

BSC is really big, me and @boscpearzap  have a lot of contacts on the BSC from previous projects so we should be able to gain great awareness at this chain, spoken from a marketing point of view

Andrew will tell you more

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

Our token will be duplicated on each chain, and we want to build our own bridge to keep all the good features and tokenomics of PEAR

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Really! The one who owns cross-chain solutions owns the world today.😊🍐👍

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:


Using existing bridges is not a good way for us to go because you don’t have a total control on decentralization from a technical point. That’s the reason we want to develop ou own solutions.

It’s also the only true way to be decentralized

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Have you thought to apply bridges between chains?

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

Yes, we will. And we plan to propose our bridge to other partners and token/coins in the future.

Done for this 😉

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Great ideas👍 Thanks for your answers

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Yes, clear and excited answers🥳

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Ready for the next question?🍐

Mr. Concorde:


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Q5 from Telegram User @kimzyemma

Pearzap  is a new coming yield farming project on Polygon Chain (MATIC). By Q1 2022 you planned to integrate xdai, Fantom and Heco with the launch of $xpear, $fpear and $hpear to reflect $PEAR on each of the chains respectively. What will be the ratio of each of these tokens to your main token($PEAR)? How can these tokens bring your exposure and community to the biggest levels and crazy large partnerships opportunities? Before Q4 2022 you must integrated 5 chains in total, what is the problem this will solve in the crypto market of today? Why Pearzap  so believe in Multi-Chain adoption?  You also want to boost your native farms/pool by a stunning 50% today, how will this serve as a reward for your loyal holders?

Mr. Concorde:

Another question for the devs😎 but I can answer that last part

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Complex question😁

Mr. Concorde:

By boosting our native pools we notify the community that we care for them and that we appreciate them for holding. When we boost a pool the APR goes up and the stakers ($PEAR holders) will enjoy bigger earnings.

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

About the ratio between the emission rate share one each chain, we will adapt it during the project by monitoring users and TVL because all chains aren’t the same and some of them have already a very large amount of users.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Excellent benefit😊

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Btw, have you done audits to your contracts? Everything is ok with it?

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

Be multichain is also the best way for us to grow big and get Pearzap .com accessible to everyone. No matter the chain you love.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

By the way, share please your tokenomics with us.

Mr. Concorde:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thanks for sharing😉

Mr. Concorde:

We had a preliminary security audit by Certik. We fixed the issues that were found and resubmitted for a final audit.

As most of you know Certik can take some time to finish their audits so we decided to apply/pay for another audit by Techrate as well, from which we expect the results in 2/3 days

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

Also, more audits as we develop as well, security is key 🔒

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

2 audits are in progress now. One with Certik and one with Techrate.

We already had the preliminary report of Certik before the launch and made all needed changes to be 100% safe.

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

We are happy to know you care so much about security

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Safety first👍

Mr. Concorde:

I wanna copy a little piece from the docs, to show how many features and utilities $PEAR has. As we all know, the more utility the more interest and the higher the price

Mr. Concorde:

$PEAR has/is

✔️ Automatic high burn mechanism

✔️ Token holders redistribution

✔️ Anti whale system

✔️ Anti bot system

✔️ Multichain token

✔️ Access to unique Pearzap  features and contest

✔️ Referral earnings for you friends earnings

✔️ Automatic distribution to the lottery pot

✔️ Auto-compounding

✔️ Ready for vault strategies

✔️ DAO token

✔️ Yieldfarming token

✔️ Capped supply to maximum 60,000,000 tokens

✔️ Controlled and programmed emission rate (token minting per block)

✔️ Manual burn mechanism on special events and when needed

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Big list, great job👏

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

What a big feature set👍 Thanks for your answers ☺️

Can we proceed. Or you want to add something?

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

Let’s continue on 🚀🍐

Mr. Concorde:

We can proceed😎

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Q6 from Telegram User @konditer_rolex

I would like to recall the unpleasant situation with the Rugdoc report. Explain what was the essence of their claims and how you resolved this situation. How does the bridge with BSC work today because of which there was a misunderstanding?

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

Yes our CEO @andrewpearzap  can explain 🔒

Mr. Concorde:

I will take the latter part

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

Yes, all apologies for that first!

Mr. Concorde:

The bridge with BSC is not operational yet, it just came to our attention that some people claimed to be linked to the BSC side of Pearzap , which is not possible yet. So either they made a mistake or there are scams going around. Always make sure you are on the official project socials!

Anyway, we will get to the bottom of this link😎

Funds are safu and BSC is not operational yet

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Ant approximated date to launch it?

Mr. Concorde:

We havent set a date yet but it will be soon

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Thank you so much guys for this fantastic first part of the AMA, it was awesome to know the big fundamentals of your project.

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

It was a pleasure! Ready for the next round 🍐❤️

Mr. Concorde:

Andrew will tell you on the fixed rugdoc issue still😉

Andrew – 🍐⚡ Pearzap .com:

The way we did it is a standard way to prepare for a bridge but we didn’t mention that into the documentation.

We burned all those tokens about each day and never had bad intentions with that, we want that project 100% safe!

We immediately applied a fix following the rugdoc review. And the bscpear pool is deactivated now.

Jay ️:

Read more:

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

Thanks for the clarification.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Thanks! It was a very important point.

Mr. Concorde:


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:

It has been an interesting time in this first part of the AMA, we hope our community enjoyed this part as we did

Now is time to proceed with the live segment. Time to interact with our warm community

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:

Live part !!!🚀🚀🚀🍐🍐🍐

Bosc (Pearzap .com 🚜🍐⚡, Will Not DM First):

So excited 🍐❤️

Mr. Concorde:

Not too warm I hope

PART 2.Questions about the Pearzap project from the live chat of the telegram community.

In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the Pearzap crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.

Q – 1 from a telegram user @windowsfilm

Why are you using Ethereum blockchain when will BSC be ready?

Mr. Concorde:

We chose to build and launch on Polygon first, because it has the fastest and cheapest decentralized transactions in the space.

We believe the future lies in layer 2 (another word for the Polygon network) both in terms of fees and scaling. We also believe that layer 2 will be the catalyst for mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. As you can see in the medium that was released by the koala team earlier, there is still a lot of growth possible for Polygon.

The current price for a transaction on Polygon (Matic) (layer 2) is $0.000076897. Even with 10000 transactions, you still won’t pass 1 USD. It is unmatched. Pearzap will be the most profitable place to stake/farm tokens on the polygon network

BSC will be ready really really soon

Q – 2 from a telegram user @Rakshitx5

Why did you choose polygon chain instead of other popular chains like Bsc, eth, etc? What advantages did you find in the polygon chain and not in other? 

Bosc ( 🚜🍐⚡️, Will Not DM First):

Good question! The polygon chain has the advantage of extremely cheap txns “pear” that with the fact that many users are looking for safe and high yielding farms on Polygon and we found ourselves perfect positioned to deliver and rise ourselves to the top.

We also make it as easy as possible for users of other chains to move over to us using our how to videos and even an innovative matic “faucet” to get your first matic tokens for txns

Q – 3 from a telegram user @AugusS7

You point out that you will carry out several “giant token burns”, but could you really tell us how many tokens will be burned in each of these burns? And also, how often will they be held?

Mr. Concorde:

We did most of the big burns from the bscPEAR pool which we had to close. We will still do numerous burns of a different size each time. We like to surprise our community with burns, so we are not scheduling the burns as yet.

But believe me, if I say that you should expect big amounts to be burned over time😎

Q – 4 from a telegram user @DF3295

With The Garden it is possible to win USC, MATIC, by staking PEAR, where do these rewards come from?

Jay ⚡️ Never DM you first:

Hi, Gardens rewards come from multiple channels:

– charged deposit fee on non-native farms & pools
– token exchange with partners
– PEAR tokens from the treasury

Q – 5 from a telegram user @Smartling

You said it took you 2 months to develop PearZap. During this 2 months, what were the major aspects of the project that you guys really focused on and what has been the success story so far?

Mr. Concorde:

Developing point of view:
We mainly focussed on investor safety and the burn mechanisms.

So far the burn mechanism is working great and we are getting 2 security audits done.

Also Our liquidity is locked.

Marketing point of view:
We reached out to many projects before launch and set up a marketing plan. All these projects are planned to be announced in the coming weeks. We kinda want to release some news each day in the near future😎

Q – 6 from a telegram user @cryptokhaled91

How would you play out the constant TVL growing and no new money entering the farms while APR going down to attract more investors to come and stay, and not to dump the earned pears each now and then?

Are you going to create a supportive token to accompany the Pear? I know its called PearZap. But you’ve already made a garden why not adding a new fruit token, an Apple or something to act like a governance token.?

Bosc ( 🚜🍐⚡️, Will Not :

Q1. In short we continue to incentive users who hold $Pear thru constant garden additions (stake one token earn two) as well as ARR refreshes on our native token pools one even happened this morning, in essence it pays to hodl 😎🍐

Yes this is a great idea but we actually want to think bigger, how can we be innovative in this space by developing along our roadmap and integrating defaming features perhaps, will have to see what we come up with but needless to say we won’t disappoint ❤️🍐

Q – 7 from a telegram user @mahya197

How can I invest in your project?

Mr. Concorde:

$PEAR can be bought here ⬇️

Nfa but you can stake your $PEAR for a great APR in the $PEAR for $PEAR staking pool
WaultSwap – A DeFi exchange on Binance Smart Chan (BSC)

Q – 8 from a telegram user @Einsteinyl

I read from telegram about BURN that PearZap just burned 60000 $PEAR token with value $100k, but may I know how the mechanism burn inside PearZap project? What trigger the burn or do you only burn on special event?

Jay ⚡️ Never DM you first:

There are permanent burns that come from token transactions 🔥 ( 2 % of each $PEAR transaction is burnt).

There is also a withdrawal burns of 10% of $PEAR rewards if the withdrawal from non-native farms/pools occurs within 3 days

Q – 9 from a telegram user @alamins004

Pearzap.Do you have any referral or ambassador program for users that we can attract a new community?

Mr. Concorde:

We have a great referal program in place which let you earn $PEAR when you bring new friends to the platform. When a referal harvests their earnings, you will get 1% of those earnings as bonus from PearZap. So the referal doesn’t lose any tokens and you still benefit from it👌

Q -10 from a telegram user @BJosefina61

The PEAR tokens earned in farming, must they fulfill a vesting or blocking period? can I take these tokens and recompose them in staking, or secondary farmings?

Bosc ( 🚜🍐⚡️, Will Not s:

Yes you are always welcome to restake those $Pear and keep farming and since you are still so early to finding us we have a launch token locker where half your yield is stored and then released at a smooth rate back to you over 7 days.

This creates a space where we can grow and see great growth! 🚀

Q -11 from a telegram user @satishgmr

Listing on exchanges is very important, Currently, Are you in talk with any exchange about listing ??

Mr. Concorde:

For now its not beneficial to us to list on any CEX. Maybe in a later stage that we want to take this route

Part 3 – Quiz about project

In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the Pearzap project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ was distributed between the winners.

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