Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Metarun and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 2nd of January
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Hello Dear satoshiclubbers Happy New year to you all, and welcome to our first AMA session of the year..
Pavel P
Good day everyone and welcome to our first AMA in 2022!!!!!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Our guests today from Metarun are @KryptoGyo @MatijaRosovic and @Martina_Andjelkovic
Hello Everyone, thanks for having us and Happy New year from METARUN (previously GoFungibles) team and community
Martina Andjelkovic
Hello guys!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Hello welcome to satoshi club..
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
hi guys nice to be here
Pavel P
Hello guys! Glad to see you here today!
Pavel P
How are you doing?
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Nice to have all of you here Happy new year to you all
Glad to be here and i am doing great thanks , how are you ?
Pavel P
We are excited to see Metarun here today!
Excited for 2022 and what it will bring for GameFi and NFT ecosystem
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
We are equally Excited, this year sure has a lot of huge surprises
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Let’s start our AMA..
oh yes and you will be hearing about us alot in the coming days and weeks
yes please
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Can you introduce yourselves to us, your roles in Metarun, how you got involved in crypto, and how the Metarun project started..
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Hi I am Matija Rosovic the CEO of Metarun previously Gofungibles
Sure, I am Noman , Co-founder and COO @ METARUN (previously GoFungibles). Co-founder, advisor, and board member of multiple DeFi and GameFi projects. Gaming Enthusiast, passionate, and extremely curious about Blockchain and NFT technology. I have been an entrepreneur and cryptocurrency investor since 2013 and involved in crypto gaming, fintech, and DeFI space since 2017.
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
I have worked in the real commodity trading and financial world for the past 11 years. Graduated from law school, building my thesis on commercial law and finance instruments. Worked for the LME stock exchange and was an advisor for some of the top EU metals suppliers. I have been investing and trading in crypto since 2018—a big fan of crypto, NFTs, and DeFi. During my last year in the financial world, I noticed a significant shift from traditional banking to crypto markets and crypto services.
Martina Andjelkovic
I am Martina and I am the CMO of the Metarun! In love with cryto and in happy marriage with digital marketing (12+ years)
Pavel P
That’s quite diversified as an experience!
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
I have been involved and invested in the crypto market for the past 4 years now. I have been more involved in the Crypto markets since 2018, when I caught the Market drop at 4000. Being a trader myself I was looking to enter the crypto markets but was too late during the 2017 Hype. Since joining in 2018, I have been a regular trader, investor and cryptocurrency, and blockchain enthusiast since then. I turned my focus to NFTs, and DeFi in the last couple of years as, in my opinion, the underlying technology is the future of finance, trade, and gaming. I am always fascinated by the idea of decentralized platforms enabling ownership and exchange of digital assets between two parties without the involvement of intermediaries or centralized entities by adopting technologies like blockchain and smart contracts. The form it has and the instruments available to us will be noticed in our idea and project that is the Metarun.
Well, like others, I heard about crypto through word of mouth and did some research on Bitcoin in 2012-2013 and was fascinated by the idea of a decentralized financial system. Invested in Bitcoin and then later on Ethereum in 2016. Being a gamer, I was equally fascinated by the concept of truly owning your in-game assets. We saw a need for an actual play-able game with NFT assets and traditional graphics on mobile platform, so this is where the idea for our METARUN project was conceptualized I love the journey so far, and I think we are only just getting started
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
You all have great and Excellent backgrounds
Martina Andjelkovic
Thank you
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Excited to see how far this journey will be.. Great Job
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Can you please give us a brief description of what Metarun is all about, and it’s unique features?
Yes sure, we will try our best to keep it to the point and not too long or boring but no promises
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Take your time..
Pavel P
Let’s keep it briefly not to respond to all of the questions from our community that are still to come here very soon…
Got that
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Project METARUN (Previously Gofungibles) is building a sustainable multi-chain environment for gaming and non-gaming individuals to enjoy a part of the crypto ecosystem with NFT assets and its native ERC-20 token $GFTS. It has a simple recipe integrating a casual but addictive endless runner mobile game model with a play to earn mechanism.
We have thoroughly surveyed the current market landscape and existing (partial) competitors. METARUN was born out of a legitimate need for an actual playable mobile game with a play-to-earn mechanism and an existing gap within the NFT, P2E ecosystem. Unlike most of the current crypto games that are either auto-battlers or pc focused with high entry barriers, METARUN is poised to tap into mobile gaming with an innovative yet straightforward play-to-earn economy, addictive and competitive gameplay, high graphics, and guild systems.
The platform features a gamer’s focused NFT marketplace and a play-to-earn multiplayer mobile game “METARUN” with a comprehensive and inclusive low entry barrier, upgradeable NFT assets, stunning visuals, conventional gameplay mechanism, and in-game rewards. It is built entirely by our proficient and talented in-house team. The game prototype will be available for Android after IDO as an APK file. However, it will also be launched on Google Play Store and Apple Store. The gameplay video can also be seen by clicking on this link: https://gofungibles.com/metarun/index.html.
This small gameplay video shows that we have already developed the multiplayer system aswell, which will be polished before the final game launch. Graphics and everything you see now will be improved , also one of the reasons we decided to go with the popular Endless runner Genre as i am a huge fan of endless runner games such as subway surfer, Temple run, Jumanji.
Game Features:
Upgradeable NFT characters
Popular Endless runner Genre based game on Mobile platform
Ability to earn rewards by playing single player mode
Multiplayer PVP mode
In-game item shop (NFT marketplace)
Guilds system
Skill required to win matches
Done btw
Pavel P
Nice graphics!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
This looks great
Thank you this is the concept art and style we are going for soon
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
How many members does your team currently have?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
All together we are a group of 25 people working on this project in various roles. The core team can be viewed on our website the others consists of game developers graphic designers community and marketing managers. The game code is our own in house team achievement
Pavel P
Wow! The team is huge!
Pretty sure it will bring great results finally!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
That’s an impressive number..
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
We are proud of each and every one. We have achieved so much in so little time
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for this introduction
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Right now we will like to proceed to community questions to get more understanding about Metarun are you ready for them?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Fire away
Pavel P
Q1 from Telegram user @thisistoyin
I saw that, METARUN game is a feature-packed endless runner game with both single and multiplayer modes, which the game would have Levels, my Question is this, are users expected to purchase a Their Avatars? what Tasks do players participate in, in other for them to earn the in-game Currencies & rewards & these Game levels have various artifacts in abundance that players can collect, can you please tell us little about this Artifacts? Would it be in form of NFTs or A token? What would the Artifacts be used for? & Are players going to race against each other? And i also understood that the Metarun would be played in Levels, how many levels are there in the game? And what are users supposed to expect in these levels? Are users expected to pass a Certain level before advancing to the next? Or everyone can Play any level at his/her Convenience?
Great question,
Every In-game character is an NFT asset that can be upgraded/customized using gemstones, in-game virtual currency, and our native $GFTS token. The currency and $GFTS will be used to customize and upgrade the characters. Atrifacts will be NFTs that players can collect just by playing the single player mode, these artifcats can be combined to create a new and rare NFT which can be used to grant limited time boost to your character or can be traded on our NFT marketplace.
Other notable features incorporate a guilds system and a multiplayer PVP mode where players test their skills against others and earn in-game rewards. Upgrading your character will grant an advantage over other players, making it slightly easier to clear levels.
Our users will be able to feature their NFTs/crypto related content on the static banner ads spaces placed on the side of buildings and bridges within the game. There will also be a NFT leasing system where players can lease out their NFT characters to 3rd parties via smart contracts.
Also its an endless runner game, the levels will become harder to clear as you progress and advance on them with harder to kill enemies
Pavel P
Do the players need to buy any NFT or basic hero to start playing?
Yes they will have to, but the cost will be kept at minimum to avoid high barrier of entry. At the end of the day those NFTs will be upgradeable and will become more valuable as you upgrade them to hight levels. And we may airdrop playable NFT characters to our initial users so make sure to follow our social media for the announcements
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
How many levels can the NFT’s be upgraded to?
Pavel P
Satoshiclubbers, please take notes as this is a very attractive game model to play!
This is something our developers are still working on, we only started developing the game around 3 months ago and will launch the game to community for testing before releasing it with the in-game economy. We will adopt and improve based on the community feedback.
We are testing few upgrading models to see which one will be best suited for our gameplay style
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Taking the community along is very Relevant..
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your Answers
exactly but the time between test product and Demo version will only be few weeks
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
our community happiness is our only benchmark for success
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
I’m sure that will be an interesting week for your community as they will get to test the products to get all their needed functionalities working well
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Ready to proceed to next question?
yes please
Pavel P
Q2 from Telegram user @NataliyaKil
I learned that earlier on the GoFungibles platform, we could meet several functions for NFTs: Fractionated NFTs, Collateralised NFT loans, NFT Leasing, NFT Farming and Staking, Cross-chain NFT Bridge, and Artist Donations. Can you describe the highlights of each of these features? Has anything changed after renaming GoFungibles to Metarun? Thank you.
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
I will keep it short and sweet so that it’s easy to understand. Yes, that is correct. Our team is working tirelessly to achieve everything mentioned in the whitepaper. We will develop these features in-house and also partner with other projects that offer similar features to launch them on our platform sooner rather than later.
Highlights of these features are as follows:
– NFT leasing – Lease your In-game NFTs at a fixed price or receive a portion of revenue % earned by your NFT characters. Art NFTs can also be leased out which can be used in Different metaverses for showcasing.
– NFT lending- Use your NFT as collateral to take a loan from our NFT lending protocol. DAO decides which NFTs will be eligible for Lending.
– NFT Staking and farming – METARUN brings additional liquidity to NFT assets by enabling users to stake their valuable NFTs while farming platform tokens and rare NFTs.
– Cross-chain NFT bridge – Bridge your NFT across different chains to access wider markets and liquidity. Our First-off its kind NFT bridge reduces the bridging costs by 10x.
– Fractionalized NFTs – This is achieved by enabling owners to split their ERC721 token, generally known as NFT, into ERC 20 Tokens or Fungibles tokens. NFT is locked into a smart contract, and the fractionalized sections of that NFT can then be traded on our in-house NFT marketplace
Pavel P
Is Metarun DAO already created and functional?
No it will be something that is on ur roadmap for the future as part of the expansion plan
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Do the NFT owners get the privilege of deciding how much % they get for leased NFT’s?
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Talking about the % of revenue Earned by the NFT characters
it will depend on the value of the NFT and the level they have been upgraded to, and we as a platform will set this percentage into a smart contract
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your great answers
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Ready for next question?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
sure go for it
Pavel P
Q3 from Telegram user @Anne_Tim
While exploring Metarun’s Marketplace we can see that its main goal is to empower users to leverage NFT tokens on the platform and give creators, collectors, and investors an easy way to gain ownership of digital assets in a new DeFi market. Metarun aims to expand DeFi functionalities to offer NFT-collateralized lending and other financial instruments that underwrite NFTs. When you talk about the PROs please also share the conditions set to create NFTs, taxes applies for buying, selling or fragmental ownership of NFTs. What is the starting price for NFTs placed on your Marketplace? Thanks!
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
We are launching on polygon and will be offering free minting initially alongside a lazy minting option on Ethereum to avoid high gas fees. We as a platform will charge a low fixed percentage on each transaction which can even be reduced if the $GFTS is used as a payment method.
Owners will be able to set their own starting price for newly minted NFTs and any royalties they wish to obtain from the future sales of their NFTs.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
It’s important to know that the owners will have the privilege to decode on the starting price and royalties
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Let’s proceed to next question?
Yes and we will take necessary steps to onboard and encourage new artists to create NFTs on out platform by offering “No platform fee” for a period of time
yes please
Pavel P
Q4 From Telegram User @Cheriemike
Concerning your tokens $GFTS and $GT,you mention that $GT is a virtual currency that may be used for a variety of reasons within the game.So can we get to know the variety of reasons players can use the $GT currency for?You also said $GT can be swapped for $GFTS,will users have to pay a kind of fee as they swap each token?$GFTS can be staked to compete with other players in multiplayer mode,so can we get to know the exact amount to stake before players can compete with co-players?Since your IDO is around the corner will both token be released in your IDO or will it just be one?Will it also be possible that Players can earn $GT when they stake $GFTS?Please explain Thanks
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
GT is just in-game virtual currency, not a token. It will be used to customize your character and will be swappable with $GFTS using price-oracles. Like mentioned above. Initially, we will launch the game without an in-game economy while we gather feedback from the community and finalize the numbers to create a future-proof in-game token and NFT economy. A small amount of $GFTS will be required for participating in Multiplayer PVP mode as initial match fees. A reward pool will be created for each match from that fee.
Here are some of the $GFTS token utility in the game:
Runners can gain an advantage over other players by upgrading their characters with $GFTS
$GFTS is utilized to acquire gemstones, applied for temporary power boosts and character customizations.
Spend $GFTS to acquire ad spaces on in-game map assets.
Participate in multiplayer PVP mode with $GFTS and maximize in-game rewards.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Can you share with us the tokenomics of $GFTS
We will launch staking/farming using $GFTS after IDO and TGE


Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for sharing
Here is vesting schedule aswell and our intial Marketcap is just $479,200
Pavel P
There’s a place for growing left!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Exactly… There’s room for tremendous growth
Yes and our future plans are pretty big too, we are creating this Multivers/metaverse, details will be announced after the launch of METARUN
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Btw at what ratio will GT be swapped for $GFTS?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Stay tuned boys for all the announcements
Again that’s something we are still working on and testing few possibilities . First we are focused to launch the game to community for testing with marketplace on polygon so our Investors and users know that we can deliver and not just a project on whitepaper
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your great answers
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Ready for next question?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Yes lets gooooo
Pavel P
Q5 From Telegram User @iceVermithraxx
Ethereum Gas fee is an ongoing issue plaguing the NFT ecosystem and it sometimes cost artists more to list their NFT than the assets hence discouraging the talented artists from listing their art on an NFT Marketplace, I understand that in order to combat this issue, GoFungibles introduced “Lazy Mining” also known as “mint in time”. Can you elaborate on the Lazy Minting and its features? what are the requirements for users to access and use the “Lazy minting” and its full features? Can you also explain on how lazy minting aims to solve the ongoing issues of High gas fees on Ethereum network? how would the “Lazy Minting” in GoFungibles work to reduce cost of Artists listing NFT on an NFT marketplace?
Yes exactly as we know that gas fees on Ethereum are crazy right now and untill we have Ethereum 2.0 with POS , we will have to use features such Lazy minting to avoid those fees. Lazy minting is a feature that allows artists to list their NFTs and mint only if the NFT is sold. Even then the cost of minting can be entirely on buyer. This is done to promote new and upcoming artists so they dont get scared of high barrier of Entry on Ethereum.
Even then we will encourage our users to utilize polygon and benefit from extremely low or even free gas fees option, and if they want to port their NFT on Ethereum Mainnet for any reason, they will be able to using our NFT bridge.
Pavel P
So, everything done to decrease users’ charges!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
But in this scenario will the minting fees not be expensive for the buyer?
Yes that is the plan we have.
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Everything done to give everyone a chance to show their talents and reach out to the world
Pavel P
That’s the driving power, I see!
Yes that is true and that is the reason we will encourage sellers to use polygon as it also supports ERC 721 token standard
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Great this will be their choice then..
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your superb answers
it was a pleasure, your community is super amazing and informative and i like that very much
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Thank you for making the right questions asked and thanks for the great community knowledge about the current status of crypro ecosystem
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your compliment… They are indeed amazing
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
We have the last question for this part knocking on the door
Pavel P
Let’s move to the last question of part 1!
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Shoot it..
yes please
Pavel P
Q6 From Telegram User @Highpee
The total supply of GFTS token is 1 Billion, but you said your token is designed with a conditional decentralized minting option. This implies that the team can invoke the smart contract for additional token minting when some set of conditions are triggered. Can you explain the situations that may result in minting additional tokens and how you will ensure that embarking on extra token minting will not impact on your token price? And since you call this a conditional decentralized minting, how is the decision to mint extra tokens arrived at and how will you ensure that this will not be abused to expose other token holders to risk of exploits and hacks?
We initially decided to include this as our ecosystem will be expanding, and $GFTS will be used in the game and marketplace aswell. We also plan to launch more games with $GFTS token and there could be a need for more tokens if the supply is running low as there will also be a burning mechanism to keep the ecosystem healthy.
however this minting will only be utilized to refill the ecosystem fund and reward pools. This minter will be utilized via smart contracts where supply can only be utilized for the benefit of the platform and community and no supply will ever be granted to the team or anyone else. we have fixed supply for team and other portions of the project.
This minter functionality is being tested and worked on , and we will have a community vote before actually implementing it, and if the need is not there, then we will not utilize this feature.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
There is quite a lot to look forward to in Metarun
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Thank you for providing us with great answers to our questions
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Our community members have Great questions for you and they are very eager to ask you directly..
yes lets go
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
In this part you will select 10 amongst the many great questions to answer..
Pavel P
This is going to be a FIRE!
Pavel P
Please wait till we close the chat back before answering! 120 seconds given to our community to ask their questions.
Jonah 🏅🎹 | Satoshi Club
Opening chat now..
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @Crypto_84
I Read that the IDO round is going to start from January 11th,
What is the Whitelisting process & how can anyone join it?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
The IDOs will be done most probably the 24 and the 25th of january we wanted to take the extra time to manage to best of our abilities the marketing activities with the community and the launchpads. Please stay tuned for all the announcements on our twiiter chamel and telegram
Q2 from Telegram user @Silica432
I Found that The Main Token of the METARUN Is the $GFTS TOKEN , Will you please brief me Some of the Prime Uses and Utilities of the $GFTS TOKEN and How Can User get this token ?

Here is some of the initial token utility which will expand and improve over time, TGE is yet to happen but we will be conducting the IDOs soon on GameFI, Redkite, Moonstarter, Scalwswap, Oxbull, Gamestarter
Q3 from Telegram user @Ble73
I Found that the GOFUNGIBLES has Announced the Closure of its $4M Private Fundraising Round , Will You please talk More about the FUNDRAISING ROUND and WHo were the Key Investors of this FUNDRAISING ROUND ?

Our backers and investors
Q4 from Telegram user @Tommy_UK
As Metarun has received an Ecosystem grant from polygon, how will this grant from polygon help the Ecosystem?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Having the polygon team back us up will increase the sucess of the project minimazing the errors and bugs in the code. Having their support means a lot for the future implementations of features and expansion plans
Q5 from Telegram user @munishgmr
As Metaverse ecosystem is really Growing Bigger with time, Was this the reason You rebranded the Project name & used “META” into it?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
METARUN is onlz a steping stone in a project expansion plan we are planing for the future . The game will be one of many games avaiable on our platform for the user to interact with having the possibility to use their own NFT assets in all of the games involved in our METAVERSE
Q6 from Telegram user @alicandogan9
What is your focus for Metarun game, is it just to make money on the game or is it player-oriented and to give players a good gaming experience with Metarun? Will your main target audience be amateurs or professionals?
it will be player oriented and for that we are partnering with major E-sports organizations and influencers with over 2 million followers each to promote our game to crypto and non crypto gamers. Endless is popular with both amateurs and professionals and METARUN will also have leaderboard system
Q7 from Telegram user @Kabirkapoor9
When will Metarun reveal its Strategic Partners? Is there any plan you guys have scheduled for this purpose?
We already have started revealing our backers and partners, you can find more info about them on https://twitter.com/MetarunGame
Q8 from Telegram user @iam12312
In Traditional gaming there is a Game ” Temple run”,
How is Metarun Different from that game?
What benefits users will have for playing this game?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
Having the gaming blockchain ecosystem saturated with auto battlers and space explorers we wanted to add a game where actual skills are necesary to obtain a high level of character levels adding to the addictivity of this simple concept I am sure everyone will want to give it a shot
Q9 from Telegram user @cryptorocks_12
Does Players Can Expect to See the MOBILE VERSION Of the METARUN game ? Do you have any Plan to Introuduce it on the APP STORE and GOOGLE PLAY STORE ?
Our game is a mobile game, initially will be launched as an APK file for android then launched on google playstore and apple store at a later date
Q10 from Telegram user @isabella_blackk
What are your plans so that players do not get bored with Metarun game, do you plan to organize global events in Metarun game and airdrop events where players can meet their material, moral, economic and entertainment needs?
Matija Rosovic | Gofungibles.com
The multiplayer system and guilds integration will make sure that we keep a high lele of involvment and lets not forget its a play to earn economy only the best will receive the best rewards
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/
Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
Telegram –https://t.me/metarungame
Medium –https://metarungame.medium.com/
WebSite – https://gofungibles.com/