Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Meta Stake Finance and our guest was . The AMA took place on the 18th of January.
The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of $500
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&WebSite
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Hello Satoshi Club community ! We are pleased to announce today AMA with Meta Stake Finance
Pavel P
Hello everyone and Welcome to Satoshi Club!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Today our special guests from Meta Stake Finance is @febrianswita
Febriam Swita
Hello everyone.Nice to be here
Thank you for having us
Pavel P
@febrianswita, Glad to see you here today!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Welcome to Satoshi Club! Febriam Swita !
Pavel P
How are you doing?
Febriam Swita
I am doing alright
I trust you are fine also?
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Yes, we are great and so excited to do AMA with Meta Stake Finance
Pavel P
Absolutely! We’re excited to see you here!
Pavel P
Let’s start our AMA!
Febriam Swita
Let’s go
Pavel P
Could you introduce yourself, how you got into crypto and especially Meta Stake Finance.
Febriam Swita
My name is Febriam Swita, i am the Founder of Meta Stake Finance.
I have a tech background as a software engineer. I ventured into crypto in 2019 working for various blockchain projects as a full stack engineer.
The idea of Meta Stake Finance is one that i have had for a while since the Defi craze in 2020 but not until mid last year did development start and here we are today still working on ensuring it is better fulfilled.
Robocop | Satoshi Club
By the way, can you introduce to us what is Meta Stake Finance ?
Robocop | Satoshi Club
@febrianswita Hello?
Febriam Swita
For me i love to look at Meta Stake Finance as one of my babies
You might not understand so i will explain it to you in details
Meta Stake Finance is a decentralized finance ecosystem that brings together in one place yield farming pools that allow participants to earn rewards in the platform native token, $META.
The main product of Meta Stake Finance is our Staking pools and we have developed them to cut across a variety of tokens so that participants will not have to use different defi platforms all in a bid to get staking rewards on a particular token
We have all the tokens you can think of for staking and you earn rewards for doing so.
In addition our pools have been fully audited to be safe by Techrate
You can look at the full audit details here
$META is the native token of the the Meta Stake Finance ecosystem, it is a low supply token of 500 with an anti whale mechanism put in place.
Take a look at the contract
Also our pools have been built in a way that it provides value to $META token, we have put in a 5% deposit fee on non-Meta staking pools, these fees is used to provide liquidity for $META thereby increasing it liquidity and value in the long-term.
There is a lot of information about us that has been put out already, you can look through our website
Or check out articles
Febriam Swita
Still here Buddy
Pavel P
WOW! I get this attitude!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Haha ok, im afraid with Telegram issue like yesterday which user can’t connect
Pavel P
Besides you, how many people are working on Meta Stake Finance?
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the great introduction , its so detail here
Febriam Swita
Currently we are 10 on the team
Pavel P
And I guess, everyone treats the project as baby
Meaning users will definitely see a great output finally!
Febriam Swita
Certainly, just like i said earlier, we started working on it since mid last year.
Everyone who has come board put their hearts and skill set into it
Pavel P
Thank you for the introduction! Let’s see Meta Stake Finance in details with the questions from our community
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you Febriam Swita, let’s continue to 6 community question from part 1 ?
Febriam Swita
Great, ready when you are
Pavel P
Q1 from Telegram user @Highpee
Your token will be launched on Pancakeswap with no presale, private sale and public sale event. Can you explain why you prefer to have this sale format and the exact day/time that you plan to launch? Also, it is said that your initial total supply will start with 500 but your token is inflationary and will have unlimited supply. Can you explain why you prefer an unlimited supply? How many $META will be available initially on Pancakeswap during fair launch and at what inflation rate will new tokens be minted? Also, how do you plan to keep token value healthy with this inflationary token style?
Febriam Swita
Nice question here, let answer it in details
The native token of Meta Stake Finance is called $META, it is the basis of all the rewards within the Meta Stake Finance ecosystem.
We have decided to launch with no presale, private sale or public sale event because we want to put out a fair system where everyone and anyone can get to owe it at an equal level and opportunity.
Therefore the total initial supply will be added as liquidity during our Stealth Launch process on Thursday.
Also about an unlimited supply preference, we decided at that because $META will be used as a reward system for those who participate in our farming pools
So if you have participate in any of our farming pools, you earn $META as reward, this rewards comes from inflatory system put in place.
At the same time, we also have a mechanism of burning $META token and boosting it value, the fees gotten when staked is used to add liquidity.
This two way system will help balance things up and in the long run make $META more valuable.
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thanks for the detail answer, can you share the Tokenomics $META to us ?
Febriam Swita
$META has a total initial supply of 500
We intend to put all of this as liquidity during the Stealth Launch process.
Our contract is here
Febriam Swita
I must add also that we have an anti whale mechanism in place too.
Robocop | Satoshi Club
For burning mechanism, can you explain how much % token will be burn and what event will cause the burn ?
Febriam Swita
The fee, 60% automatically buys more $Meta token and sends to a burn address
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you its clear answer , let’s continue to next question ?
Febriam Swita
Yes we can
Pavel P
Q2 from Telegram user @Cheriemike
Your platform is made up of various staking pools that enables users to farm various crypto options and earn passive income with APY offerings on each pools.So can you tell us the condition surrounding your staking pools?Since your protocol allows for single token staking,what will be the maximum/minimum amount of various crypto options users can stake?For example in your staking charts,suppose a user will want to stake $ETH or $DAI what will be the least/high amount to stake to earn $META?And will the APY users are to receive be equivalent to how much they stake or is the % of your APY fixed?Please explain Thanks
Febriam Swita
Yes we have various staking pools with the Meta Stake Finance ecosystem, this pools allow various tokens to be staked for different APY offering on each pool.
No two pools have the same APY offering.
Also, there are no maximum or minimum amount of tokens that can be staked on each pools.
The only conditions is that we charge a 5% deposit fee on non-$META pools.These fees is what is used to automatically add liquidity to $META token.
The APY calculation is based on the mechanism we have put in place, it involves many factors such as number of participants in pools, time of staking etc.
But the main point is that we allow it to be profitable to participants while keeping value for $META token.
Pavel P
Are there a minimum period for staking applied?
Febriam Swita
When pools are open you can stake at any time but rewards are not given immediately but until after 5days, this will reduce sell pressure over time
Pavel P
Agree! Ready to proceed to the question nr. 3?
Febriam Swita
Pavel P
Q3 from Telegram user @Anne_Tim
From the visual point of view, Meta Finance’s website uses the same fonts, signs and logos as PancakeSwap. Does it mean that the project is created and developed by the same enthusiasts? If so, what advantages will it bring for those who use PancakeSwap and Meta Finance at once? Will we finally see one integrated into another to simplify the access and decrease waiting time when performing crypto operations? Thank you!
Febriam Swita
Okay, never expected this question though
About the visual point of view, we just needed something simple and easy to navigate, it isn’t the same team at PancakeSwap building Meta Stake Finance.
The only relationship is that, $META token will be launched and actively traded on PancakeSwap
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Do we already possible to trade $META token? when is it? also can you share the roadmap from Meta Stake Finance?
Febriam Swita
$META isn’t currently tradable
Our Stealth Launch will take place on Thursday
While on Saturday, our Staking pools will be open
Pavel P
Just in 2 days! A great opportunity for Satoshiclubbers to join!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for the answer, do you want to add anything else or we can go to 4th question?
Febriam Swita
Non for now
Pavel P
Q4 from Telegram user @victorogb
I understand that Meta Stake Finance has planned a Stealth Launch of its Token this week amongst many other events. Can you briefly explain how this will work, will this launch be like a normal IDO event or will it be quite different? Also, in direct relation to this event as identified, I am particularly interested in your list of early investors, collaborators and partners; what sort of franchise and projects have deep and committed partnerships with Meta Stake Finance, and what sort of benefits will this partners and investors have on Meta Stake as a project and its community at large and may we know your efforts at forming future alliances with projects?
Febriam Swita
Yes, we are planning at Stealth Launch of $META token on Thursday on PancakeSwap exchange.
We will be adding the total initial supply as liquidity and open $META token to be available for trading by everyone.
On Saturday, we will launch also our Staking pools also to allow participants stake in any of our pools to earn $META token as rewards based on the APY offering of each pools.
We have whole lot of planned marketing activities that will draw more participants to our ecosystem, there are also planned partnerships with some top community to help push Meta Stake Finance to mainstream.
All these activities will benefits early adopters.
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Don’t miss this opportunity Satoshi Clubber!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Can you share about partnership ? how about current partner ?
Febriam Swita
We will do when it is fully materialise
Pavel P
Got it! Let’s see the 5th question then.
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Got it , okay then lets continue to next question?
Pavel P
Q5 from Telegram user @Ecmq10
Hello Meta Stake team. You announced the launch of a referral program, where users will have the opportunity to earn META tokens as a reward for bringing new users to the META Stake ecosystem. How many referrals must we have at least to receive these rewards? How many META tokens will each user receive when referring friends? The airdrop will have a pool of $30,000 in META tokens, will that entire pool be for the referral program? Besides this program, is there any other giveaway or airdrop where the community can participate? Thank you!
Febriam Swita
The airdrop event is will be shared randomly but the top 20 referrers will get $250 worth of $META each
Pavel P
Could you also share your social network links with our community
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Beside get reward for top 20 refferers, are there any other benefit for having refferal ?
Febriam Swita
You will earn a little bit of reward in $META token
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for your answer, before we go to last question, please share the social network link from Meta Stake Finance
Febriam Swita
Febriam Swita
Twitter: www.twitter.com/MetaStakeFi
Telegram : www.twitter.com/MetaStakeFi
Ann channel: https://t.me/MetaStakeFinanceANN
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you for sharing, lets continue to last question from part 1
Pavel P
Q6 from Telegram user @Emnking
I’m aware that Meta Stake Finance is audited by TechRate. While going through the audit report, I discovered that there is no major security issues expe//rienced. This is really amazing and proves that security of Meta Stake Finance protocol is commendable. But while going through the concluding aspect of the report, I noticed that TechRate categorically stated that the Liquidity Locking Details is not provided by the team. Was this a move you decided to take as a team not to disclose details about liquidity locking or something else? Please, can you share details about your locked liquidity?
Febriam Swita
We are fully audited by Techrate
You can look through the audit information here
We didn’t provide liquidity lock information because at that time, we didn’t have $META listed
We will be locking liquidity immediately we launch on Thursday Stealth Launch.
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you, security is number one
Pavel P
Thank you for your great answers during this 1st part of our AMA! Let’s proceed to the most exciting part – LIVE questions!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Thank you Febriam Swita, it has been an amazing time in this first part of the AMA.
Is time to proceed with the second part, the live segment, are you ready?
Pavel P
We will open chat for 120 seconds for a wave of questions to come. When the chat is closed back please choose 10 questions to answer
Febriam Swita
Robocop | Satoshi Club
@febrianswita we will open chat for 2 minutes and then chat will be closed
You can start select 10 best questions !
Febriam Swita
I am ready
Pavel P
Let’s ROCK!
Robocop | Satoshi Club
Chat will be open in 3
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @Sulyvahn_DS
You have a Time lock on Reward why did you choose to do so and how much is this time lock ?
Febriam Swita
Time lock on reward will help reduce sell pressure from those who want to sell always, by implementing time lock on rewards, we keep the value of $META token up.
Q2 from Telegram user @Antonio287
After Facebook changed its name to “META”,
Many Crypto projects have emerged & their name is starting with the Meta?
What could be the reason?
Febriam Swita
For now we are just focused on Staking pools.As we move forward with development, we will bring in more products and these will be related to Metaverse Games
Q3 from Telegram user @Sulekh1979
I Wants to ask you that What Fees is Charged for the following :
1.All Meta farm and staking pools
2.For all non META farm and staking pools ?
Febriam Swita
For non-Meta pools there is a charge of 5% while $META realated pools have zero charges
Q4 from Telegram user @cindy0666
What exchange will $META launch on? Will there be a pre-sale, private sale, or general sale?
Febriam Swita
No presale, we will have a Stealth Launch process where all the initial total supply is added as liquidity
Q5 from Telegram user @Ratash97
What are the various crypto options your farms has to offer ?
Febriam Swita
Look through these and you will find the various options for staking within our pools
Q6 from Telegram user @Khalinai
Q.1-Increasing Token price 2- make Token Valuable 3-Building Community Trust From 3 aspects above,. I want to ask,. Which one the most important for you?? If all above are important for you,. Which one that Will you do first??
Febriam Swita
All of the above but most importantly building the community because Community will make all others a reality
Q7 from Telegram user @Khalinai
How many team members do you have? Do they have enough experience in the blockchain field? Do they have any experience on working in crypto and non-crypto project?
Febriam Swita
We have 10 members on our team currently with experience spanning more than 3 years
Q8 from Telegram user @atharv_989
I See that 5% is charged on deposit for every non-Meta farm & Staking Pools.Where is this fee used?
Febriam Swita
The fee is automatically used to buy more Meta token and sending it to a burn address. This will increase liquidity for $META and make it more valuable
Q9 from Telegram user @munishgmr
As token is planned to be listed on pancakeswap,
When will be it available to buy the tokens? Is there any other way to get the tokens?
Febriam Swita
On Thursday
Q10 from Telegram user @Tavasya23
Meta Stake Finance is built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) , Would You Explain in Brief Why You Choose the BSC CHAIN Intially and Do META STAKE Finance Is MULTI CHAIN COMPATIBLE ?
Febriam Swita
As part of our development, we will have multiple chains but for now we are Launching on Binance Smart Chain
Part 3 – Quiz Results
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.
For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub/
Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners:
Telegram –https://t.me/MetaStakeFinance
Twitter- www.twitter.com/MetaStakeFi