Hello, Satoshi clubbers Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from Jigstack and our guest was Roby Weir – COO of Jigstack and Charles Robinson – an Ethereum developer and Hedera Hashgraph developer also a conference speaker I’ve been involved with 20 ledger projects. The AMA took place on 22 March.
The total reward pool was 1000$ and has been split into 3 parts.
In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Website
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
Hi there, dear community! 😊 We are pleased to
announce our AMA with Jigstack🍋
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
Today our guests are @RobyGu and @crobinsonoc!
Andrés M. | Satoshi
Hello dear community😁
Andrés M. | Satoshi
We are glad to have you here today @RobyGu and @crobinsonoc welcome to Satoshi
Roby Weir:
Great to be here 😊
Charles Robinson:
Hey Satoshi how you all doing?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
Thanks for joining @RobyGu and @crobinsonoc!🍋
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
We are very excited about the upcoming AMA😁
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
To begin with, please tell us a few words about yourselves and how did you get
to be involved in crypto & Jigstack?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
Please make a small intro about yourself and the project 😉🍋
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
We are great, how about you?😃
Charles Robinson:
I have been involved in Crypto for six years I am a Ethereum developer and
Hedera Hashgraph developer also a conference speaker I’ve been involved with 20
ledger projects I am also an investor. When I was approached by Jigstack to
join the team doing business development I did my research and found that the
team members’ experience in crypto are second-to-none also the vision for
decentralized finance it’s close to my heart. So here we are!
Roby Weir:
I am Roby Weir the COO of Jigstack. My background over the last 10 years has
been developing start-ups in the digital space from the ground up. These have
either been companies I have owned or projects I have invested in. The
E-commerce space is where I have spent most of my time however I have had a
growing interest in blockchain over the last few years and once we came up with
the idea of jigstack I put my hand up to take control of the operations as Defi
and the concept of DAO governance was so appealing to me. Since starting I have
built a strong team around me, and everyone is bringing value from both
traditional tech backgrounds as well as seasoned blockchain/crypto backgrounds.
Exciting times
Charles Robinson:
Q1: benefits of holding the Jigstack token
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
So, there is a partnership between Hedera and Jigstack, right?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
great background guys! nice to meet a colleague – accountant at the AMA btw 😁
Yes! more about this, please!
Charles Robinson:
A1: the STAK token, soon to be launched will be a governance token for our
Ecosystem. It will earn other stack tokens as well as interest based upon user
allocations and possessing the token will directly affect a users ability to
vote on our soon to be announced features for the future. Users earn 80% of our
1% commission for all transactions that execute on the platform for all of our
products. Lemonade is first and we are launching STAK on lemonade followed by
STAK Bank, and our wallet. Did I mention Gallery our up-and-coming NFT solution
on Lemonade? For all of these products, their use generates revenue that is
allocated back to our governance token the STAK
FYI our White Paper will be a living document we are publishing the official version very soon. Please refer to it frequently as we will be keeping it current with all the latest tech and vision on where we are headed. Think of the white paper as our guiding light
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Of course, we will be expecting for it
Charles Robinson:
Yes sir
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Could you tell us more about STAK bank?
Charles Robinson:
But many these day short cut the WP
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Btw, maybe you can share parts of the WP with us through the AMA😁
Charles Robinson:
A little later this week
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Bitcoin white paper 9 pages if I’m not mistaken 😉
Charles Robinson:
Yes but 13 years ago you’ve come a long way baby!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
😁 indeed… much has changed since then 🚀
Charles Robinson:
STAK bank will be used for all the latest DeFi features plus some new ones
thrown into the mix. Interest, earning STAK, flash loans, what else would you
like to see? Synths? We are looking for your ideas here so please post and keep
in touch with us
We are exploring JIGBridge which will be a low-cost interchain alternative to swapping and much faster and cheaper. Send me your thoughts.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Yes community, let’s send Charles your amazing ideas 🥳
Well, are you ready for the first question of this part of the AMA? Or do you want to add something?😃
Charles Robinson:
I think we are ready
Q1 from Telegram User @yellowchamp
Jigstack embodies the real vision of DeFi which is decentralized finance for the people by the people in which you are Open Source, Transparent and Custodial. Generally,how will your platform applied or implement these 3 components in your platform as an open-source, transparent and custodial? As Jigstack embody the real vision of Defi,how will you get in touch with people and how will you value the opinion and suggestions of the people especially your community members ? How will you give importance to clients and users in Jigstack? Thank you
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thank! The intro was great👏
Charles Robinson:
Our users are family. Number one priority And that is why we take your
financial interest in us very seriously. We are very security focused also we
are very ease-of-use focused. We want your grandmother to be able to use Crypto
and understand the advanced features of defi which re made intuitive. We say we
defy the confusion of Defi.
As far as open source our Smart Contracts will be open source. Let us know what you’d like to see as far as the driver code for the UA, etc.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
it means that you are adherents of mass adoption😁
Charles Robinson:
As far as transparency out users will have voting rights and our DAO will be
state-of/the art. We are working with some of the best minds in decentralized
governance in the industry. Remember our white paper is the highest goal that
will be shooting for and as we develop the software we will be at every stoep
moving towards that vision that is on paper.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Btw, Jigstack has the tittle of “The DAO of DeFi”, how did you become to that?
Charles Robinson:
As far as custody, we are non-custodial but we want our code to be bulletproof.
Remember trust in crypto is paramount. But truth trumps trust. We want our
systems to represent not only trust for all parties but also to represent the
truth of what’s happening in our ecosystem for all users to be able to
rest-assured that Jigstack operates at the highest levels of these guiding
principles and is fast and fair for all.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
How about security? Are you planning an audit of smart contracts? If so, have
you already chosen who will do it?
Charles Robinson:
Yes we have already had an SC audit. CyberUnit is our auditor and they have
done an amazing job. They did find some items as expected but we have already
remedied those issues.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Thanks for the answer! If you want, you can share the audit results with Satoshi Clubbers👍
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great work, that will increase the user trust
Charles Robinson:
Sure these are the heavy hitters on your site? Sounds like I need to get into that
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
Thanks again! Ready for the next question?
Charles Robinson:
Yes, I’ll be handling part 2
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
@AndresM77 shoot please😁🚀
Q2 from Telegram User @Pratze
Can u pls tell me what are the benefit and advantages by holding Jigstack token for longterm? Also how we able to use your token in your platform? Is it possible to stake and farm it?
Charles Robinson:
The STAK Token, soon to be launched will be a governance token for our
ecosystem. STAK will earn other STAK tokens as well as interest based upon user
allocations and possession of the token will directly affect a users ability to
vote on our soon-to-be announced features for the future. Users earn 80% of our
1% commission for all transactions that execute on the platform for all of our
products. Lemonade, our token launch pad is the first and we are launching STAK
on lemonade followed with STAK Bank. In parallel development I need to mention
“The Gallery” our upcoming NFT solution for Lemonade. For all these products
the community use generates revenue that is allocated back to our governance
token the STAK
We are looking at yield farming very carefully
Andrés M. | Satoshi
Thank you for this clear answer, let’s proceed with the next question if you
Charles Robinson:
For sure.
Q3 from Telegram User @garrinepotter
Viral Looping Marketing is what you offer us instead of MLM. VLM concept will be presented in the ETHlink tool. Tell us about your approach to advertising and how difficult it will be to use ETHlink
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
It seems to have been in your article on Medium.
Correct me if I am wrong
Charles Robinson:
ETH link will be closely integrated to lemonade. Viral Loop Marketing is
Affiliate Martketing on steroids think if you are launching a token campaign
and immediately creating marketing links and when they’re clicked that you’re
going to be getting credit back. Youtubers are you ready to make alot of $?
Viral loop is something that feeds upon itself and grows upon itself. Also, All
Jigstack products will have the same look and feel so when you learn one you’ll
be able to easily dive into the others.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
Your position is clear! thanks for the answer😊👍
Charles Robinson:
You’re welcome
Andrés M. | Satoshi
@crobinsonoc is there any approximated date for the launch of the website?
Charles Robinson:
Jigstack.org has been launched. Our public sale is early April FYI. Get on the ship. Exact date being announced SOON.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Thank you so much for the clarification
Charles Robinson:
Of course.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
Look forward to! and you are most likely waiting for the next question 😉
Charles Robinson:
Lots of global energy here
Q4 from Telegram User @lzamg
All the products of Jigstack are based on five commandments: they need to be trusted, secure, faster, easier and cheaper. But as we all know, Ethereum is not the faster or cheaper option right now, so how will you tackle this issue? Doesn’t this affect the Jigstack project, since it is about Ethereum assets and protocols?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club:
We live in incredible times! 😉
Charles Robinson:
Yes we do
A4: We are very much in-tune with Ethereum gas costs and system performance. We are going to be launching on Polyton to help solve this issue for those users that want to use Polygon and still keep ETH at the center. Also, we are going to be launching and using HTS to mint our users tokens launched on Lemonade/Hedera Hashgraph. We are exploring Polka Foundy and Substrate as well as an Avalanche grant. So stay tuned watch the white paper we want our products to have the same look and feel on each platform that we launch on.
And WHAT if users on one platform could see their tokens on another platform through JigBridge? We could display a comprehensive dashboard of all Defi token placements and value. Unofficial. Just an idea guys we want your input.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
This is an incredible idea!
Charles Robinson:
Ledgers must be able to talk with one another. Not just for those launched on
Substrate for example. And users shouldn’t have to swap. I am all for Atomic
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Great feature, would be great to see that
Charles Robinson:
Thanks we if we can envision it we can do it.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
So that’s is part of your current roadmap? Could you share it with us?
Charles Robinson:
White Paper will have the high level roadmap. But to answer your question;
Lemonade, STAKBank, Gallery, wallet, ETHLink, JigBridge. Santa Card Gifting
program also coming to intro new people to crypto by sending them say 25.00 of
ETH (or maybe STAK). Also we will be able to do custom logic/Smart Contract
development on Lemonade through JigLabs. And don’t forget ICORatings.com our
new Lemonade token launch “worthiness” evaluation and rating tool. 30,000
subscribers. Finally we will be activating our DAO in the future with advanced
governance and features.
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Wow, a big ecosystem is coming😁
When do we get to see website for lemonade?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
And we are striding by leaps and bounds to the next question😉
Charles Robinson:
First part of April at the public sale launch
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Thank you, we will be waiting for the official announcement💪
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Yes, @crobinsonoc ready to proceed?
Charles Robinson:
Q5 from Telegram User @konditer_rolex
By purchasing the site icorating.com you got a huge database of users. Tens of thousands of subscribers in social networks, email addresses … If I’m not mistaken, you own the site for a month now. What have you changed on the site? Name, design, added some tools? Is there a decrease in traffic on the site from the moment it goes into your hands?
Charles Robinson:
We are keeping the same purpose for the site. However, we will be directly
integrating it with lemonade. All token launches will have mention in ICO Ratings.
We’re also using the valuable project launch criterion and ratings that they
used plus we’re adding additional rules of thumb to not only select the right
and best products to launch on Lemonade but also to rank all the projects along
with all the other projects in the cryptosphere. I am heading up that effort.
Continue to expect the best industry coverage as well.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
Thank you very much for the answer!
Everything is clear to me! @AndresM77 If you have no further questions, we can move on.
Charles Robinson:
Sure, my pleasure
Andrés M. | Satoshi
So clear answer, let’s proceed with our last question of this part of the AMA
Q6 from Telegram User @ninoska0012
Jigstack’s Lemonade technical prowess and the reputation of the ICOrating platform create a powerful combination. Transforming the token launch pad industry forever is not an easy task, however this acquisition confirms the demand for transparency in this industry. As Jigstack is rolling out its DeFi protocols on multiple blockchains, will ICOrating migrate to Jigstack’s Lemonade?
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
Partially covered I think.
Charles Robinson:
ICORatings will still be impartial as we can make it. FYI. It is a separate
platform but will be intergtated into Lemonade but still exist. The rolling out
to many ledgers will take time I know you all understand. So, Etherium is our
priority followed by Polygon and Hedera equally and building on Substrate and
AVA as well.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi
absolutely right 😃 there is still a lot
to work on
Charles Robinson:
@RobyGu did I get that right?
Roby Weir:
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:
You have a great team behind the project, our best wishes to achieve your targets for this year💪
Charles Robinson:
Thanks! @AndresM77
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram user @konditer_rolex
You claim that Lemonade is the cheapest token launch platform on the market. Tell us why you got such an edge over the competition. Are you just dumping prices in the market with good financial support, or was it made possible by technical solutions?
Charles Robinson:
Great question! We do allocate 1% of the tokens launched to JigStack but other than that and the Ethereum cost to run our smart contracts we are free. We want to obtain users for the long-haul. And so inviting them to launch their token on lemonade gets them in the door and then we have many other offerings that we can start to make more money to give back to our token holders.
Q2 from Telegram user @Garrinepotter
All actions performed on the platform will bring profit to JStack holders. What exactly will users have to pay and what amounts. And what percentage of the platform’s income will go to the holders as dividends?
Charles Robinson:
You get 80% of the total commissions raised we take 20% to buy back our tokens.
Q3 from Telegram user @Derazy
You mentioned on your website about the growing of this platform since 2016. Can you introduce to us about Jigstack’s excellent team? Do they have experiences and talents? Or where we can find information about Jigstack’s team?
Roby Weir:
Sure our team was selected with a balance of experience as well as the ability to work in a fast pace environment. We have got a good mix of team members who bring traditional practices to an industry that is so disruptive and ever-changing. Our experienced team members in the crypto space can adapt these efforts to while still keeping the core principles. We are here to execute not just talk about the future. You will notice if you follow us long enough I am all about execution and doing it securely with the highest UX in mind.
Q4 from Telegram user @Ciluk_B
How Can I participate in your public sales and do you have any terms and conditions for it?
Charles Robinson:
Hi DM our admin for info on our whitelist.
Q5 from Telegram user @jangrihwa
Does Jigstack have a specific meaning or language because I think the project name is quite unique and what is the source of the project’s inspiration?
Charles Robinson:
Think of a jigsaw puzzle all in pieces you can take each piece and get a partial picture but when you put all the pieces together do you have a big picture of decentralized finance. You can stack all the pieces of our ecosystem on top of each other and other products for protocol stacking.
Q6 from Telegram user @Indomiekuy
Could you explain to me what is the concept system of Jicstack Lemonade that your project has? And why do u think program like Lemonade is important in the DEFI and cryptoworld?
Charles Robinson:
Lemonade stand allowed young children to be able to have their first business. There are many token holders that are not savvy to cryptocurrency therefore we are targeting them to help them launch their businesses on the ledger.
Q7 from Telegram user @BeaEvolet
Jigstack aims to become Microsoft DeFi, this is aiming high and words need to be proven with facts, so far what great goals have they achieved? And I understand that they want to reach all users, even those who don’t even have knowledge about cryptocurrencies, how do they plan to attract these users and convince them that a decentralized world is what they really need?
Roby Weir:
By not overcomplicating our products and making sure the UX/UI is inviting to non-crypto savvy users. This along with our santa gisting solution will bring in a lot more next-gen users who have either been on the fence or confused by what Defi/Crypto is offering going forward to make day-to-day life easier. Just like how Microsoft has done to so many households.
Q8 from Telegram user @MagdaCV
Lemonade allows even a child to launch their own token, is it really that easy? Being that easy is it safe? I think developing or executing something good will always take time.
Charles Robinson:
It will be easy for our users but it has been hard for our developers
Because they have had to develop more bullet-proof smart contracts. Also, we are very much on the lookout for scam projects to not allow them.
Q9 from Telegram user @Sumione
Many projects take partnership as an achievement, do you have any achievements made?
Roby Weir:
Partnership is an achievement if they’re more than just a hype wheel to get excitement. All our partners with be carefully chosen with high synergy between our products.
Q10 from Telegram user @apocan99
What are the distinguishing features of Lemonade compared to other launchpad services?
Charles Robinson:
Thank you. Quick to market for them. Custom code if needed. Integrated into ICO Ratings. Intuitive UI. Free. Other than the gas costs and also giving us 1% of the token allocation for using our service.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part, we tested your knowledge in terms of Jigstack. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for the quiz was 800$.
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Our partners:
Jigstack Telegram community: https://t.me/jigstack
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lemonade_Defi/status/1364185132857503748?s=19