HULK Finance x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 20th of October.

HULK Finance x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from the 20th of October.

The AMA session with Hulk.Finance Innovative finance project combining #DeFi and #HFT. The crypto project for yield-farming

Today we would like to tell you about the AMA session with our friend from $ – Innovative crypto finance project combining #DeFi and #HFT.

Our guest was: Project manager – Igor, his telegram name is @HulkAdmin. 


Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello, Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Hulk.Finances! Welcome to Satoshi Club😀

D. | Satoshi Club: Hello Satoshi club! @HulkAdmin hello and welcome to Satoshi club!

Hulk Admin: Hello and thank you, a warm welcome

Mary | Satoshi Club: @HulkAdmin welcome to Satoshi Club 😉

How was your day?)

Hulk Admin: Nice to be here as a participant. So it is a good day.

This is my first experience in AMA, so bear with me, please

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes) oh, no problems 😉

D. | Satoshi Club: Awesome! so let’s start with the introduction then. Tell us a bit about yourself

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, please, tell us about yourself and tell us how did you start with Hulk.Finance😀

Hulk Admin: I have read a couple of last AMAs here, and must say, that you are doing a good job, guys.

Mary | Satoshi Club: We are trying to do our best) thank you 👍

D. | Satoshi Club: Thank you! 

Hulk Admin: Ok. My name is Igor, I work as a project manager in offline life, and I am in crypto since early 2017. As I can remember my first bitcoin price was about 1000$ 😀

Mary | Satoshi Club: Nice to meet you, Igor) 1000$ is a good price, especially now.

Hulk Admin: I am a big fan of crypto evolution, and I consequently used all possible ways to increase my numbers on crypto accounts. I had a mining farm, cloud mining, masternodes, etc. etc. Then I turned to trading, spot, futures, this year it is Uniswap.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Wide experience 😀

Hulk Admin: I have lost a lot of cash during this journey, but I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience. And, most of all – new friends in the crypto world. So no regrets about it.

Mary | Satoshi Club: That’s the way most of us passed. And what is the main idea behind Hulk.Finance?

D. | Satoshi Club: So you started this project with your friends? how big is your development team btw?

Hulk Admin: Not long ago I was invited to one project, and it was a really good community there. We have brainstormed different ideas about trading and investments. Unfortunately, the project has become a scam due to the owner, but we continued to share ideas. And I decided to start our own project based on ideas of decentralized organization. As a project manager, I have gathered a good team, and start to finance the project development. Our team is multinational, we have developers in Malaysia and the US, a webmaster in Indonesia, a Marketing manager in Russia, and PM in Czechia. Also, we have friends-advisors in UK and China. So it’s really decentralized geographically.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great, and as for me the word DeFi is familiar, but HFT …

Hulk Admin: I think we have this question in the quiz 😊

Mary | Satoshi Club: Ok, good.

Hulk Admin: Ok, I will explain in other words. First of all, we are going to create a DAO – decentralized organization, the community that will share investment ideas creates proposals, and vote for it. It may decide what investment markets are good for community members etc. Look at DeFi now. Many finance projects are investing in each other. They are looking for new opportunities, but mainly it is only liquidity connected things

Mary | Satoshi Club: You’re right😀

Hulk Admin: So YFI vault funds go to Curve, or some Uniswap LPs are going to Sushi, etc. We feel the deficit of fresh ideas. From the other side, there is a trading on centralized exchanges, like Bitmex or Finance. And we started to think, how to combine DeFi finances with it. I have a good friend, who runs funds with automated trading strategies. And I understand, that sometime I can trade one trade better that computer, but frankly speaking – computer will always beats me.

Mary | Satoshi Club: It’s nice to have a lot of Friends 😉

Hulk Admin: Automated strategy makes a lot of order, fast transactions, take many small profits, so it’s the annualized result is much better. This is how the idea was born. We collect money with DeFi instruments and offer them a new way of earning – automated trading. I read questions on your website – they all are good, and I understand questions about the security of investments, or possible losses, etc.

D. | Satoshi Club: Thank you for an amazing intro, Igor! 👍

Mary | Satoshi Club: Great) and I think we have a question connected to the HFT in our first part)

Hulk Admin: Ok, let’s

D. | Satoshi Club: let’s goooooo.

Q1 from Telegram Username @KevSalom
The Hulk “connects to an HFT (High-Frequency Trading) fund from a high-performance partner that has been operating successfully since early 2020”. Is 10 months of testing enough to fully trust this trading system? and even worse to trust an entire project (and your community’s money) in it?

Hulk Admin: Ok. Good question. The Fund has backtested 12000 different strategies for the period from 2017 till today, based on historical data. Only after that, they have opened an investment fund for the public.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Who is this high-performance partner?😉

Hulk Admin: This is an Estonian-based entity, which works with private clients from the beginning of 2020. We are going to disclose them after we will succeed in our distribution stage. So, let’s call them our algorithm provider. Our project will have a dedicated trading account, which will be managed by HFT API. All trades are visible.

Mary | Satoshi Club: I see that they have more losing trades than winning😀

Hulk Admin: During backtesting – it’s normal 😊 The loss or gain percent is more important, so in summary – the annualized gain is good.

Mary | Satoshi Club: This is sometimes controversial, but, ok😀Great, now it’s clear. And can we move to the next question?

Hulk Admin: I mean that average loss is -2%, and gain +4,5%, that’s it. Yes, please next question.

D. | Satoshi Club: Thanks for the answer, Igor!

Q2 from Telegram user @hadrianus14
In Round 1 I get 5 at the price of one. In round 6 I get 1,5 at the price of one. Why would I want to invest in round 6, knowing that someone have 5 times more tokens and paid the same money in round 1, thus I will vulnerable to a dump from their side?

Hulk Admin: Good question. From one point, we want to incentive, early adopters, and investors. From the other point, we are preparing some tools to exclude dumps. Like setting the right ratio on free-market launch (Uniswap) or token burn during sales.

D. | Satoshi Club: How is your preselling going by the way? How many funds you already raised?

Hulk Admin: The presale is going quite…calm, we have collected more than 60 ETH to the date, and we have 3 more days, and then we plan to launch on Uniswap and farms.

D. | Satoshi Club: Very nice!

Why did you choose to bounce for your presale? It’s a bit buggy I know people (including myself) have issues with that site, today they migrated to a subdomain or something like that, without warning.

Hulk Admin: It was my personal mistake. If I ever have a new project – I will run a presale on our own code, definitely.

Mary | Satoshi Club: It’s 50/50, not all people trust project’s codes) so, let’s tell that it is an issue 😉

Hulk Admin: Or even an opportunity for the creation of a new Bounce competitor without bugs

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes, the opportunity is even better 👍

Hulk Admin: If you got a lemon… 😊

Mary | Satoshi Club: Yes😂, So, you’re planning token burns?

Hulk Admin: We have a limited supply of 100,000 HULK tokens, so DAO can decide in the future, should we mint burned tokens again, or leave them in ashes.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Understand, thanks.

D. | Satoshi Club: What is the reason for such a low total supply?

Hulk Admin: Yes, we have implemented this feature (token burn during Uniswap sale) in our contract to support tokens from the dump. 5% token commission supports the price by burning tokens, 4% are burned, 1% is given to the community contributors pool.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Nice structure)

Hulk Admin: What is the next question? I can talk for hours, but I appreciate the time of your members 😀

D. | Satoshi Club: Okay. let’s continue then!

Q3 from Telegram Username @Splendicity
You plan to allocate 80,000 $HULK as a farm distribution fund. Isn’t that too large to allocate 80% of your supply to farming alone? my question is this. Wouldn’t such a large allocation for distribution affect the long-term value and price of $HULK or is the supply going to change later?

Hulk Admin: Well, farms were my initiative, cause it is a fashionable way of token distribution. As we have implemented the burn feature – we will come to the stabilized number of tokens at the end of the farm stage. Maybe it will be 50,000 tokens instead of 100,000 – who knows. I understand the value of the token. Hope that we will have more holders, than traders of it.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Half of the initial supply😀

D. | Satoshi Club: Maybe they will burn 99% of their supply 😁

Mary | Satoshi Club: Who knows😉

Hulk Admin: The more rare – the bigger value 😂

Mary | Satoshi Club: How many holders do you think your project needs to have for the beginning? Approximately.

Hulk Admin: Let’s say, 50-100 of holders that will be active in the community with proposals and advice.

Mary | Satoshi Club: I think it’s a real and achievable goal😀  Thank you for your answers) ready for the next question?

Hulk Admin: Sure.

D. | Satoshi Club: Q4 from Telegram user @filippsubzero
You have a halving for your farming every 3 days. What does it mean? the rewards will get halved or something else?

Hulk Admin: Yes, the daily rewards will be halved every three days. Let me show you the table.

Hulk Admin: So early farmers will have higher APY and chances to get more HULKs.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Does your farming already start? Or after pre-sale?

Hulk Admin: It will start on 23.10.2020, on our website So the distribution plan is simple: Presale, Uniswap, Farms.

D. | Satoshi Club: Sounds good

Mary | Satoshi Club: Ok. Can I ask you more about security? Because I like rewards, but also care about security)

D. | Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answer! I have not additional questions to this @madamlobster you? 😉

Mary | Satoshi Club: What about your smart contracts audit?

D. | Satoshi Club: Ahh I see you have some

D. | Satoshi Club: Very good question btw

Hulk Admin: You know, I am not a programmer, so I am interested in smart contract audit more than you. We will definitely do it.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Do you have any dates?

Hulk Admin: It’s quite expensive, so I plan to organize after the presale finish. We have tested our token and farms contracts actively. The most important thing will be the audit of the staking pool contract.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Answer accepted, I got the reason😀

Hulk Admin: I would not put my money in an unaudited staking pool, and you?

Mary | Satoshi Club: Me as well.😀 Ready for the next question?

Hulk Admin: Yes.

D. | Satoshi Club: Q5 from Telegram Username @Gutike95
I understand that Hulk Finance has “a four-stage plan that is implemented within 90 days after the launch of the project”, in which they will seek to position $ HULK, but after those 90 days what plans do they have? Or will everything else be decided by the DAO community?

Hulk Admin: 4 stages: a) Presale b) Farms Distribution c) Staking pool launch d) Vault and Voting system.


Hulk Admin: Hope, I answered.

D. | Satoshi Club: Thank you for the info!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Any plans for 2021?)

Hulk Admin: Financing of vaccine development 🙂

Mary | Satoshi Club: 😂 nice one. And the last question from this part?)

Hulk Admin: Go ahead!

D. | Satoshi Club: Q6 from Telegram Username @cengizhantekin
You have minted 20.000 HULKs initially. When and how will the rest 60.000 HULKs be minted?

Hulk Admin: We have initially minted 20,000, remaining 80,000 will be minted during farms distribution stage.

D. | Satoshi Club: So I have a technical question, I found a mint () function in your contract by the only owner is that mean you can mint additional tokens to yourself? I know, as you say you are not a coder, but please address this question to the guy who written this smart contract 😉

Hulk Admin: We have supply of 100,000. We can burn tokens. We have mint function only for the purpose of reminting burned tokens upon community requests. They can be reminted and distributed by farm mechanism or some other way. Currently we use this function only twice – for initial mint and to mint tokens for farms.

D. | Satoshi Club: Well, I’m not a coder myself this is why I’m asking. I know some projects use the mint attack to drain liquidity from Uniswap, after listing. And they have something like this mint() in their code.

Mary | Satoshi Club: I think it’s time to start learning to code😂 And create😉😀

Hulk Admin: After the presale, we will make burn of tokens, we will lock liquidity in Uniswap, and launch farms. No plans for a mint attack, but I will forward your question to our coder, and we will bring an answer soon.

D. | Satoshi Club: 👍great!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you😀And now we will have a live part of our AMA.


In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 80 seconds. Then the guests from the crypto project choose the top 10 questions. These 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency.

Q-1 from telegram user @cengizhantekin

You already activated the wallet connection feature. Which parts of Hulk project are ready currently?

Hulk Admin: Website, token and farms contract. Social network, community building is going on now. All other contracts are developing.

Q-2 from telegram user @jpsarmah

Why the staking pool provides only 15% Guaranteed APY and not some crazy numbers like thousands that other projects offer initially?

Hulk Admin: Because we intend to pay it from day to day, from month to month, and it is good APY comparing to bank zero rates.

Q-3 from telegram user @Splendicity

I want to buy $HULKS What is your real contract address because there may be many fake phishing ones out there?

Hulk Admin:  Link to contract

Q-4 from telegram user @Harsha_prabath1

Where I buy for $HULK tokens?. Will there be anything special for $HULK holders? +1,100,000 HULK?

Hulk Admin:

Q-5 from telegram user @Idee01

Telegram Open Network (TON) discontinued the development of the project. Now, Hulk Finance recently partnered with them. How did your community receive the news? What does the partnership involve, considering TON is almost ‘dead and forgotten?

Hulk Admin: 1, is our early partner, the project base is Telegram Open Network, they also have a large number of users. And the main member of is also our early investor;
2. can help us let the Chinese market understand HULK. You know the importance of the Chinese market.
3. You may farm HULKs with TON/ETH UNI-V2 LP tokens

Q-6 from telegram user @KevSalom

Trading operations have their risks and you can never be 100% effective. If  “at some point,” a significant percentage of the capital is lost, will the Hulk still guarantee investors’ profits?

Hulk Admin:  We have discussed it with HFT fund management, so the limited margin rules and reserve ratios will be implemented to protect funds and guarantee APY

Q-7 from telegram user @warny

Why did you rebrand from Hunk.Finance to Hulk.Finance, any reason for changing the n to l?

Hulk Admin: Good one😊. Hunk is a piece of something like meat or bread, so we have profit-sharing tokens, and initially, we like the name. But when you google Hunk images… So we decide to go with Hulk, which has two meanings – a ship for value storage and the superhero, who is green like a dollar.

Q-8 from telegram user @tsafik

Can you tell us more about the vault that you build? What it is? What can we store there?

Hulk Admin: The vault is an initiative to stake HULK tokens to get shares from project profits. So, if the HFT fund brings us 40% APY and we payout 15% to the staking pool, the remaining 25% will be split between HULK vault stakeholders.

Q-9 from telegram user  @K2ice

5% token commission supports the price by burning tokens, 4% are burned, 1% is given to the community contributors pool. Why can’t you burn 1% and give the community contributors pool 4%?

Hulk Admin: This setting can be changed by community decision.

Q-10 from telegram user  @BlancaSdF

I recently observed an announcement regarding the soon-to-be HULK / ETH listing on Sushiswap, can you verify this notice?

Hulk Admin: No plans for Sushiswap listing. Also, HULK is NOT listed on Uniswap yet, listing is planned on 23.10, always check the contract on our website. There are some scam tokens on Uniswap already – don’t buy it.

Part 3 – Quiz.

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 500$ in crypto-currency was distributed between the crypto-quiz winners.

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