Welcome to another episode of our AMA series. Today we are glad to tell you about the AMA session with our friends from GAMEE.
GAMEE is an entertainment platform that recognizes and rewards players’ effort, skill and loyalty. The AMA took place on April 2 and our guests were Miroslav Chmelka and Bozena Rezab, CTO and CEO of the project respectively.
The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with GAMEE! Welcome to Satoshi Club.
D. | Satoshi Club: Today our guest – @miroslav_chmelka and @bozena_rezab! hello! good to have you here!
Miroslav Chmelka: Hello, thank you for having us.
Bozena Rezab: Hi everyone!
Mary | Satoshi Club: Let’s start with intro! Please, introduce yourself and tell us more about GAMEE! Also, we would be happy if you will share your latest news with our community.
Bozena Rezab: Sure! My name is Bozena Rezab, I am CEO of GAMEE, we have built a global gaming community of 25M registered players, our brand was selected among 100 Most Disruptive Brands by Marketing Week. Last year, we joined Animoca Brands family. I am excited about building consumer tech and entertainment products.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow, awesome numbers! How old is GAMEE?
Bozena Rezab: About 5 years! GAMEE is an entertainment platform that recognizes and rewards players’ effort, skill and loyalty. And today, we had our first public pre-sale of GAMEE Token.
Miroslav Chmelka: My name is Miroslav Chmelka, I am co-founder and CTO of GAMEE. I have been in the tech industry for more than 15 years. Prior to Gamee I co-founded software development company Cleevio that has created over 100 software projects all over the world for companies like McDonalds, O2, Volkswagen or Coca-Cola and incubated several startups.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Unbelievable experience!
D. | Satoshi Club: We know you have big news.
Bozena Rezab: Right? Our first pre-sale sold out in minutes! Actually very fast, it was within minutes and all vouchers were gone. there are now traded on opensea https://opensea.io/assets/gameevouchers .
D. | Satoshi Club: And now people only can buy them on opensea?
Bozena Rezab: Yes exactly, there are now traded on opensea https://opensea.io/assets/gameevouchers
Q1 from Telegram user @AmirJosh
Last year GAMEE project started the Play to Win path with GAMEE Prizes, and according to your medium article your platform successfully distributed over $3.5M in cash prizes. Why do your team decided to run the GAMEE token sale with the success your gaming platform already achieved? Why Gamee needs this tokensale event to be a successful one when the project is already booming?
Bozena Rezab: We see taking GAMEE to blockchain as a great opportunity to build on top what we already have – community, games, prizes… with our own token, we will be able to double-down on play to earn and also, we are preparing set of NFTs, that will be game characters, owners can take form one game to another. This is very exciting, innovative and motivates us to keep creating, building.
Mary | Satoshi Club: That’s true! When do you plan to launch your set of NFTs?
Miroslav Chmelka: We are releasing our token first, that is our main focus now. We will share more information about our NFTs later. We can show you a little sneak peek that hasn’t been shared before.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Sure!
Q2 from Telegram user @Pratze
There is new announcement regarding GAMEE doing collaboration with Animoca Brands, so what is the result from this partnership? What benefit that both project got?
Bozena Rezab: GAMEE is part of Animoca Brands family since 2020, we are happy to collaborate with and learn from other project and companies within the group.
Mary | Satoshi Club: So, you also collaborate with another projects from the group? Can you tell us their names?
D. | Satoshi Club: if I’m not mistaken Animoca Brands recently launched MotoGP NFTs as well?
Miroslav Chmelka: For example, during today’s presale it was possible to buy gamee token only for animoca tokens – sand, revv, tower and lym.
D. | Satoshi Club: yep, I noticed that, so in the future sales you also will be use Animoca tokens?
Bozena Rezab: In future, we may collaborate again, but this is not exclusive that we will only sell for Animoca tokens.
Q3 from Telegram user @NataliyaKil
The Gamee app is probably one of thousands of similar apps that offer us to make real money playing games. All of these applications use the PayPal payment system. And it confuses me. None of the applications contain instructions on how to correctly withdraw the earned money through this system. And the earned rewards very often do not reach the recipient, because users make withdrawal errors. So maybe you have an instruction if you are really interested in attracting users to your ecosystem and are ready to give them the opportunity to earn money?
Bozena Rezab: Interesting:) on the current GAMEE, we use cash and withdraw with Paypal. However, with our second generation of GAMEE (which is the core of token utility), the earned prizes will be withdrawn to a blockchain wallet, so a completely different system. Anyway, if people are confused about current Gamee and how to win the cash prizes, we have medium article to support them: https://gamee.medium.com/gamee-prizes-faq-maximize-your-winnings-fa0f93d402d5 .
Mary | Satoshi Club: But Paypal will be also available? Or only blockchain withdrawals?
Miroslav Chmelka: In the new app there will be just blockchain withdrawals. Paypal will stay in current gamee app.
Q4 from Telegram user @JoanaZ
The GAMEE token is an ERC-20 token, so can we know how do you manage the huge transactions fees of the Ethereum network? Considering that is used to pay fees to Gaming tournaments?
Miroslav Chmelka: We have decided to use Ethereum due to the largest ecosystem around it – users, wallets, marketplaces. We are aware of current high gas fees on Ethereum. We will offer to our players “gamee pay” solution when you can purchase more tournament entries in one transaction plus we will be announcing partnership that will help us with scaling soon.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Is it possible that you will add different blockchains support?
D. | Satoshi Club: do you planning to launch your token on BSC as well?
Bozena Rezab: Ethereum is a way to start for sure. Let’s leave the later steps for later. Yes! -best way here https://t.me/gameetoken.
Q5 from Telegram user @cryptofollower
When I check your litepaper I see that Gamee have got 2 different kinds of NFT tokens. G-Bots and Game Parcel. What are the differences between those two NFT tokens? What are the use cases of those two tokens and what are they representing? Are they representing game items or rewards and are they purchasable?
Bozena Rezab: G-Bots are game characters, upgradeable with Gamee token, you will be able to play with them, they will give you reward bonus. Game Parcel is a way to launch a game to our audience, so external game creators can enjoy also what we have built. In both cases, not for sale yet, but coming soon.
D. | Satoshi Club: are G-Bots limited in supply? or you always be adding new G-bots to the platform? with different characteristics?
Mary | Satoshi Club: What are requirements for game creators to launch a game to your audience?
Miroslav Chmelka: yes, both nfts tokens are limited in supply. the game must be html5, must follow our platform guidelines and implement our library. We will share more details later.
Q6 from Telegram user @Wormz28
I love playing GAMEE here in telegram and my favorite one is SKIPPER. I remembered someone told me if I can play his game and he gave me his link. At that time, I can say, we can possibly cheat in Gamee. So I’m wondering how did he know how to cheat, also how will you support fairness and how will you prove that all kinds of cheating and manipulation are impossible in Gamee Platform?
Miroslav Chmelka: Cheating is a problem that we take seriously. We have implemented several mechanisms how to detect and ban cheaters and we are making it harder and harder all the time. In our next generation gamee we are implementing even more mechanisms how to detect and ban users. We use evaluating gameplay and score in a real time to see if there is anything unusual.
Mary | Satoshi Club: Where is easier to detect cheaters on your current game platform or on blockchain platform? Your personal opinion.
Miroslav Chmelka: on blockchain platform it will be much easier for us to detect and harder for users to cheat.
The chat was open for 120 seconds; a lot of questions were posted by Satoshi Club community. Our guests chose some of them.
Q1 from Telegram User @cryptofollower
I check the tokenomics and see that after the 6 months there will be just 8.56% of token in circulation. Why is it so low and how will you add new tokens into circulation after that? No one likes the idea of what Ripple did for XRP. So do you have any roadmap for tokenomics afterwards?
Bozena Rezab: Good to see people going into details. It is that low, because we will gradually introduce more utility to GAMEE token, we do not want to release too much, before our second generation of GAMEE is live, together with our game character NFTs. We are in this for long term and the release schedule reflects that.
Q2 from Telegram User @Mamberr0y
I understand that Gamee will implement unique NFts on their game platform, my question is what use will these NFts have on the platform? And what do they mean by updating the Nfts with $Gamee token? Besides this I would like to know what inspired them to make robot Nfts?
Miroslav Chmelka: That is true, we will be releasing G-Bot NFTs – robot collectibles that serve as a reward boost in skill-based tournaments as well as standalone game characters in their own games. Each robot will have some parameters and you will be able to use Gamee tokens to upgrade the robots – it will give him more power and will be more useful for you. We are based in the Czech Republic and actually the word robot was invented by Czech writer Karel Capek that was one of the reasons why we decided to use it.
Q3 from Telegram User @kubeanhd
What happens when people lose interest in a certain game? Can a user convert or trade their item/character into another ingame-token with Your token? Can we play the next new game, and still use our token there?
Bozena Rezab: The whole principle of how GAMEE is built is to serve as entertainment platform, where new games are introduced and people can easily shift from one game to another. With our NFTs, the principle will be same, these are game characters, G-Bots with different stats & powers that players will be able to take from one game to another, while new games are being introduced, the NFT has increasingly wider utility. The NFTs will be purchasable and upgradeable with our GAMEE token.
Q4 from Telegram User @Carolina0012
The GAMEE token allows holders to participate in skill-based tournaments, buy and upgrade Robot NFT, buy Game Parcel NFT, and participate in the ecosystem governance layer that allows voting on the platform roadmap. Will players need GAMEE tokens to pay an entry fee to all tournaments? Will players pay with GAMEE tokens to increase the robot’s overall power and stats?
Bozena Rezab: Hi! There will be also tournaments, where players can only practice, no need to pay fee. And yes! GAMEE token will be used to upgrade power of the G-Bot, so each one becomes unique, different, with various stats and powers. How cool is that?!
Q5 from Telegram User @azrayeni
When you release the token version of Gamee platform what’s going to happen to old version?
Miroslav Chmelka: We plan to keep both platforms running. The new one will be focused on skill based tournaments. We plan to add new features even to the current one – for example you will be able to get reward in a form of our token.
Q6 from Telegram User @RosemaryBianco
I have a confusion, in telegram there is a command “@gamee” that is to provide games to any person or group in Telegram, when placing that command, I see similarities between those games and logos with those of your project, which is also called GAMEE token, my question is, are they the same project? Why are there so many similarities?
Bozena Rezab: Hi Rosemary! Our Telegram bot @gamee, the one that sends our games to any chat conversation in Telegram is almost 5 years old and has entertained millions of users. Now we working on a second generation of GAMEE, blockchain powered and our own token, so we keep using our brand name for it to keep building on what we already have, millions of gamers, portfolio of games. Hope that makes sense!
Q7 from Telegram User @Indomiekuy
GAMEE said there will be gaming tournament on your platform, could you please explain more what kind tournament is that? How to join and what is the reward?
Bozena Rezab: By tournament we understand a skill-based competition among players, that is either 1 vs 1 or a group competition, where players with higher skill reach highscore – win the tournament. This will be core of the new product, called GAMEE Arc8, we are currently working on.
Q8 from Telegram User @captainprice111
You state that the GAMEE Platform is accessible to everyone. Well, can only cryptocurrency users benefit from this opportunity? Do you have a goal to include users who are not related to crypto both to your platform and to educate them about crypt0?
Miroslav Chmelka: As you wrote – gamee is accessible to everyone and it should stay like that. We want our current users (most of them have no experience with crypto) to use the new platform as well. We are focusing on making the experience great and as simple for users as possible. I hope we will be able to explain the value of tokens and nfts to everyone and bring it to mainstream audience in a similar way how nba top shot did.
Q9 from Telegram User @Raisbelys
is your website “token, gamee, com” or “gamee, com”? these are different sites but I think they are related, could you explain what both are about? I think there are some difference between both sites?
Bozena Rezab: Hi, token.gamee.com is informative site about other cryptocurrency activities, while www.gamee.com is a web for gamers, to play, have fun, earn prizes.
Q10 from Telegram User @AugusS7
I could see that big brands like NASA, Man City and many more who enjoy their services, but are the games of those brands really developed? If so, could you show us what they are? And also, could you tell us who will be the next customers who will enjoy your service
Miroslav Chmelka: Yes, we really cooperated with these brands. You can find and play them on our platform
Mars Rover https://www.gamee.com/game/0Moq0ctcY
Man City https://www.gamee.com/game/bj6dEMMXfq
The most recent cooperation was with legendary Atari – try Asteroids game https://www.gamee.com/game/atariasteroids
As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about GAMEE. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ were distributed between the winners.
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Our Partners:
GAMEE Token: https://t.me/gameetoken