BNBBACK x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 3rd of August

BNBBACK x Satoshi Club AMA Recap from 3rd of August

Hello, Satoshi clubbers! Another AMA took place in Satoshi Club and we would like to introduce to you the AMA session with our friends from BNBBACK and our guests were @Pete_Tong1 @thecrypwalker and @geminxiii. The AMA took place on 3 August.

The AMA session was divided into 3 parts with a total crypto reward pool of 500$

In this AMA Recap, we will try to summarise the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram community

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello  Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with BNBBACK!  Welcome to Satoshi Club😀

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Another exciting AMA session is here.😃

Our guest are @Pete_Tong1 @thecrypwalker and @geminxiii from BNBBACK!

Mary | Satoshi Club: Welcome here 👍

GEMINXIII [I WILL NOT DM FIRST]: Thank you all for having us.

Mary | Satoshi Club: How are you today?😀

GEMINXIII [I WILL NOT DM FIRST]: We are good thank you! Excited for this AMA 🙂

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, let’s start now👏

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: We are glad to have you here.

Mary | Satoshi Club:Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about BNBBACK 🚀

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Hello

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Welcome to the AMA😃

Mary | Satoshi Club: Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club 😀

Crypto Bender $BNBK: My name is Crypto Bender and I am the lead dev and organizer of BNBack

THank you for having us in your wonderful group

Mary | Satoshi Club: Happy to e-meet you 👍

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Likewise

I have a question Mary

Mary | Satoshi Club: Sure😀

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Are your followers interested in making money?

Mary | Satoshi Club: Of course 🤣 who doesn’t like money?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: That’s great to hear. Becuase over the course of this AMA, I am going to explain how BNBack is the best investment they will make today.

At BNBack, w re interested in one thing: Paying you to buy and hold

Mary | Satoshi Club: Wow👍

Crypto Bender $BNBK: That’s why we offer

– instand BNB rewrads up to $10 just for buying during a dip

– 10% BNB dividends (at all times) proportioal to your investment

– $BNB commission rewards for reffering a friend to buy

– FREE NFTs and giveaways for shilling and raiding

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: That’s what we need.

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We believe in INCENTIVES

Mary | Satoshi Club: So, who is in your team? We need to know who stands behind this great concept 🙂

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Our team is not doxxed but what I can say is that we have a wonderful, experienced team of expert designers, programming developers, marketers and investors.

Our marketing team has been brilliant thus far and have placed us in a very competitive position even during this BULL RUN with 100s of projects to compete with every single day

And our developers are just incredible

Our designers for website and logo branding is superb

We truly have an epic team and I think you will notice it the moment you enter out TG chat

This is not your average project.

We are mostly based in North America and Europe but we have members in Asia, Australia, Africa and the Middle East

Truly a global project

Mary | Satoshi Club: Why you decided to stay anon?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Because doxxing isnt always proven to work. In fact, in some cases, like with Baby Cake, doxxing can bring the charts down. What’s most important is that wallets and LP tokens are locked and funds are proven to be SAFU.

We have made sure to protect our buyers and investors

so no need to Doxx really

Mary | Satoshi Club: Trust the code?🙂

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Code is law 😉

Mary | Satoshi Club: Gotcha!

Thank you for your intro! Are you ready to five deeper into the details of your project with the questions from our community?🚀

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Yes I think we are !

Mary | Satoshi Club: Let’s goooo🔥

Crypto Bender $BNBK: I also want to say, that if any buyers from Satohsi enter our TG and share a transaction link of $75 or more, I will gift them $5 of BNB immediately

Satoshi gets the hook up 😉

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Don’t lose this opportunity Satoshiclubbers, let’s go🥳🥳

Mary | Satoshi Club: Cool,👏👏

Q1 from Telegram User @orlemys

You have quite a unique slogan ‘We Pay You To Buy!’ Would you please elaborate on this? What exactly does it entail? I had a read through your website, but couldn’t figure out how you would make this happen, so please tell us about the specific strategy and methods you use, and how it can be groundbreaking for all of your investors.

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Our contract code automatically collects trans fees and distributes them to holders every 2-3 hours. The more BNBack you own, the more BNB you get back.


We gift you BNB right away if you buy during a dip. And as I just mentioned above, if you are a Satoshi club member and you buy $75 or more, we will gift you $5 BNB right away. Just share your TX ID in the group chat.

Mary | Satoshi Club: How many fees you already distributed?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: How much is the current price of BNBack? The same of BNB?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Tens of thousands of dollars already !

Our current price is $0.00000000197267

Very good entry point

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: How many holders do you have?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Buy, pump the charts, earn profit, and earn BNB back


Andrés M. | Satoshi Club:  Wow, excellent actually

So what other usecases BNBACK token have?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We have a video game coming out

Users can bet BNBack into a wallet like a casino

and if they get the highest score, they take half the wallet

the other half goes to buy back for the project

its a fun and easy way to win money and play with other bnback holders

Mary | Satoshi Club: When it will be live?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: That’s true, it sounds exciting😃

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We will release it at our next ATH

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Then let’s pump it

Mary | Satoshi Club: Nice plan🙂

Mary | Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers!

Ready to go to the next question?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Yes!

Let’s do it

I am ready

Q2 from Telegram User @kimzyemma

BNBBACK is an incentivized investments and you refuse to give your users crumb after becoming your holder. It is cleared that reflections are a gimmick, but how do you want to encourage your longer holders or users aiming to become longer holder when they will have the same reward with less holder? This project is not limited to a certain time, where is this project getting its fund? You named this project BNBBACK, does that mean there is a bond/partnership with BNB project. Is there any financial support from Binance coin?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Not yet. A partnership is possible in the future but that sort of relationship must be earned.

We are currently working on a farming and staking functionality where users can farm their BNB and/or BNBack in other projects and double their earnings.

Our holders have been there sicne day 1 because the rewards ahve been so great

Some people have earned over 2 BNB by simply holding

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: How much APY it will have?

Mary | Satoshi Club: Nice🙂  do you currently have any partnerships?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: That sort of informaiton will be released in detail in due time. At this moment, we are in our infancy phase and looking to expand our holders and our global community. We really like where we are at but are working to double our holders right now.

We have a few in development. More to be released and announced soon.

Mary | Satoshi Club: We will wait for the announcement!

Thank you for your answers! Ready to proceed?🔥🔥🔥

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Yes maam

Q3 from Telegram User  @ItsMelissa3

I read on your website that If we bring you a buyer, you pay us. If we bring in 10 new buyers, would you then pay us 10 times? Does this work as a referral system? The more users we invite, the more reward we earn? Is there a maximum number of buyers that we can bring you? In which token is this payment made?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Yes. If you bring 10 buyers ($100 or more), we will pay you $5 each time. You can make $50 by bringing us 10 buyers.

sorry $25*

not $50

Crypto Bender $BNBK: still great though 😉

No one else does this. And thats why BNBack is so special

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Is like a referral program?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Yes exactly. Comission based referall program.

Just bring the buyer into the TG group, tag me personally, and introduce them as a buyer. After the buy, send me the TX link and we will send it right away. The process takes 30 seconds.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Where do you take money from for this payments? Someone can call this pyramid 🤷

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We have a higher sell fee than a buy fee. The difference is taken to pay for such rewards.

No pyramids. =)

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Got it.

Mary | Satoshi Club: That’s nice🙂

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Btw, what else is coming in your roadmap? Could you share it with us?

Crypto Bender $BNBK:– Video game casino with live betting and winning prizes up to $1K

– Staking functionality

– Wallet development

– Exchange development

– Future exchnage listing on Bitmart

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Congratulations, currently where is listed?

Mary | Satoshi Club: Which features will your wallet have?🙂

Btw, are you already in contact with Bitmart exchange? Is your listing confirmed? Why you choose this exchange?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: All such details will be released upon new ATH goals as to protect our developments from competitiors but what I can tell you is that they will share many of the same excellent qualities as wallets like Safemoon and Safearn have been developing

Bitmart is a $50 K applicaiton. We are considering using our exchange listing fee wallet in 1-2 months time

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Thanks for the answer, would you like to add something before the next question?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We have given $84,849.14 in BNB dividends

in the last 48 hours

Don’t forget Satoshi buyers, we can give you $5 BNB right NOW if you buy or refer a buyer

Q4 from Telegram User @ambbobb

You punish paper hands with a 23% fee but also offer them a chance to convert to diamond hands by reducing their sales fee by 2% every day. What do you mean by this statement? How can we convert paper  hands to diamond and why have you so believe in diamond hands? What are the strategies to convince users that there is a reward whenever they bring you a buyer,  whenever they hold your token and whenever they buy your token? Most investors focus on the tokenomics even the token price, how do you plan to convince them for a long term investment, in order to boost your token value and deflate its supply, is there plan for token burning either frequently or once in a while?

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Let’s proceed

Crypto Bender $BNBK: This is a funny question. A great one though!

THe BNB dividends are all the incentive they need to hold long term 🙂

$84,849.14 gvien in the last 48 hours

Mary | Satoshi Club: This can be a reason 🙂 do you have more?😉

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Could you tell us about your tokenomics? Market cap and max supply.

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Sure! We have a $1.172 million dollar market cap. An all time high of $3.4 (which we will break soon) and a 600 trillion token suply. We have burned 400 trillion on day 1.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Btw, are you already listed on some cointrackers?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We are l;ive on coin sniper, coin hunt, coin hunters, blockfolio, and many more

Mary | Satoshi Club: You’re fast! Congratulations!

Thank you for your answers! Ready to jump to the next question?🙂

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Thank you !


Q5 from Telegram User @yellowchamp

In BNBACK 100 Trillion token supply,I noticed that you have 15% buy tax and 20% sale tax in your tokenomics. So,can you explain why you need to charge this tax to both buy and sale in your tokens? Can you explain more about this tax charge? Why does this tax is a bit high? What will be the use of this tax? How it will be utilized in your platform? Does this buy and sale tax is to be charge for all transactions to both buy and sale in your tokens? Thank you

Crypto Bender $BNBK: THe sales tax punishes paper hands and produces extra funds to reward the new buyers and loyal holders.

Mary | Satoshi Club: This question is partially covered 😃

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Its a formula that has been working all across the smart chain

I hope this answer is helpful

Mary | Satoshi Club: But you know, i want to ask you my favourite question😉

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Yes maam

Mary | Satoshi Club: What about security?

Audit? Insurance?🙂

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We have an internal audit completed and pinned in our chat and an official, throough vetting audit coming in the next few days

Funds are SAFU

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: The model you have could be apply to other cryptos like ETH? For example, is possible to see ETHBACK in the future?

Crypto Bender $BNBK;FOR SURE!

And anyone who likes this project, may be eligible to get early access to our next project !

Mary | Satoshi Club: Btw, we have next question on this topic🙂

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Please go ahead

Andrés M. | Satoshi Club: Oh You right😁

Let’s go

Mary | Satoshi Club: Which firm did you choose for audit?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: The group name is Audit Central and Dessert finance. Both will be posted soon.

Mary | Satoshi Club: Ok, we will wait for reports👏

Q6 from Telegram User @nhairym

Have you considered expanding your adaptability, opening up to new exchange chains, how they are seen in the long term, do you have plans to carry out new projects soon, and what new functionalities can you include in your token?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We have already answered this =)

Staking, Wallets, Exchnages, and native currency use on a video game casino

Mary | Satoshi Club; Which chains  you plan to  integrate?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Matic is an option we have been keep an eye on very clsoely

All details will be shared on our official announcement coming with next ATH

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from telegram username @highpee


You said you pay users to buy. For how long will you continue this kind gesture? What if users just dump immediately after buying and collecting $75 from you? Is it not necessary to also implement an anti-dump system?

 Crypto Bender $BNBK: ALWAYS

Q2 from telegram username @Einsteinyl

BNBback is a great project, can you introduce to me about your burn system that you have inside your project? How its work ? Can you mention what trigger the burn for BNBBack project?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Its a MANUAL burn

Q3 from telegram username @Pratze

I know that BNBBack have own native token $BNBK.but I’m really curious what are the usecase of $BNBK inside your platform? Are there any benefit by hold your token?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Invest in us ebcause of our dividends. You get paid to hold.

Q4 from telegram username @sumaiya889

 Sir, I want to a “LONG TERM INVESTMENT” with this “Project”, But I’m in doubts right now! How can you convince and assure me this Project is “Safe and profitable”?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: $86 K in rewards 😉

Q5 from telegram username @ethcypherpunk

 For now, how could the community help more to the boom of bnback, thinking about its success and adoption?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: BUY BUY BUY

Q6  from telegram username  @alptrader

How can I earn BNB’s do I have to stake or simply holding?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: simply hold 😉

Q7  from telegram username @Asela1112

Some spammers will be trying to get rewards by using bots in BNBack platform. So do you have a anti-bot system to eliminate the rewards on cheating activities? What kind of punishment will you implement on them?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We will refuse rewards for dip buying to bots. And if a bot sells within 2 hours, they dont get the rewards

Q8  from telegram username @raine1718

How will your project address issues like hackers, money, and data loss? Is there going to be an inspection? Are we going to be safe? Are you planning a global expansion? Is there a specific target region that your project is currently working on? Is it possible to recruit ambassadors?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: We have anti bot mechanisms and a secure updated solidity contract

Q9  from telegram username @Smartling

Can you give us a hint on the kind of video game you intend to launch and release on your next ATH?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: 2 D game. Avoid obstackes. Fast, easy fun, and addicting.

Q10  from telegram username @nitrogenpower

In your roadmap there are staking functionality. When are you going to activate stake?

Crypto Bender $BNBK: Next ATH we announce these details my friend

Part 3 – Quiz Results

As usual, for the third part, Satoshi Club Team asked the chat 4 questions about the crypto project. A link to a Quiz form was sent into the chat.

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