PART 1. Introduction of Blockchain Monster Hunt project and community questions.
Hello, Satoshi clubbers and guests of this site. Let’s talk today about The first multichain nft monster hunt..
Blockchain Monster Hunt the NFT game with Play ti earm model.
Genesis Blockchain Monsters’ First Generation Have Appeared And Every Single One Of Them Has Their Own Distinct Personality And Features. Hurry up to be the first owner
The plan of AMA session:
- Part – Introduction and preselected questions.
- Part – Live questions
- The Quiz about Blockchain Monster Hunt
The reward pool is 500$
Leading the AMA our clever and fun admins:
Paul Mont | Satoshi Club – @Ballantines87on
Andrés M. | Satoshi Club – @AndresM77
The Representative of the project:
Du | BCM Hunt – @Dunguyen – Head of Marketing at BCMH –
Introduction of Blockchain Monster Hunt project.
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Hello satoshi clubbers! Today we are excited to announce our 2nd ama session of the day with blockchain monster hunt! Today’s guest is @dunguyen! Welcome! Great to have you here! 🥳
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Welcome to satoshi club @dunguyen How are you doing? @dunguyen
Du | bcm hunt:
Hello everyone. I’m good andres, thank you
Paul mont | satoshi club:
We’re very excited to have you here! 🥳
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
It’s a pleasure to have you here du. Let’s begin the ama with a short introduction about you
Du | bcm hunt:
Very glad to be here today, i’m du, my past background is in tech startup and marketing. I’ve been deputy ceo of succesful startup vicare before worked for vingroup – biggest company in vn- as business development manager
I’m now head of marketing at bcmh, our founders who are ex garena senior product development in sea and latin america, google and facebook software engineers who are experts in blockchain technology
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Great background, we are happy to bring great personalities to our group
Du | bcm hunt:
Thank you
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Now, please tell us more about blockchain monster hunt, what is its essence? And what was the inspiration to create it?
Du | bcm hunt:
Blockchain monster hunt (bcmh) is the world’s first multi-chain monster hunting and trading game that runs entirely on the blockchain itself
We want to bring a new thrilling new experience where players can play the game on multiple chains and where there are cross-chain interactions
We believe that multi-chain game will be the next breakthrough in the crypto industry. Our goal is to pioneer this step change and to support any other like-minded projects and teams with the same vision.
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Beautfiful, introduction. Thank you 🙏 how big is the core team working on blockchain monster hunt at the current time?
Du | bcm hunt:
And yes, bcmh is inspired by pokemon-go, but you should experience it to see what we have created 😜
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Very innovative project, that’s the key of the evolution
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Very innovative project, that’s the key of the evolution. Oh we have to play it outside, right?😁
Du | bcm hunt:
We’re team of 27 members from designer, game artist to developer, biz dev,..
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Nice, not a small team 🙂 i’m also curious about my colleague’s question – does the bcmh design also imply it will be played mostly “outside” similarly as pokemon go? 🙃
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Yes, what about lazy gamers? Haha
Du | bcm hunt:
Haha, nope, but you can played it on other “places” like pokemon go. Here i mean other “chains” – multichains And it bring a thrilling experience similarly as pokemon go, we hope 😜
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Thanks for the great introduction, we are excited to know more details about the project, that’s why we collected some community questions for you. Ready to proceed?
Du | bcm hunt:
Go ahead, i’m more that ready
Preselected questions about the Blockchain Monster Hunt DeFi project.
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Q1 from telegram user @nazmp2
Bcmc is an erc-20 token that users may use in-game to earn and spend. Users are able to move bcmc onto any chain without the need for third-party services to bridge their tokens. Could you please inform us more about it? How can users move bcmc to any chain without having to rely on a third party to bridge their tokens? Does this also imply that there will be no costs for transferring bcmc tokens to other chains?
Du | bcm hunt:
It’s implied that player will be charge minimal costs for transferring $bcmc among chains (and NFTtoo)
Because we bcmh build the bridge by ourselves
Paul mont | satoshi club:
What will be the main use cases for the bcmh token?
Du | bcm hunt:
In long term, a generic cross-chain marketplace will be the next focus, we expect to be the “open-sea” of cross-chain games. And become a platform allowing other gamesed to send NFTacross different chains thrugh our in-house portal.
We gamify the staking and farming. In our battle logic, people hold more bcmc has the chance to win bigger rewards, it gives the benefits for people holding our token, but also requires they play our game.
Ou can also use bcmc to increase chances of catching monsters.The bcmc has other several uses/advantages such as to earn status, participate in governance and pay for insurance to prevent permanent loss (burn) of monsters when participating in battles.
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Why you choose erc network? Don’t you think that high fees could represent a liquidity problem?
Du | bcm hunt:
Because as you see, there a lot of user here use erc. And beside erc, we have polygon, bsc,… So our player could free to choose the most convenient network
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Thanks for the clarification, great strategy, chain bridges are hot topic right now. Well, after your great answer, we are ready to proceed with the next question.
Paul mont | satoshi club:
And here it comes 🙂
Q2 from telegram user @victorogb
I am particularly interested in the genesis species of monsters. As stated, they are pre-mined, are ancestors of wild and artificial monster species, they can’t be caught or created, they possess their own exclusive staking pool, they are required to build all other monsters, and many more features. With such an outstanding attribute, is it okay to conclude that players will most definitely need to acquire at least a genesis monster specie in other to enjoy the full features of the game? How are they pre-mined? Since these species are the most versatile & useful, can we then conclude, that they are the rarest and costliest? Also can you talk on their exclusive staking pool, how can players earn from it?
Du | bcm hunt:
Firstly, staking pool will be release within q1 2022, so stay stunned for incoming updates.
About genesis outstanding attribute, it’s not must to possess, because you can loan it from flashloan, but it’s an advantage for those who own one of them
It’s not really the rarest monster
Paul mont | satoshi club:
I still feel like i need to own one haha 😁😁
Du | bcm hunt:
Rarity of a monster depend on their genus group
You can read more about it here
Yeah, you should haha
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Thank you for sharing!🙏
By the way, i know that the genesis hunt event is ongoing, could you please tell us more about it? Is it too late for anyone that would like to take part to join in?
Du | bcm hunt:
Not too late for possesing one, because there 14 species more to sell until 10/11 Check it out here for more infomation
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Check it out boys & girls! 👆
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Thanks for share it
Paul mont | satoshi club:
I sure will 🔥😁
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Let’s catch them all 😁
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Haha, right on bud 😁🤩
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Thank you very much @dunguyen! Is there anything else that you would like to add, or shall we proceed to the next question?
Du | bcm hunt:
Let’s move on
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Q3 from telegram user @pavel_jarosh
The monster hunt metaverse is made up of various block worlds that players can choose to join for a period of time. Players can join different worlds to find other players to challenge and level up their monsters. If the block worlds are availabe only a certain period of time, do they close for ever once the time is over? What happens with unique features that remain in these blocked worlds? Do they completely disappear from the game? Thank you!
Du | bcm hunt:
Actually i dont get your point clear. But incase you ask about if a blockchain is disappear, will your NFTremain, the answer is yes, they will. Because own game is multichain, and you can move your NFTonto any chain you want
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Haha that’s why we’re all here in the first place, nobody can take hold of our assets! 😉 By the way, safety is so important for the users as well, have you been going through audits yet?
Or are audits actually in the works?
Du | bcm hunt:
Yes, we have it, check it out
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
We should pay fees to move the NFTamong different chains?
Du | bcm hunt:
Yes, a minimal fee because as i mentioned, we build the bridge
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Oh got it, it sounds reasonable
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Thank you for taking care of this, it’s an added measure of security and trust for the users 🥇 The next question is coming up 😉
Q4 from telegram user @meml97
While reading about blockchain monster hunt, it caught my attention that the game is said to be inspired on pokémon go, and that “bcmh allows players to continuously explore brand-new locations on the blockchain to hunt and battle monsters”, but as we know pokémon go works with locations, real time events, places and tracking technology to be able to follow you anywhere and find new pokémon on your way. So, i was wondering then, will bcmh be similar to pokémon go in that sense and link real life places to locations on the blockchain so players can go further on the game while exploring in real life as pokémon go is intended to be? How will the playability of the game exactly be? How will players be able to find and battles new creatures and progress in their adventure?
Du | bcm hunt:
Oh, bcmh is inspired by pokemon go, not a copy of them haha. We have some playmode now as catch and battle, and pvp and metaverse is coming on dec 21 and jan 22 Player now can catch monsters, train them through battles
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Can you share some images of the live game? I mean the design of the ecosystem
Du | bcm hunt:
Actually you can check it in a video here
And here
Paul mont | satoshi club:
Interesting, what is this picture representing? 🤔
Du | bcm hunt:
Blockchain timeline
Andrés m. | satoshi club:
Let’s check it satoshiclubbers
Du | bcm hunt:
Where you can catch and have a battle with other monster
Du | bcm hunt
Where you can catch and have a battle with other monster
Andrés m. | satoshi club
Who are the designers?
Du | bcm hunt
Our design team make it haha
Paul mont | satoshi club
Cudos to your design team then, love the style! It reminds me a lot of the games i used to play with my sega console haha (but the graphics are obviously darn way cooler here) 😉
Andrés m. | satoshi club
Haha great, congratulations for them, i love the minimalist design. Well, time to proceed with the next question. 🥳
Paul mont | satoshi club
Q5 from telegram user @sanomario
How does blockchain monster hunt plan to spread awareness about its project in different countries where english is not well spoken? What would your future plans be? Could you update us on your research and development progress?
Du | bcm hunt
Thank you, i love the design too 😂 Our prj is global. We have community in south america, south east asia, europe, north America. Each languague region, we have dedicated community manager who is willing to support everyone of you
Paul mont | satoshi club
Gotcha! And perhaps are there any open positions currently? 🙂 is there any chance for some of our talented satoshi clubbers to be involved actively with bcm and become part of the support/community management team?
Andrés m. | satoshi club
Please share the links to join your communities if you want
Du | bcm hunt
Fb group:
Tg global:
Tg announcement:
Du | bcm hunt
Check it, especial on discord
Andrés m. | satoshi club
Let’s join satoshiclubbers🥳
Paul mont | satoshi club
Great! We will share these links later on as well … But in the meanwhile, don’t miss out on the opportunity to stay on track with anything related to bcm people! 👆😉💪
Andrés m. | satoshi club
@dunguyen would you like to add something before the next question?
Du | bcm hunt
Let’s move on
Paul mont | satoshi club
Last question for this very first part of the ama 🙂
Q6 from telegram user @jamesxmen
The phases of your roadmap is termed as cobblestone, sandstone, granite, prismarine & quartz respectively. Why did you put the terms in plutonic rocks? Is there any relation between these plutonic rocks & blockchain monster hunt project’s roadmap? Please tell us about events in your plutonic rocks roadmap?
Du | bcm hunt
You can check detail events here
Paul mont | satoshi club
A well-done infographic is worth more than a thousand words. Thank you 🙂
Also, when can we expect the open beta to come out?
Andrés m. | satoshi club
Road map show that Amazing events are coming, we are excited for an ama with you in 2023😁
Paul mont | satoshi club
Yes, definitely 🤩🔥
Du | bcm hunt
And about plutonic rock, interesting question haha. The name is inspired by the basic blocks in minescraft. The names are actually minecraft’s basic blocks
Paul mont | satoshi club
Nice, so there’s more than pokemon go that’s been a source of inspiration 😉
Du | bcm hunt
Haha yeah, just one of source
Our game will evolve around block, and we’re all avid gamers who love games, minecraft is one of our mutual interest..
Andrés m. | satoshi club
@dunguyen with your answer we complete our 6 questions for this first part of the ama, it has been an honor to learn more about your project and we are excited about the coming events. Now is time to interact directly with our community and open the gates 😁
Du | bcm hunt
Yeah, please
Andrés m. | satoshi club
We are going to open the chat for community questions, please wait until we close the chat to answer your 10 favorites😃🥳
PART 2.Questions about the Blockchain Monster Hunt project from the live chat of the telegram community.
In this part, we open a chat for the crypto community for 120 seconds. Then the guests from the Blockchain Monster Hunt crypto project choose the top 10 questions. The 10 crypto enthusiasts have earned cryptocurrency in the sum of 100$.
Q – 1 from a telegram user @Lena_V10
Currently the GENESIS MONSTER HUNT event is in progress. So, is it mandatory to hold $BCMC token to take part in it? How many Mosters can each user purchase In this event?
Du | BCM Hunt:
It’s not, you can take part in without $bcmc but you need chains token like BNB or Matic or ETH. Number of monsterr you can buy depends on each launchpad , check these launchpad here
Q – 2 from a telegram user @Kabirkapoor9
Is there any way to gain access to Monsters which can be use in Blockchain Monster Hunt game without paying in Secondary market?
Du | BCM Hunt:
yes, you can buy in our own Website.
Q – 3 from a telegram user @maryram
How can I join and invest your project before your token is listed on Binance and pump?
Du | BCM Hunt:
You can buy it now here
🚨$BCMC – Ethereum Mainnet:🚨Contract Address–
🔗 Uniswap LP Info (BCMC/ETH Liquidity) 🔗
📈 DEXTools Charts (Ethereum) 📈
🚨$BCMC – Binance Smart Chain Mainet:🚨
Contract Address-
🔗 PancakeSwap (BNB/BCMC Liquidity) 🔗
📈 DEXTools Charts (BSC) 📈
🚨 $BCMC – Polygon MATIC Mainet:🚨
Contract Address –
🔗 QuickSwap (BCMC/MATIC Liquidity) 🔗
📈 Polygon (QuickSwap) 📈
Q – 4 from a telegram user @mercy_global
In Current Genesis Monster sale, The names of all the Monsters looks so Cool
From from these names have been inspired?
Du | BCM Hunt:
We have a Naming event in our community, and we pick them after consider awesome options, thanks to our early supporters
Q – 5 from a telegram user @Gemshunter22
I see BCMC is listed on different blockchains and exchanges. What is the best to buy on what chain and are the price uniform in all blockchains?
Du | BCM Hunt:
Because we are multichain game, so we offer BCMC on different platform. About the price, let market does it job
Q – 6 from a telegram user @Jamesxmen
You intend to release native mobile Apps relevant to the Blockchain Monster Hunt project in third quarter of 2022. Will your Apps be comfortable with both of Android and iOS?
Du | BCM Hunt:
We will have update soon, but at the 1st day of launching game, you can play on MOBILE WEB BROWER, both IOS and Android
Q – 7 from a telegram user @isabella_blackk
BCMH is a multi-chain gaming platform, but $BCMC token is the same? Which network did you integrate the $BCMC token into, what is your reason for choosing? Can $BCMC be seen as a long-term investment tool?
Du | BCM Hunt:
Yes, $BCMC is multichain too. Some of criterias of networks we choose should have strong community and stable operating. About investment, DYOR
Q – 8 from a telegram user @Madan94495721
Will i able to play Blockchain Monster Hunt on Desktop in future? Which Non-Custodial wallet is suggested by Team to use while playing the game?
Du | BCM Hunt:
You can play on Desktop at day 1 of game launching. You could use Metamask or Wallet Connect
Q – 9 from a telegram user @vector_190
If anyone Refers game to anyone to anyone, What would they ge?
Du | BCM Hunt:
Wait for our updates 😜
Q -10 from a telegram user @AugusS7
If the size of the BCMH universe grows with the blockchain itself, because nobody can predict the blockhash before the block is mined, nobody has control over the monster world, this means that the rarities of the monsters will continue to expand and the stages of the game will never end?
Du | BCM Hunt:
It’s like bitcoin mining, will it never end? Otherside, we have other interesting playmode for you to explore
Part 3 – Quiz about project
In the final part, we tested the knowledge in terms of the Blockchain Monster Hunt project. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part, so everyone could be a part and answer. Participants had 10 minutes to answer. 300$ was distributed between the winners.
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