We were delighted to welcome our guest from Kawaiiswap . The AMA took place onOctober 4th, 2021 and our guest was @SenpaiTech.
The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Greetings dear Satoshi Club!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Today our great friend from Kawaiiswap @SenpaiTech is our guest.
Jonah 🏅🎹: Welcome to Satoshi club @SenpaiTech 👏
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, Dmitriy
Senpai : Hello, Satoshi Club, really glad to be here again 😁
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club we are very excited about the upcoming AMA and meeting you again
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: How are you doing?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: what news did you brought us 😍🔥
Senpai : Really great, we had actually tremendous growth after our Fair Launch event and are preparing for the start of our app today in a few hours 😌
Community is really exited in our channel right now anticipating this event 😎
Jonah 🏅🎹: Awesome I’m sure its going to be an Exciting one indeed
Senpai : It seems soon we will reach 5k members and we have some diamond holders out there 🙌 There were basically no dumps after we got listed and we see smooth and natural growth 😎
But all details are further the AMA I guess ; )
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: this is a really exciting moment! like harvest festival in autumn😁
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Let’s start with questions🚀
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: If you don’t mind?
Senpai : Sure, lets do it 😁
Q1 from Telegram User @victorogb
KawaiiSwap recently carried out its Presale which was done as a fair launch, and from available information, this event was a massive success. If you wouldn’t mind, kindly share some of the details of that event, how was the overall turn-up from investors, and how did this event have a positive effect on $CALCIFER? Also your farming pools go live today 4th October. Can you provide necessary details on this, how can we join in? KawaiiSwap has also made plans to list in Coingecko and CMC within this quater. kindly enlighten us on the steps taken towards actualizing this, and other listings in the nearest future?
Senpai : Thanks for such detailed question.
We had Fair Launch on the PinkSale launchpad, which is a bit unusual and as far as I know we were the first project who they have launched in this manner. This is completely new approach.
Before Fair Launch events simply meant that devs list tokens themselves (usually also adding really low liquidity and artificially pumping the price).
Fair Launch on the PinkSale is more like ‘Fair Presale’ instead, but the major difference is that there is no fixed price, it starts at 0, and the resulting listing price is requal to raised funds divided by amount of tokens.
There is no hardcap also in Fair Launch approach – whatever funds are raised by the end of presale gets automatically added as liquidity.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: yes you know how to surprise😁
Senpai : Due to these unusual features there were concerns that we may have whales. But actually because in Fair Launch listing price is equal to price at the end of event – ‘whale’ needs to be really confident that there will be huge amount of participans after token got listed, and so far we didnt notice anyone ready to take such risks.
Jonah 🏅🎹: This is indeed an unusual and great launch
Jonah 🏅🎹: Thank you for your answer..
Senpai : Our spread was really amazing with more than 400 participants in the event and almost all of it with buys of 1 bnb or less. So it turned our really well.
So in the end it was really worth to launch in this manner. Upon listing we continued with no dumps and natural growth with new buyers 😎
Senpai : About the farming start – it will be per the following block – https://bscscan.com/block/countdown/11481950
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This smooth transition worked really well for you.
Senpai : so community can add it and keep that in mind, reards start really soon 😎
Jonah 🏅🎹: About 3 hours and 30 minutes left .
Senpai : And we have already filled Coingecko and CMC forms, so now it is just a matter of time when we got listed there 😌
Jonah 🏅🎹: Good Job 👍
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yes, the numbers are incredible and this is a success!🚀
Jonah 🏅🎹: Ready to proceed to the next question?
Senpai : Sure 😌
Q2 from Telegram User @Ecmq10
Hello KawaiiSwap team, I understand that the KawaiiSwap ecosystem has two tokens, starting with KAWAII token, which is a deflationary token and serves two main purposes: distribution of dividends token holders and governance. The governance purpose is a unique and very important utility. The other token is CALCIFER, what are the main purposes of this token? What role does it play within the platform? Thank you!
Senpai : The CALCIFER token is a native token on KawaiiSwap platform.
It is used for farming and staking, as well as participation in Quests and Lotteries. Access to loot-boxes,
Buyback Protocol and any other functionality on KawaiiSwap platform also requires token ownership.
Senpai : CALCIFER also has following more or less standard features:
Anti whale
Transfer Tax
Pool Boost
User Boost
Harvest Tax
Transfer tax is currently set just as 0.5% on every token transfer and it automatically gets burned. Therefore we are preventing bots interfering in token trading. We are closely monitoring if it is enough, in overall in is subject to change between 0.5 and 1%
Senpai : By the way, our liquidity is locked for 5 years
And there are remaining 13 550 CALCIFER tokens after fair launch event – also locked for 5y vesting period
Senpai : Calcifer token is mintable, but with the realease of the Layer 2 of the platform (Browser RPG going live) – it is not going to be minted anymore.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Anti whale feature is really unique
Jonah 🏅🎹: What is the Harvest Tax set at?
Senpai : right, users are not allowed to transfer more than 1% of the token in circulation, it is also subject to change upon having more tokens released
Senpai : There are 2 concepts involved – Tax Period and Harvest Tax;
We are having Tax Period of 2 hours for native pairs – that is Calcifer token pool and Calcifer – BNB farming pool.Non-native pairs have 4 hours tax period.
Platform users are allowed to Harvest at any time, but if you do so before the Tax Period ends, you’ll incur a Tax proportional to the Tax Period remaining.
Senpai : There is example in our documentation:
f.e. if the Tax Period is 4h and you harvest after 2h, you’ll incur a tax of 50% over your pending rewards for that pool/farm and it gets automatically burned.
Senpai : so after 2h in natives or 4h in non-natives user can harvest as usual without reward getting taxed.
Jonah 🏅🎹: This is unique 👏
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: As far as I remember, you also timed the farming rewards to the block and not to the time. And this is also a rather unusual solution. 😁
Senpai : Yes, actually important Note – is that harvest period/tax will only trigger after the user harvested for the first time.
It is done so that everyone have fair start. As before this system was abused when those who staked early get 0 tax upon launch and who joined right before start had 100% tax
Senpai : this is linked to the start rewards block and as mentioned – right after user got first harvesting, the tax period is triggered for the next harvesting
Jonah 🏅🎹: I think this is fair enough for the users
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you very much for taking care of this. And it really makes sense. Also big thanks for your answers and clarification.
Senpai : There is also one important moment needs to be mentioned on Calcifer token : )
Jonah 🏅🎹: By the way can you also share your Tokenomics
Senpai : We brainstormed a lot on how to make it sustainable and attractive in long term, and came up with solution we think will be received really well by comunity.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: intrigued😁
Senpai : So far we got really good feeadbacks. So here how it goes.
Aside from farming app, our team is working on NFT ownership game with the target release of Q2 2022. Upon it getting released the in-game currency becomes mintable token and added as Layer 2 on KawaiiSwap platform.
And Calcifer token is affected in the following way:
Senpai : – CALCIFER becomes a deflationary token
– Its supply gets capped at around 1.5M
– CALCIFER token Pool is added on Layer 2 of the platform
Senpai : Calcifer is also a magical creature from the Howls Moving Castle animation movie, a fire demon 😁
So we decided that with the release of the Browser RGP, Calcifer becomes in-game character.
Senpai : When player kills Calcifer character in the game – part of rewards is used to buy-back and burn a portion of Calcifer tokens, therefore tokens become even more scarce 😌
Senpai : So this is a way to get it much more interesting in term of user interaction with the platform and also make Calcifer token sustainable and attractive in the long term
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This is very cool! I remember your artist is incredible 😍
Senpai : More details on tokenomics:
Emission RateCALCIFER per block = 4 (initial emission rate).
90% – farms and pools
5% sent to the dev wallet for further marketing and development
5% sent to treasury wallet
Transfer Tax
Current transfer tax rate is: 0.5% on every transfer
Deposit Fee
Non-native Farms/Pools deposit fee is 4%
Native Farms/Pools deposit fee is 0%
Initial Supply: 80 000 tokens
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: This sistem really makes the token attractive and sustainable
Jonah 🏅🎹: Yeah I totally agree
Senpai : Auto emission reduction:
Emission rate gets automatically reduced by 3% every 6 hours until it reach the final reward per block which will be 0.25 CALCIFER per block.
Senpai : we will also monitor the emission rate as there is option to adjust initial 4 Calcifer per blocks through our Timelock contract (with 6h delay) – if emission is too big in initial phases of the project or on the contrary needs to be adjusted at start due to large surge in platfrom users.
Senpai : That is I believe it on Calcifer tokenomics 😁
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for detailed information ☺️
Jonah 🏅🎹: Thank you for your Detailed response
Jonah 🏅🎹: I’m sure you are ready for the next question
Q3 from Telegram User @Pavel_Jarosh
Kawaii is applying a sophisticated system of keeping their users under control by using an AntiWhale System, Transfer and Harvest taxes and Pool and User boost. From one side it looks as a way to control the project agains all types fraud or abuse but also as a way to limit the users. How would you comment the use of these mechanisms? Don’t you think it might discourage potential investors? Thank you!
Senpai : Well, I don’t think users are going to be discouraged by these features, as per mentioned – Transfer tax will always be between 0.5% and 1% – these measures were taken to prevent sniping bots that intefrere with users trading. It was also requested by community itself.
And we have much smaller Tax Periods that are usually used on farming platfroms. Commonly spread are lock for 3d+ up to 1 week.
Senpai : Anti-whale – affects only 1 user transactions to prevent price being affected a lot by one buy/sell.
User however can execute multiple transactions.
Jonah 🏅🎹: Alright I get this 👍
Jonah 🏅🎹: Do you want to add something or should we proceed?
Senpai : As for Pool and User boosts – it adds only benefits to the users and additional use-cases to the token.
When Tax Period ends, user can either:
1) harvest with 0 tax
2) Boost the Pool
Pool is betting boosted by 25% – it means all future rewards in this pool are higher by 25%. But user sacrifice half of the pending rewards – it gets burned.
Senpai : So in exchange of half of the pending rewards you receive boost in all future rewards in specific pool. (max is 300%)
Senpai : User boost is other feature – in increases APR in all user farms and pools by 5%,
but it is directly connected to Quests functionality, getting released in 1 week. There users will need to complete some missions (like holding <amount> of <tokenname> in a wallet) – by completing the mission he receives the User boost.
Senpai : That is all now I believe 😁
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for clarifying. 😁
Jonah 🏅🎹: Thank you. 😊
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Great answers👏👏👏
Jonah 🏅🎹: Let’s proceed
Q4 From Telegram User @captainprice111
In the game of KawaiiSwap platform, I saw 2 different lottery types such as activity cookie and prayer room, and a reward program called 5 different “luck” forms such as a joint prize pool. How does this lottery system work on the KawaiiSwap platform? How and how the prize is distributed in the common prize pool, who decides which player will receive how much? Can you tell us about these features that are not available on other game platforms?
Senpai : Sure.
On the first game called Fortune Cookies – it is based on Japanese tradition, where you buy a ‘fortune cracker’ with a ‘prohecy’ letter inside ; )
The concept in short is following:
– on KawaiiSwap platform player reserves his spot in the game by depositing Calcifer tokens
– there is common prize pool – amount of tokens all the players have deposited
– using randomiser, winner wallets gets selected according to their Luck
5 luck types exist: ‘Best Luck’, ‘Good Luck’, ‘Average Luck’, ‘Bad Luck’, ‘Worst Luck’
Senpai : When at specific time winners are announced, participants receive reward from the reward pool with ‘Best Luck’ getting the most and ‘Worst Luck’ getting the least.
20% of allocated Calcifer tokens in prize pool are burned, which also deflates the token
the rest is allocated to winners
Senpai : And per tradition – a ‘prophecy’ letters is displayed also to ‘Fortune Cookies’ participant 😁
Senpai : So with this type of game the participant can win big, but the chance to winis smaller than with the next game
Senpai : Second lottery type game, the ‘Prayer Room’ uses the concept of loot-boxes.
In this game there is also chance to win not only coins, but also NFTs, upon them getting released
Senpai : In the Prayer Room there is kind of ‘altar’ where donation to gods can be placed
and right after you have donated specific amount of Calcifer tokens (it is one-time donation) – communication with gods is established 😁
Senpai : if your prayer is heard, you may receive reward. (Calcifer tokens, some other tokens, soon enough – NFTs or NFT sets)
Senpai : – it is random reward drawn by the contract, as per loot-box concept
same as if you have opened reward box in the game
However there is around 5% chance of not being heard, as gods are tough to deal with 😑
Senpai : I believe that is it in overall.
First game estimated release – end of October or beginning of November. And second game estimated release – December.
Jonah 🏅🎹: But can the users increase the chances of their prayers being heard by the gods?
Senpai : This is not planned right from the start, but actually good idea. We can think of something like ‘if you wear monk robe NFT you have +20% chance to be heard by god’ 😁
Senpai : we will reserve this idea ; )
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Great idea😁
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers
Jonah 🏅🎹: Ready for the next question?
Senpai : Sure 🙂
Q5 from Telegram User @Billz120
Kawaiiswap Referral Program- it is interesting to know that there is a referral program under Kawaiiswap wherein upon share the referral link to invite mine friends entitles me earn 5% of mine friends earnings forever. Could you please explain to me how I could unlock wallet to get mine unique referral link? How many Referral of mine friends do I need to guarantee or meet with this condition?
Senpai : To get referral link – it is really simple, you just need to navigate to Referrals section on the app and Unlock your wallet the same way you unlock it for deposits, in upper right corner.
Senpai : You will instantly see something like this:
Senpai : Note that when you friends don’t lose anything if they use referral link.
It is not 5% discounted from their rewards, but new tokens are minted and sent to referrers’ wallet.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Great opportunity 😊
Senpai : It is enough to refer at least 1 friend to start getting referral commision. It is counted as 5% from rewards each time you refer a friend,
so refer as much as you can 😁
Jonah 🏅🎹: No limit.. 👍
Jonah 🏅🎹: Thank you for clarifying this
Jonah 🏅🎹: Ready for the last question for this part?
Senpai : definitely
Q6 From Telegram user @Emidm28
I read that the release of KAWAII token is planned for November 2021, that is, next month. Very little time left. Will it be in early, mid or late November? Will there be a public sale? Where can we register to be the first users to purchase the KAWAII token? Will there be a whitelist? Since the KAWAII token is the governance token, will the governance protocol also be launched in November? Or is it planned for the next few months?
Senpai : We are working hard to release it as fast as possible with target of end of October or early Novenber.
It will be a public sale, but we are yet to decide on the launchpad and whether yjere will be whitelisting. One of options is to go the same way we did with Calcifer, but the official announcement will follow, just wait for the news on this 🙂
Jonah 🏅🎹: We will be on the lookout for the news
Senpai : Governance protocol gets released soon after the token release. The first functionality that is getting released simultaneously with Kawaii tokens release – is Dividends Platform. Kawaii token holders will be eligible to dividends payment on biweekly basis, that is – receiving part of KawaiiSwap profit (current and part of profit from upcoming games to be released).
Senpai : So that is like becoming one of KawaiiSwap shareholders 😎
Jonah 🏅🎹: Awesome..
Jonah 🏅🎹: What will be the supply of the Kawaii token?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Well! great things are happening right now in KawaiiSwap🔥🔥🔥
Senpai : that is what we are currently deciding upon. It will be much higher than what Calcifer token will be capped at.
As Kawaii starts right away as deflationary token with following tokenomics:
5% tax to dividends pool
5% – back to holders
5% – burned
we need to take into account how fast supply can decrease
(for the first month it will also be 20% burned with auto decrease – to motivate holding other than overtrading)
Senpai : So supply will be more that 100M – that is for sure. But we will decide upon finalizing tokenomic calculations
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram User @feranno
Partnerships for adoption make projects easier. So, can you tell us about your partnership plan and approach to partnerships?
Senpai :
Regarding partnerships – our networking head has close connections in other projects, so it is only a matter of time.
We had prior discussions, but as any partnership goes – it definitely requires mutual benefit. The requirement yet to be fulfilled from our side – is for the app to go live and get some traction, to raise TVL.
Very simple way how we can interact with other yield farming platforms – is to have cross-pools and cross-marketing campaigns.
But as our Quests and games on the platform is going to support NFTs (like in explained loot-box concept) – we can collab with play to earn projects as well, to f.e. add these NFTs in our ‘Prayer Room’ game or Quests feature, as well as having our own NFTs exposed.
It can go further as our functionality gets expanded. Like, with the release of our own NFT ownership game, both our gaming world and gaming world of our potential partner can interact in much more ways f.e. having their characters imported in our games.
as well as items in the form of NFTs
in it just the matter if gaming wolds align well to have such interactions.
Q2 from Telegram User @nitrogenpower
Most of the people and really loved NFT technology and uses it and NFT’s on this year made really big progress. My question is are there any plans to create a marketplace on KawaiiSwap and special NFT’s?
Senpai :
As we will have a lot of custom NFTs coming together with the game release – we will definitaly have it.
Release of NFT marketplace is included in the roadmap with current target set as Q1 2022 😎
Q3 from Telegram User @MdLuffyo
While browsing your platform, something caught my attention, what is Emergency Withdrawal, can you talk about what kind of system it is?
Senpai :
Emergency withdraw, as per name goes, should only be used in case of emergency 😁 Like, outage happened and our website went down.
In case like that – your funds are still SAFU on bsc network, and if user decided to withdraw funds – he can do it directly through bscscan.
For that you need to know ID of the pool you deposited to – those are added in our instructions: https://kawaiiswap.gitbook.io/kawaiiswap-finance/security/emergency-withdraw/calcifer-pool-ids
Q4 from Telegram User @Xusuo
Hello could you introduce to us about KAWAIISWAP team, is it doxxed team ? how about their experience in blockchain world? because as we know there are so much scam and rugpulled project in DeFi world.
Senpai :
Our team is doxxed – you can see real names and profile pictures on our app: https://www.kawaiiswap.finance/team
As well we have passed KYC by Solidproof, here is KYC report: https://github.com/solidproof/kyc-certificates/blob/main/KYC_Certificate_Calcifer_%26_Howls_Castle.png
We have new member joining the team also this month, UI/UX expert that will concentrate on the platform front end.
As for previous experience in blockchain: I’m leading dev process of the team and have previous experience in DeFi projects. At some point we separated our ways with old project founder and concentrated each on our own ideas.
Q5 from Telegram User @TarJan208
You have done AMAs in Satoshi Club Regional Groups
After that time,
Whay main Developmet have been done since then?
Senpai :
After our previous session there were 3 major events:
1. Release of our Buyback Protocol, you can see it here on our app: https://www.kawaiiswap.finance/buybacks
2. Sucessful Fair Launch on PinkSale launchpad
3. listing on Pancake
And 4th upcoming – farming rewards start today
Q6 from Telegram User @Rakshhitx5
I saw there is a Kawaiiswap Buyback Protocol. Can you tell us more about it? What function does it perform? Does it buy back the tokens automatically?
Senpai :
More on the Buyback Protocol: this is feature when project buys back tokens directly from investors at the fixed price therefore:
1) more advantageous to investors
2) more effective deflation measure than manual buyback and burn from exchange
User need to stake Calcifer coins in Buyback Protocol section on our app,
There is specific time when buyback event takes place – we will announce the first even in our channel.
Event duration – 12h, while it is ongoing users can deposit calcifer tokens. And there is buyback BUSD pool provided by the project.
When 12h passed, applicants (wallets) are randomly selected and applied amount by users is bought back.
When all the buback pool provided by the project is drained, event is closed and date of upcoming buyback event is announced
Q7 from Telegram User @messilolz
What is the main achievements of your project and now upcoming priorities?? Have you renonunced your contract ownership and how old is your project?
Senpai :
Our main achievement I would say is building solid team and our large community of 4.6k members for such a young project 😌
Next is
– having successful Fair Launch on PinkSale launchpad
– having continuous natural growth in terms of community and also token price with no dumps after fair launch event after listing
-platform is fully prepared for farming start, with ownership transferred to Timeloch (6h)
Q8 from Telegram User @Madan94495721
What policies & procedures does projects have to comply/follow in order to collaborate with you? Are you guys looking for Corporate partners to establish KawaiiSwap as Brand & to have Brand loyality among customers?
Senpai :
We have Networking Head in the project responsible for establishing partnerships/collabs. Please reach @Kchinoy on this matter.
On the KawaiiSwap branding. Note that in overall we have plans to go completely official as soon as project stabilases a bit.
I have registered company in Latvia (where dev team members reside): “Brainstorm Digital” Ltd.
Soon after we are getting a bit of a traction and new dev member joins us – KawaiiSwap gets published as project under “Brainstorm Digital” company, as well as upcoming NFT ownership games.
Due to NFT ownership game is also a separate project, but interacts with KawaiiSwap platform in the for of in-game currency being added as separate Layer on the platform and NFTs used in lottery-type games – both KawaiiSwap and these NFT games are going to be listed as our company projects separately. But managed by one and the same team.
Q9 from Telegram User @Tahsinahmett
I’ve seen you do AMAs in groups of different nationalities such as Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian. Can you explain why? Is there community feedback?
Senpai :
The reason of having AMA with different nationalities is simply we want the project to be known also in non-english groups.
At some point we will also have local communities, but that will come after our main group is large enough. Estimate – in around 2 month or a bit later.
For now everyone is welcome to join our main international community 😌
Q10 from Telegram User @Ishan1_7
I’ve read that you are planning to release beta gameplay.And who are the qualified to join or participate in this beta gameplay launch?
Senpai :
It will take a bit of a time before details on beta-testing can be published. We will have official announcement, please follow our communities and you definitely won’t miss it 😎
There will be chance for everyone to join as community feedback is really important to us.
By the way, our first NFT ownership game is planned in the form of fantasy RPG based on Dungeon and Dragons world.
Per functionality what planned is:
characters development, battle system, different kind of gear/items you can utilise in gaming world those being NFTs. Adventure mode with locations you can navigate to and PVP mode.
And NFTs are in the form of in-game items: potions, weapon, armour etc.
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Kawaiiswap. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.
For more information and
future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group: https://t.me/Satoshi_club
Russian Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_ru
Spanish Telegram group: https://t.me/satoshi_club_spanish
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/satoshi_club_channel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsatoshiclub
Website: https://esatoshi.club/
Our partners: KawaiiSwap Website – kawaiiswap.finance
KawaiiSwap Telegram – @kawaiiswap