AMA Satoshi Club x Kaby Arena, August 23rd

AMA Satoshi Club x Kaby Arena, August 23rd

We were delighted to welcome our guest from Kaby Arena. The AMA took place on August 23rd, 2021 and our guests were @nhan_bui @AnhPhan88!

The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Mary Satoshi Club: Hello  Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with Kaby Arena! Welcome to Satoshi Club😀

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Today’s guests are @nhan_bui @AnhPhan88! Welcome! Great to have you here!

Nhan Bui: Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all!

Phan Anh: Hi everyone, it’s our pleasure!

Mary Satoshi Club: Hello, guys! Happy to e-meet you! How was your day?🙂

Nhan Bui: We are working double time to get everything ready for IDO 😂

Mary Satoshi Club: Oh, i can only imagine 👍

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Hard work will bear great fruits 😉

Mary Satoshi Club: I think we can start our AMA than🙂

Nhan Bui: We are ready 💪

Mary Satoshi Club: Could you please introduce yourself and tell us more about Kaby Arena 😀

Nhan Bui: Hello everyone, big thanks to your interest in our project and for attending this AMA and. I’m Nhan, co-founder and CEO of Kaby Arena. I’m here to answer anything you’d like to know about the game, about our vision, hopefully by doing so, you guys will join us on this exciting adventure ahead.

A bit about myself, I have a background in competitive gaming with Dota 1. With the release of Dota 2 on Steam and Steam Marketplace, I got into collectibles trading and made quite a bit of money in 2013-2014. However, with Steam, you never truly own the items and P2P trading for profit is trust-based and prohibited by Steam. That’s why when the idea of NFT game came out, it immediately clicked to me. In Kaby Arena, we want to replicate the success of the Steam Marketplace and their Free-to-play model. I believe by combining them with the trending Play-to-Earn model, Kaby Arena will become a pioneer in NFT gaming.

Mary Satoshi Club: Yes, that’s a good time now to start such kind of project! So, how long did it take you to develop Kaby Arena?

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Perfect timing, I’d say – the crypto gaming niche is literally exploding right now 😉

Nhan Bui: Our studio have several games in the making since the beginning of this year, but after we decided to adopt blockchain technology inbto Kaby Arena in May, we put everything else on pending and only focus on this project since then.

Mary Satoshi Club: Gotcha 👍 Also could you tell us more about your upcoming IDO😀

Nhan Bui: At the moment we have pretty much wrapped everything with our launchpads, only waiting to sign all the paperwork now.

If nothing goes wrong our IDO will be available on 31 August, on 4 launchpads: DAO Maker, Red Kite, Gamefi, and Gate Startup.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: That’s right around the corner! Save the date Satoshi Clubbers! 🎉🔥

Mary Satoshi Club: Nice platforms i need to say and not so long to wait👍

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: We have some community questions ready for you to answer, so we can get deeper into what Kaby Arena will offer to its users.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Ready to answer them? 😉

Nhan Bui: We are 💪

Mary Satoshi Club: Let’s go 🚀

Q1 from Telegram user @Ajpaa

League of Legends, Dota 2, CS:GO, Fortnite, etc. all implemented Free-to-Play games like Kaby Arena. So What is unique about Kaby Arena? Kaby Arena intends to always keep the enthusiasm of its community and player base through Competitive scene like dynamic ranking system, matchmaking algorithm and competitive tournaments hosted periodically all year round that will separate Kaby Arena apart and bring longevity to the game. Can you briefly explain these dynamic ranking system, matchmaking algorithm and competitive tournaments? How are they implemented in your ecosystem? Are there requirements to participate in these competitive scenes and will they avail community members rewards?

Nhan Bui: Kaby Arena employs an ELO ranking algorithm that rank you based on your recent performance against other opponents in PvP mode. If you win against a higher ranked player, your rank will improve dramatically while if the opponent is lower rank than you then it will only improve a liitle bit. You can see this mechanism in many other games such as Dota 2, Fifa , etc.

Customizable pairing system (or more commonly known as matchmaking sytem) provide you with more options when you find PvP match. You will be matched with opponents that are similar rank with you and match your criteria. For example, you can choose to exclude players who have a full team of NFT heroes from the opponents pool.

The two features provide fairness to all players and make the game both fun and competitive to everyone.

Nhan Bui: We will host 3 kinds of tournaments:

1. Weekly tournament: everyone can participate, 4 similar rank players will be grouped together. The winner receive the prize and the weekly cup

2. Quarterly tournament: Only the holders of the weekly cups can participate. 8 random players will be grouped together. Winner receive prize and the quarterly cup.

3. Annual tournament: Our biggest event of the year. Holders of quarterly cups can participate. In addition top 100 rank players can participate too. Largest prize pool.

Our only concern is the current COVID-19 situation that can prevent offline events.

Mary Satoshi Club: May be you can host online events instead?😀

Nhan Bui: offline tours always have their own unique type  of hype 🤘

Mary Satoshi Club: For sure! When do you plan your first tournament?😀

Nhan Bui: but pretty much impossible considering the covid situation 🙁

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: I agree, but the kind of vibes that give you goose bumps just minutes ahead of the tournament 😉

Mary Satoshi Club: I never thought this will be so long and annoying 🤷

Nhan Bui: We will  have to wait until it’s possible to travel internationally without 14 days quarantine

Nhan Bui: at least with some sort of vaccine passport

Mary Satoshi Club: Hope so!

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: I’m pretty sure that good organization and a great product will make up for the unfortunate impossibility of hosting a rea-life tournament for the time being 😉

Mary Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers, guys! Ready to proceed?😀

Nhan Bui: ready

Q2 from Telegram user @Jmagsss

I saw an article about Kaby Arena acquiring a ‘Developer-Grant’ from the Polygon Network. From this, I would assume that Kaby Arena will be building network support for the Polygon blockchain. Can you tell us more about from this partnering and are you already in talk with the Polygon team following this news? Also, what do you think will be added into Kaby Arena’s features and value once Polygon’s utilities are implemented into your products, NFTs and the game itself?

Nhan Bui: Actually we built the game on Polygon chain before applying for the grant 🙂 We decided to choose Polygon due to the low gas fee, which will enable a lot of cool things such as covering the gas fee for our users, and make the game gas-less.

This will be extremely important since we intend to onboard even players who have no idea about cryptocurrency. They will be able to check out the game without a Metamask wallet.

Mary Satoshi Club: What are the main benefits of Polygon grant?

Nhan Bui: It’s mostly about recognition from the Polygon team, they will give us extra coverage from their social media. We will do an AMA with Polygon team during our IDO launch.

Mary Satoshi Club: So you’re only considering Polygon blockchain to work with?

Nhan Bui: The game will run on Polygon, but the token sale will be available on BSC as well. Lots of people asked for BSC so we think it’s best to launch on both chains.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Brilliant, thank you for the comprehensive answer 😁

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Ready for the next question? 🚀

Nhan Bui: Ready 👍

Q3 from Telegram user  @Jonahapagu

One of the assets that will be available on Kaby Arena is the Kaby Non-NFT Heroes which is untradable and will be issued as a Free reward from PvE mode and it is also stated that these Can be ascended to NFT Heroes using Kaby token.. since this asset is untradable, what will be the use or importance of this asset in kaby arena and how can players ascend this asset into NFT Heroes using kaby token, what amount of kaby token will players need to achieve this..

Nhan Bui: The untradeable non-NFT heroes are randomized and given out to every players to make the game Free-to-Play. You can use these heroes to play the game without investing anything (unlike most other NFT games).

Once a player got familiar with the game and understand the Play-to-Earn potential of Kaby Arena, they can ascend their best free heroes into NFTs by spending KABY tokens or buy NFTs from other players. Ascension will give your heroes better stats, and the process will be simple with only one click. As for the cost, we are in the process of balancing the numbers.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Will the free heroes still be able to compete against “ascended”, NFT heroes?

Mary Satoshi Club: Wow, i like this system! Can users earn tokens by playing using free heroes?

Nhan Bui: Of course, the game is tactical so you can definitely win with slightly weaker heroes. There’s also the Crypto Wars mechanism to close the gap vs Premium players.

Mary Satoshi Club: So, i think it’s also answer to my question😀

Nhan Bui: Yes they can, but there’s a weekly cap to the amount of tokens they can earn.

However there’s no limit to other drops such as treasure chests, equipment, or upgrade scrolls. All of these can be sold on the market, just like Dota or CSGO items in the early days.

Mary Satoshi Club: Fantastic! 🎉

Mary Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers, guys! Ready to jump to the next question?

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Yes, looks amazing 🔥

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: The next question is about the heroes features and skills 🙂

Q4 from Telegram user @Cheriemike

In Kaby Arena Battle for a player to progress in the game, players will collect heroes and each hero is one of the 5 elements: Wind, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness.My question is,Can you tell us each heroes unique stats and abilities?Are there any similar skill derive on each heroes element?What are the advantage of each heroes when used in the battle mode?

Nhan Bui: In Kaby Arena, we have hero elements, categories, races.

1. There are 5 elements as you mentioned, which forms a counter system: Fire counters Wind, Wind counters Water, Water counters Fire, Darkness and Light counters each other.

2. There will at least 20 races at official launch, which decides race talents – special skills that is unique to that race.

3. Other than 5 elements, Kaby heroes are divided in 4 different categories based on their stats distribution: Attack, Defend, Speed, and HP. These categories define the main attribute and the skills pool. For example, Support Hero will have Support skills

For more detail, please follow our “Get to Know Kaby Arena” series on our medium:

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Cool! Are we still on time to join the testing phase of the game? 🙃

Mary Satoshi Club: I think we still missed one important detail in our AMA😀 tell us please, who are in your team and who is responsible for creating such great concept for your game😀

Nhan Bui: At the moment our client is still in internal test phase. Official demo will be available in October.

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Yes, that’s also a pivotal question to be answered 😉

Nhan Bui: Our game studio is Ziga game, we mostly focused on web and mobile games before. Kaby Arena will be our first blockchain project, the blockchain code and smart contract will be assisted by our partner Rikkeisoft

Mary Satoshi Club: And this is also very interesting question 😉

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Perfect, thank you very much! Crystal clear answers! 👏

Paul Mont | Satoshi Club: Let’s move onto the next question, shall we? 😉

Q5 from Telegram user @Highpee

Project usually makes use of IDO or IEO during the initial crowdfunding presale phase. However, I found out that your project has launched Community Venture Offering (CVO) and I don’t think I am familiar with this type of presale system. Can you explain how CVO is done and the advantage it has over IDO/ICO which made you to prefer it? How is Community Ventures different from Venture Capital? Who can join this event and how many participants do you need at this stage? Also, I learnt that investors who will be whitelisted will be able to send $300 for the purchase of token to you but only 24% of this bought token will be released at launch. When will whitelisting ends and When will the remaining tokens be released?

Nhan Bui: Kaby Arena’s private sale has concluded a week ago.

That particular CVO is actually not provided by us. It’s an offer from one of our VC – DEC Ventures. They were one of our earliest investors, and now they decide to share some of their own private round allocation to the community under the format of a CVO. Hence the small ticket size. 24% unlocking at TGE is the same schedule with private round. You can check details in our whitepaper (

Nhan Bui: Our public sale will open at the end of this month, and details on whitelist will be released within a few days on

Please stay tuned 🙏

Mary Satoshi Club: Satoshiclubbers, i want to remind you – don’t miss your chances!👏

Mary Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers! Ready for the 6th and last question from this part?🚀

Q6 from Telegram user @Manugotsuka

Reading about your project I saw that It says “Assets for rent”, so can you explain us how this rent system works? Also which assets can be rented?

Nhan Bui: Good question! Renting is a way for NFT owner to make passive profit from their unused NFTs and a way for F2P players to experience the NFTs with minimum fee. We offer two method of renting:

– Peer-to-peer: renting through smart contract directly between the users. To avoid risk for both parties, a collateral is required. Often the collateral is higher than the value of the rented NFT. It will be locked during the rent duration and will be awarded to the owner of the NFT if the renter fails to return the item.

– Using Kaby game studio as a trusted 3rd party: no collateral is required. The NFT will be locked by us, a non-tradeable copy will be sent to the renter, and destroyed by the end of the rent. This method is cheaper than the previous.

Only NFTs can be rented.

Mary Satoshi Club: How you will value your NFTs😀 it’s often a problem

Nhan Bui: We will automatically suggest a baseline price using the heroes stats, but it’s the owner who decide the final number for collateral and fee.

Mary Satoshi Club: Gotcha 👍

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram User @Asela1112

You have allocated 15.5% of $KABY from total supply for the private sale. I think, private sale must be for your partners & early investors. Can you share with us your Private Sale’s details? How much did you fundraise through that?

Nhan Bui: Our private sale went to various VCs and regional KOLs. We raised roundly 1 million USD through this round. Two major investors are DAO Maker and Red Kite, who will also serve as launchpads for our project.

Q2 from Telegram User @LuisPagulayan

What is the project’s history behind choosing NFT gaming to be an industry to be in? What relevance does it play when it comes to games, does it provide any? How will the participants and players will benefit from this project?

Nhan Bui: I choose NFT game due to my history with trading virtual items. The game industry is booming and so does virtual items, for example World of Warcraft gold has been valuable since well over a decade ago.

And I think a trustless, and truly free market will be needed to accommodate this entire new asset class.

Players will be able to freely earn, trade, and profit from the game.

Q3 from Telegram User @mobilejii

How important  is security for youand what security measures can we see ? When will be audit report available?

Nhan Bui: We are currently under the process of auditing. The audit is performed by Certik

 (, we are considering other options as well for extra security.

Q4 from Telegram User @Antoni_azx

I liked that Kaby Arena will use an anti-scripting system to improve the gameplay and reduce the infestation by automatic bots, on some gaming platforms these systems can be very annoying for common users (captchas for example) so you can tell us what are the advantages of the system implemented by you? It intervenes in a negative way in the gameplay of the users?

Nhan Bui: The anti-scripting will be gamified as quick time events. Players will receive in-game buffs after passing these checks, and the bots failing them will be flagged and banned after several repeated violations.

Q5 from Telegram User @alberto_vzla

It struck me that you said: “There is also the Crypto Wars mechanism to bridge the gap against Premium players.”
How can this mechanism close this gap against Premium players?

Nhan Bui: Crypto Wars is a free feature available to all players

The mechanism works as follow:

– Players connect each unit in the game with one cryptocurrency at the beginning of the week.

– During that week, any fluctuation in the market price/volume of the chosen crypto will give different bonuses to the hero. If the crypto goes up, your hero gets stronger and vice versa.

To maintain game balance, these bonuses given by cryptocurrency will be capped to a reasonable number. This mechanism is the unique feature that sets us apart from other NFTs games. It creates a connection between gameplay and the crypto market, and serves as an incentive for pure gamers who are unfamiliar with crypto to learn about our market.

Q6 from Telegram User @Chinthaka93

“First game to involve crypto market fluctuations into gameplay” This is great. Why have you choosen this concept for the project? What is the story behind choosing this concept?

Nhan Bui: its came from one brainstorming session of the team. We decided to go F2P, that mean there will be a lot of players who are unfamiliar with the crypto market. Therefore, there should be a way to give them the incentive to do research about it. At that moment, we were having a break and talking about the fluctuation of the market and then boom! We are now having one of the coolest idea to onboard F2P players.

Q7 from Telegram User @Smartling

How will the team bring success and longevity to the Kaby Arena project?

Nhan Bui:

Community is the essential part to bring success and longevity to any project. Most NFT games have low user base due to the initial paywall. We abolished that paywall by going F2P.

We will continue to engage the community in our project through events and activities such as Art Contest, Dev Workshop to get the feedback and the competitive tournaments. The competitive scene are what make LOL, CSGO, DOTA 2 so relevant and prosperous for so long and we want to follow these giants’ footsteps.

Q8 from Telegram User @tahanisg

One of the use cases of $KABY is that you can open loot boxes. What are these loot boxes? What is their in-game advantage? How do you get one of them?

Nhan Bui: Loot-boxes are mystery treasure chests that give out a variety of rewards when opened, you may receive items, cosmetics, special effects and even NFT heroes!

You can receive the loot-boxes by playing PvE and PvP, there will be a chance for the drop. Or you can passively receive them by staking your spare NFTs.

Q9 from Telegram User @cutetulipan

Can you give us more details about the features called Hero Fusion, what range of possibilities does these features offer players?  Could you merge two or more NFT heroes to achieve a descendents unrelated to the NFT genre?

Nhan Bui: Any two NFT heroes can be fused. The offspring will inherit some traits from the parent whether it’s the element, attributes or the skills, etc.

This allows NFT owners to have more heroes and is a players-based game balancing mechanic. If you see some heroes as overpowered , you can fuse your heroes to get a specific skill to counter them.

Q10 from Telegram User @alamils0

How can i stay updated with your project?  Can you share KABY ARENA telegram, Twitter, website and social link where are we find you?

Nhan Bui: You can subscribe to our social media here:






Regional groups:





At the moment, we expanding regional groups to include Chinese, Indian and Philippine community, so please stay tuned for more update from us.

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Kaby Arena. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.

For more information and future AMAs, join our Social Media channels:
English Telegram group:
Russian Telegram group:

Spanish Telegram group:
Telegram Channel:

Our partners:
Kaby Arena Website –
Kaby Arena Telegram – @KabyArena

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