AMA Satoshi Club x BitDiamond, September 1st

AMA Satoshi Club x BitDiamond, September 1st

We were delighted to welcome our guest from BitDiamond. The AMA took place on September 1st, 2021 and our guests were @keyoketg and @bradleyes.

The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.

Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community

Mary Satoshi Club: Hello  Satoshi Club! We are happy to announce our AMA session with BitDiamond! Welcome to Satoshi Club😀

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello again, dear community!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Today our guests are @keyoketg and @bradleyes.

Bradley: Hi everyone, very happy to be here!

keyoke: So excited to talk to you all today 😄

Mary Satoshi Club: Welcome here 👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, guys!

Bradley: Thanks very much!

keyoke: Thank you

Mary Satoshi Club: We are happy to see you here as well 🎉

Mary Satoshi Club: Let’s start our AMA 🚀

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for joining

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Introduce yourself please. How did you get to be involved in crypto & BitDiamond?

Tell us please about your position in BitDiamond?

Bradley: I’ll go first 🙂. Hi everyone! I’m Bradley and I am Delivery Lead for BitDiamond.

Bradley: That means I am responsible for delivering our products and services to our user base.

Bradley: Which includes a lot of fun things like talking to people on Telegram and managing our social channels.

Bradley: I’m also a developer and writer for our content on the blog and other sites.

Mary Satoshi Club: Oh, it’s really fun work!

Bradley: It is!

Bradley: Together Keyoke and I founded BitDiamond. Over to you Keyoke!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You have a really important task in the project👏

keyoke: Hi everyone. I’m Keyoke and I am Development Lead for BitDiamond.

keyoke: I’m in charge of the technical side of things. I lead on our development items and manage our full SDLC

keyoke: My main area of focus is solidity for our smart contracts.

keyoke: But I do pretty much anything 🙂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: you are a universal fighter😁

Mary Satoshi Club: Oh, very important job!👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: What is the essence of BitDiamond?

Bradley: We keep Keyoke in the BitDiamond cave fed up on biscuits and snacks, churning out great code for is 😆

Bradley: BitDiamond was born from a desire to see new projects with a true long term vision

Bradley: We’ve been in crypto for a while and were very aware that most recent projects had a very short time horizon.

Bradley: You see them all the time, projects that are focussed on a profit in just months, or even weeks.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: How long does it take to develop a project?

Mary Satoshi Club: You came here to stay😉

Bradley: If you do it properly it’s hundreds and hundreds of hours of work

Bradley: First is the planning – you need to map out what the USE CASE will be for your project

Bradley: Just existing isn’t enough

Bradley: The project needs to have a clear idea of how it delivers value to holders.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: What plans do you have for the future?

Bradley: And that value can’t be just price, or that project won’t be here in three years time.

Bradley: Lots! Our v2 release was all about the utility we add to BitDiamond, but we aren’t finished there.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Indeed

Bradley: As part of the dev work we developed an on-chain approach to random number generation that is, as far as we know, unique.

Bradley: One thing we are looking at is developing that into an In-chain oracle for RNG (random number generation).

Bradley: At the moment on BSC you have to call chainlink for true RNG

Mary Satoshi Club: How we can use it? When?

Bradley: You can use it right now by playing TreasureHunt 😄 at

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: this is what your colleague in the bunker is doing 😂

Bradley: It’s built into the dapp 🙂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And what can we expect from BitDiamond?

keyoke: Yup!!

Mary Satoshi Club: I will definitely try 👍

Bradley: More development. It’s continual. At this stage also more marketing. We have built a lot but we now need to get the message out there.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Also we would like to know more about your team. Who is on the project team core?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Marketing is truly the cornerstone of a project’s success.

Bradley: Great question. The core of the team is small, me and Keyoke and two others who help but aren’t full time. We like a small core as the trust on the team is absolute. We know each other so well, and operate really effectively.

Bradley: We have a heap of experience too. Over two decades of software dev experience.

Bradley: Plus a published author on board, which we will talk about later 🙂

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Tell me, is your team anonymous? If yes, do you plan to go out?

Bradley: We are at the moment. No real plans to dox ourself at the moment. We like the pseudonymous nature of crypto. We do get why doxing is important, but we also feel like projects should do more to build trust in the project itself, rather than being personality driven.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yes, sometimes a small team of loyal associates works wonders👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for great introduction, we will have several questions selected for the Part 1. Ready to start?

Bradley: Yes that’s right. Plus small core teams can get in skills for specific areas when they need it.

Bradley: Always ready! 🙂

Q1 from Telegram user @nadee5 

According to your website, BitDiamand mission is in three main areas including Engage,Expand and Educate …so,related to the educate, you hope to explain the less understood aspects of crypto and decentralised finance with BitDiamond..So it’s very important to any crypto newbies and anyone who loves to learn more about crypto.. So ,I am really interested to know more about this ?how do you plan to educate people ,do you use any youtube videos or any tutorials etc. …How can user join to learn with BitDiamond ?what are the requirements ?Are there any educational events already started to join? Thank you

Bradley: Thank you Nadee, what a great question to start with.

Bradley: The educate part of our mission statement stems from how much we love the fundamentals of crypto. For example, lots of people swap tokens every minute on AMMs like uniswap and pancakeswap, but not many people understand what’s going on under the covers of those AMMs. And it’s not actually that complicated really, it just needs a bit of time to explain it. In some ways crypto is like the aggregate of the simple – the constant product formula in an AMM is basic maths – that make everything seem complicated. We really enjoy breaking that down :).

Bradley: So, how do we do that? The first is on our blog which you can find at We have two main series of articles called Staying SAFU and Cryptobits. One of those articles is on the subject of how the swap dapps (DEXs) work. Another is on how to look for good liquidity, another talks about what locked liquidity is. We think that everyone entering crypto should understand just a handful of concepts then they would be able to trade much more safely.

Bradley: Our plan is to expand beyond the blog and start adding more to our youtube channel (which has one lonely video at the moment). Beyond that, and this is a real stretch goal, we would like to found an educational foundation with two goals: making this sort of information easily accesible (a bit like an on-line Dummy’s guide to what you really need to know about crypto) and also an avenue of support for people having a rough time, maybe regretting a FOMO trade, maybe needing to talk to someone about their trading getting out of hand. There are no supports out there at the moment, and we feel its the developer community that needs to band together to put this in place. A safer crypto is good for everyone except the scammers, so let’s build a better crypto.

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: oh … you swung at a cool target …

Bradley: We like to do that 😃

Mary Satoshi Club: How do you check if your articles are helpful? May be you collect feedbacks? Are this articles written by you or community also can participate in this process?

Bradley: Absolultey! Users can add feedback directly to the blog.

Bradley: And we take comments and suggestions through any of our channels.

Bradley: And if anyone in the community wants to create content we support that 100%!

Bradley: As long as it abides by our community guidelines.

Mary Satoshi Club: Awesome! 👍 What will be your next topic about?)

Bradley: I’d encourage everyone to checkout the blog and feel free to add comments 😃

Bradley: Our next education related article will pick up the theme of liquidity. We feel this is poorly understood in relation to tokens on DEXs like pcs and uniswap. And it’s so important! Just understanding this and how AMMs work can really up your investing game.

Mary Satoshi Club: Right! I like this direction! Don’t stop!

keyoke: Go read Bradleys blog article on how AMMs work, it’s excellent 👍

keyoke: Hahah, we can’t stop Bradley even if we wanted to 😂

Mary Satoshi Club: I will👍 thank you for your answers! Ready for the next question?

Bradley: I do like to talk that is true. . .

Bradley: Yes please

Mary Satoshi Club: Ahaha😂

Q2 from Telegram user @JesusFre1tes 

One of the things that has caught my attention is the multiple utility tokens that BitDiamond has. Among them are $BTDDMD, $BTDTRS, $BTDART, $BTDCLM, $BTDBNT and $BTDTRV. We are used to seeing only two or three types of tokens within decentralized platforms, in the case of BitDiamond, what have been the reasons why they have assigned so many types of tokens to their DeFi model? What are the functionalities of each of these tokens within the BitDiamond ecosystem? Why not build a universal token that has all the necessary functionalities to operate within your platform?

Bradley: Another great question, thank you JesusFre1tes.

Bradley: All of the tokens have a different purpose. BTDMD is our platform token, it’s a BEP-20 (so like an ERC-20, so not an NFT). Its purpose is to be a store of value that more and more people want to hold as holding it offers value across the platform (for example your BTDMD balance gives you a powerup in TreasureHunt, and lower fees on the NFT marketplace).

Bradley: BTDTRS is our treasurehunt token that is an algorithmically generated NFT with a wide range of characteristics based on probability. This is your cryptokitty equivalent :).

Bradley: Combined with features of cryptopunks

Bradley: BTDART allows you to generate your own NFTs whenever you want, without charge. This is our OpenSea

Bradley: Except free 🙂

Bradley: BTDBNT are the NFTs that control our instant win BNB prizes. If you match a BTDBNT with a treasure token you hold you can claim the prize, delivered to you instantly and 100% autonomously and trustlessly.

Bradley: BTDCLM are very special – you can only generated one of these if you are eligibile to claim one of the two grand prizes. This proves, on the blockchain, your claim. We can’t think of a better way to have an entirely auditable record of you winning these valuable prizes.

Mary Satoshi Club: Where we can trade all of them?

Bradley: No one token could do all of that, not least as they are different classes of token (NFT vs BEP-20).

Bradley: You can trade at our NFT marketplace 🙂


Bradley: I guess the key point is that BitDiamond is a platform. We have a main token (BTDMD), but also a lot on top of that.

Mary Satoshi Club: Great! What about your marketplace trading volume? Do you have stats?😉

Bradley: Haha, not yet, but I believe current trading volume is something like 0 NFTs traded

Bradley: We only launched less than a week ago 🙂

Mary Satoshi Club: Honest answer 😃

Bradley: This is our first major marketing engagement post launch.

Bradley: Always honest at BitDiamond. There’s too much dishonesty out there already.

Mary Satoshi Club: And i believe that everything is in the nearest future 👍

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers

Bradley: That’s right. We launched our platform token earlier this year, our v2 release went in on 28 August.

Bradley: And we love developing so do that all the time anyway 😃

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Ready to proceed to the next question?

Bradley: In fact, we are being quite disciplined in getting out of the cave to tell people about the cool things we’ve built 😄

Bradley: Yes please

Q3 from Telegram user @meml97 

It came to my attention that there is a “Treasure Hunt” option on BitDiamond, can you give us more details about it? How will it exactly work? I also noticed that there are several features on this option that I didn’t quite understand their purpose, such as “Loaded Modifiers” and the possibility to look out for a treasure box with certain characteristics such as “Rarity, Power, Setting, Color, Cut, Carat, Clarity”. So, why are all this features on the Treasure Hunt needed? On what will they affect our Treasure Hunt and the prizes we could get from it? Will the benefits we get from this hunt vary depending on those characteristics and modifiers?

Bradley: Thank you for asking meml97, that’s a great set of questions.

Bradley: This is the signature element of our v2 platform and it’s a little complicated, but trust me it’s worth getting to grips with :).

Bradley: This is like treasure hunts when we were kids – if you Hunt on our platform for treasure you will get algorithmically generated NFTs (there are options if you want 10, 25, 50 or 100). These have six characteristics, with each characteristic able to be one of many values, with these values varying in rareness. As I said, think something like cryptokitties, combined with cryptopunks.

Bradley: These are randomly assigned BUT you can hold modifiers that massively increase your chance of getting a good result. For example, your chances of a Magical item are 1% without any modifier. If you hold a supporter and a protector NFT they BOTH add 1% to that chance, meaning you have tripled your chances of a Magical item to 3%. If you hold 150,000 BTDMD on your wallet that gives you +3%, and if you stake that 150,000 that’s +6%!

Bradley: If you match an item in bounties you win that prize. Rarer items get a higher prize. And if you get the nine rarest items in your wallet you can claim the Trove grand prize (currently around $9k in BTDMD and growing).

Mary Satoshi Club: Is it first Treasure Hunt or you already have previous hunts winners?

Bradley: This has just been launched (on 28 August). The bounty prizes are continual and instant win (the smart contract does it all). We have had no grand prize winner yet.

Mary Satoshi Club: It’s interesting to see the winner)

Bradley: Yes indeed! And until it is won the prize will keep growing!

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: and also take part in existing😉

Mary Satoshi Club: Do you have guide how to participate?

Bradley: Most definitely. It’s all here 🙂:

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Don’t miss great opportunity Satoshi Club 🚀

Bradley: It’s worth a read. We’ve put a lot of thought into developing the game mechanics 🙂

Mary Satoshi Club: I don’t have any doubts 👍

Mary Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers! Ready to go to the next question?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for great answers

Bradley: Yes please

Bradley: Thanks for the great questions 🙂

Q4 from Telegram user @Emidm28  

You mentioned that we do not need to do anything to receive a share of the 4% distribution, but our tokens must be held in our own wallet. How long does it take after having the tokens in our wallet to start receiving that distribution? Will we start receiving them from the first day we have the tokens in our wallet? What about users who have their tokens on Exchanges? Will they be excluded from the distribution?

Bradley: Thanks Emidm28, that’s another great community question.

Bradley: It starts the second you get the tokens on your wallet 🙂

Bradley: Just by holding BTDMD you get a share of the 4%

Bradley: This is in proportion to your holding of BTDMD

Bradley: Unfortunately they have to be held in your own wallet. Tokens that are on exchanges are technically in the exchange’s hot wallet (in another smart contract) so you don’t get the benefit of the 4%. Sorry, there’s nothing we can do about that.

Bradley: But in general it’s best to HODL your own tokens in your own wallet 😀

Mary Satoshi Club: Which exchanges BTDMD is currently listed on?

Bradley: Just pancakeswap ( and Indoex ( at the moment.

Bradley: We’ll add more as we grow.

Mary Satoshi Club: Got it! How many tokens were already distributed through this 4% distribution?)

Bradley: Oh great question!! I have absolutely no idea. It’s all handled by the smart contract and we have never checked. I’m curious too now. . . . 😃

Bradley: I’ll check that later and if anyone is interested I will add to our telegram channel

Bradley: (

Mary Satoshi Club: Usually projects have such stats😉 users should know their benefits

Bradley: I totally agree, thank you for the question 😃

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks for your answers! Let’s proceed to the next question🚀

Mary Satoshi Club: Hope we give you an idea😉

Bradley: I LOVE getting ideas!!

Bradley: Thanks

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Satoshi Club Brain 🧠 Storm 😁

Q5 from Telegram user @andrey_seleznov

BitDiamond has an intriguing feature – Words of Power where you will be writing a brand new work of fiction alongside the TreasureHunt game. Please tell us more about it! How does this work? Can user affect the story themselves or is it written in house by your own writer? I also read that items and characters from the book will be turned into NFTs that will give power-ups in the TreasureHunt game. Who selects what items and characters deserve to become an NFT, can users vote on this? Do you accept artistic creation from the community for the NFTs?

Thank you!

Bradley: I am so glad you asked Andrey! We have an author on the team writing the novel. It will be published one chapter per week on our blog. Items and characters from the book will become NFTs with artwork that we will mint which will also work as powerups in the treasurehunt game.

Bradley: (In fact, the prologue will go up IMMEDIATELY after this AMA).

Bradley: Activity in the game (for example the type of tokens that people are finding) will also affect the story as we right it. So this is a fully integrated novel!! The game on the blockchain will influence the story and items from the story will become NFTs that can be used to influence your outcome in the game.

Bradley: Yes, users can definitely affect the story! Both through paying the TreasureHunt game and also through direct suggestion. We want this to be a truly interactive artistic process, with ideas flowing both ways, and some great NFTs being created.

keyoke: Users voting on what becomes an NFT is a great idea and not one we had thought of. We’ll get working on a smart contract to support this!

Bradley: And yes, we most DEFINITELY will accept artistic creation from the community

Mary Satoshi Club: Can you tell that your Treasure Hunt is some kind of ‘play&earn’?)

Bradley: Probably not really, not in a truly accurate sense. What you earn is the NFTs, but I think Play and Earn truly refers to earning something like a BEP-20 token, not an NFT.

Mary Satoshi Club: Did you already implement some ideas in life?

Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: A crypto novel is a really good find … I’d read this work😁

Bradley: We haven’t minted any user submitted art yet, but we would like to. And of course everyone can mint their own for FREE at 🙂

Bradley: Thanks! 😃

Bradley: (free except for the gas fee, of course)

Mary Satoshi Club: It’s low on bsc, so almost free!

Mary Satoshi Club: Thank you for your answers! Ready for the 6th and last question from this part?😃

Bradley: Yes indeed! That was our main reason for chosing BSC. Our idea revolves around users being able to mint a relatively large number of algorithmically generated items so gas costs should be low.

Bradley: Yes please

Q6 from Telegram user @kimzyemma 

Going through your roadmap, I could discovered it was segmented into four phrases. I can say that the community is mostly familiar with quarters instead of phrase which will help to know the exact point of concentration? Can you tell us the exact phrase you have work up to? Presently, what is the team developing in the roadmap for this project? In the fourth phase, you plan to emerge from centralised control into a decentralised powerhouse. Been Centralized will involves decision-making capability in the hands of top management or the team, why is it necessary for you to emerge?

Mary Satoshi Club: Dear community, we will open the chat soon. Please prepare your questions. BitDiamond guest will select 10 of them. Please remember the rules ❗️❗️❗️

-Only genuine questions will be rewarded. Copied questions will be disqualifiedRead the rules here

 ( Part 2 of the AMA, every user will be allowed to post maximum 3 questions. One message should contain maximum 1 question. If you post more than 3 questions, you will not receive the reward if selected. Thank you for understanding and good luck!😉

Also, don’t forget to join @Official_BitDiamond

Bradley: Hi Kimzyemma! I like roadmap questions, thank you! We have just completed the second phase of our roadmap, which is the delivery of the platform of dapps and tokens.

Bradley: We are now in phase 3, which is the second dapp development phase. We plan to be led by the community on this one. As with phase 2 we want to add utility and reasons to buy and hold BTDMD.

Bradley: We came up with an innovative on-chain random number generation approach for TreasureHunt – we may develop that further into an “on-chain Oracle” that others can use. . .  IF they hold BTDMD.

Bradley: (Did you notice how there are a lot of FREE things and benefits if you hold BTDMD? That is how a hard working dev team adds VALUE to holding their token, which means people hold the token, and we all know what that does to price. . . .)

Bradley: Governance! A great part of the question. Our ultimate goal is to be a DAO (Decentralised Autonomous Organisation) like Uniswap. That’s a while away, probably v4 or v5 of our platform. But it’s in our long term plan.

Mary Satoshi Club: So, you move without clear timeframes, right? If yes, can you tell us approximately when you will move to the next phase?

Bradley: We are already in the dev part of phase three, and are looking at a build timeframe of two to three months. We also want to give ourselves enough space to promote phase 2 👍 . In terms of the DAO that would be at least six months away.

Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community

Q1 from Telegram User @cindy_crypto

Your platform token is a BSC token that is (bet-20) but normally a decentralized project goes with erc-20 so why BSC?

Bradley: This is a great question, and I agree there is an excellent debate to be had as to whether BSC is decentralise at all (arguably it is not). At the core of our design was the need to allow users to generate a relatively large volume of algorithmically generated NFTs. For that model to work we would need a platform with low gas costs and which was scalable. We were also attracted to POS of BSC, as we are aware of the environmental impact of POW.

Q2 from Telegram User @Titanium432

There are many tokens in the market which are not  backed by a dev team and they just aim to pump the price .

In What ways BitDiamond tokens is unique from other tokens ?

Bradley: I agree, we see a lack of quality out there too. My advice would be to look for a dev team that is building a project not a token. By this I mean that they have both a plan and also put the structure around that token. At BitDiamond we have a token (more than one in fact). But what we are, what we aim to be, is a crypto business with a rock solid platform. That is utility driven long-term growth.

Q3 from Telegram User @Robotliker1

How can I join your bounty and whom should I contact for this? Is the reward prize fixed?

Bradley: You can claim a bounty if you take part in TreasureHunt (hunt for NFTs on our platform). Then head to bounty ( and if one of your NFTs matches an item there you can hit claim and get that BNB paid to you instantly by the smart contract. We love this feature, I don’t think anyone has anything like this anywhere in crypto!!

Q4 from Telegram User @Silica432

Why you are not conducting rhe presale ? What plans have you made to increase the value of your project in market ?

Bradley: Generally speaking our review of pre-sales is that they benefit a very small number of holders, we launched without pre-sale and without hype. We are here to build a long-term future, and that’s more about hard work and dedication and less about hype 😃 .

Q5 from Telegram User @DF3295

NFTs is the new big niche, does Bit Diamond have plans to use this technology within the platform in any interesting way?

Bradley: Oh yes for sure! What a great question! We see a lot of untapped potential in NFTs, in particular for user and community interaction. This is the core of our Words of Power initiative which sees NFTs branch into fiction and makes the whole process self-referential. In that, the NFTs affect the story and the story affects the NFTs. This is literally ground-breaking. If this doesn’t blow up it will be only because we haven’t promoted it well enough 🙂.

Q6 from Telegram User @csgonub

Are you giving us crypto lessons? Where is your blog exactly?

Bradley: Hi Hodler. Head to And yes, I want to spend more time making written and video lessons about crypto. The more people understand the better investments they make. And that’s better for genuine projects like BitDiamond, so it’s win win.

Q7 from Telegram User @vedamatrix

Hello @keyoketg I’m trying to learn solidity what should I do to learn it? Also for the project how can you make the smart contract secure?

Bradley: Hi Morpheus. You want to learn solidity? Take the blue pill! Or is it the red, I forget. . . But more seriously, I suggest you take a crypto that you know well and then head to either etherscan or bscscan and have a look at the contract code. Chances are it will make no sense, BUT, have a look for areas of syntax that make vague sense. Even just getting a feel of the overall structure is a good start. Also go to openzeppelin and absorb as much as you can there. A truly amazing solidity resource!

Q8 from Telegram User @mobilejii

✅✅ Is it safe to buy BTDMD ? What is the gurantee this will not rugpull like other BSC projects? Any Audit been done now?

Bradley: Hi Lio. Rugpulls are a big problem, maybe the biggest problem in crypto imo. I don’t have the stats but I suspect this is more of a problem on BSC than other platforms. There are things to look for though to make it safer. Head to our blog and filter by ‘Staying SAFU’ and read our articles. There are topics on locked liquidity and also how tokens make their price look good, when it isn’t really! We also talk on our site ( about features we put in place to earn your trust. This includes locking liquidity and yes audits (we have one from quillhash). Audits are interesting though, as you need to remember that only tells you that the code has no obvious flaws. It doesn’t tell you about the intentions of the dev team. Locked liquidity is a better indicator of that imo, as is asking lots of questions of the dev team 🙂. And yes, it is safe to buy BTDMD. We will never, ever, rugpull. But do your own research, I suspect the rugpullers say that too!!

Q9 from Telegram User @boradam

When will v2 release of the BitDiamond will start for production and go live?

Bradley: You are probably tired of reading my answers so I picked an easy one 😃 . Its live now at!!!!! 🚀

Q10 from Telegram User @ronaldo_super

How do you generate a true random number with your new on-chain random number generation? And what is the speed of it

Bradley: Ronaldo. Great GREAT question! How long do you have 🙂. The speed is quick, no need for an oracle call. As to random, there is a debate as to whether anything is ever random. But yes, blockchain is deterministic. BUT actually what you want is unpredictable! There are sources of entropy on the blockchain like blocktime, but yes these can be influenced by miner(s). So what you want is something on chain that is unpredicatable and can be hashed and can’t be influenced by any party, including a miner. And we think we have solved that 😀 .

Part 3 – Quiz Results

In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of BitDiamond. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.

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