Traveling around the Metaverse, you do not know what miracles await you on the new planet. But we are familiar with the guys who can definitely reveal these secrets to us… We were delighted to welcome our guests from Alien Worlds. The AMA took place on April 12th, 2021 and our guests were @mortyAW @REEEHEEE.
The total reward pool was 500$ and was divided into three parts. In this AMA Recap we will try to summarize some of the most interesting points for you.
Part 1 — introduction and questions from the Telegram&Bitcointalk community
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello, dear community! Today our friends Alien Worlds are visiting us.
D. Папа Роуч: hello all! we are starting AMA with Alien Worlds! our guests today are @mortyAW and @REEEHEEE ! hello guys! nice to see Alien Worlds again in Satoshi Club! 😇
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Our guests are @mortyAW @REEEHEEE!
REEEHEEE: well, lets go 🔥
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Hello and welcome to Satoshi Club, @mortyAW @REEEHEEE!😀
REEEHEEE: nice to meet y’all
Morty – Alien Worlds : Thank you. Always nice to be among the most enthusiastic bunch in the crypto space. We can’t thank you enough for your support
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: We know you brought a lot of news from Alien Worlds …
To warm up, tell us about yourself. Just small intro ..
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Hello, guys! I am here just for one second to tell that we are very happy to see you here😍😍😍 Always happy!
REEEHEEE: it’s so lovely, thank you a lot 🙏
Morty – Alien Worlds : @REEEHEEE and I are very excited to be here.
REEEHEEE: haha I love you my friend
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And we all adore and admire alien worlds! ❤️😁
Morty – Alien Worlds : My name is Pramod. I go by the name Morty in many crypto groups on discord and telegram.
I am a game designer by profession and a graphic artist.
I’ve been a part of the Alien Worlds team right from it’s inception.
My past experiences have been in designing rules, levels and economies for mobile and pc games. My contributions to the game has been mainly in the area of design, creating NFT art and managing a team of external developers to ensure product delivery on time, also looking into some admin stuff now.
Happy to be here to share more exciting news from the Alien Worlds metaverse.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You are in a fan club😁
REEEHEEE: Yap sure thing, I am the Alien Worlds community manager, I’m helping the team, the community and other people out if they need help in understanding specific parts and/or mechanics of the game. I’m myself a student in the last year that has a passion for blockchain games haha
D. Папа Роуч: we know you have plenty of news 😊😉
Morty – Alien Worlds : And that’s what we are here for to share all the great stuff we are building
REEEHEEE: I mean the amount of people flowing in… that flood of people, omg every single number doubled, tripled, quadrrupled and quintupled
D. Папа Роуч: yes, this is insane 😄
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I look at this graph and it flies into space!

Morty – Alien Worlds : So happy to see everyone getting so excited about the project.
REEEHEEE: To the moon indeed 😂that 90 degree angle right there
Morty – Alien Worlds : Right where it belongs.
D. Папа Роуч: im soo proud and happy to be one of the early birds in Alien Worlds Universe 😄
REEEHEEE: 500 years in crypto time now
Morty – Alien Worlds : There is an image that has been circulating in our social media and I am so surprised no one noticed a fine detail in it and asked questions about it yet. I am very excited to share that here with you all.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: 😁 Great introduction! Ready for community questions or do you have anything else to add?🚀
REEEHEEE: I am smelling something… great
Morty – Alien Worlds : I bet you are, sir
REEEHEEE: hahahaha
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: What is this👀
Morty – Alien Worlds :

I’ll drop it here
D. Папа Роуч: there is something behind the male human 👀
REEEHEEE: I am sure I noticed it but I didn’t say anything, but maybe my imagination just went through with me who knows 😂
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Can you give a hint? I’m intrigued😁
Morty – Alien Worlds : oooh, what could it be. haha
D. Папа Роуч: time dilater also! i just see this image first time!
REEEHEEE: who knows, maybe missions, maybe quests, maybe artifacts who knows?
Morty – Alien Worlds : I will leave it to you guys to keep guessing and towards the end we can have a short chat about it
REEEHEEE: literally could be everything 😂
D. Папа Роуч: deal!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: great! I’m looking forward to the announcement😁
D. Папа Роуч: thank you for the fantastic intro guys! i think now we are ready for community questions? 😇
REEEHEEE: sure thing, I am ready 🔥
Morty – Alien Worlds : Not going to announce anything but just some exclusive early reveal for our favorite community.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Let’s start!🚀😁
REEEHEEE: some great hints 😀
Morty – Alien Worlds : Yes. LFG!!!!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Intrigue builds up😁
Q1 from Telegram user @garrinepotter
The launch of the teleport for the BSC and ERC-20 networks opens up unlimited opportunities for the TLM token, such as profitability pools and listings on the most popular DEX. But what will happen to the token on the WAX blockchain? From tomorrow, the Alcor exchange will not match the project level. Please answer to the community, will trading on Alcor resume on April 13, or should we wait for Kucoin or Huobi?
D. Папа Роуч: quite hot topic 😄
REEEHEEE: what a tricky question, if we only knew, from what i know alcor will remain doing what they are doing obviously. But if we knew what would happen we all would be multi millionaires
D. Папа Роуч: that’s right 😉 now i regret to sold a bunch of my tools, if i just knew…haahha
REEEHEEE: WAX is also a beloved currency in the alien worlds community and we think people still would love to have alcor around just for that sweet WAX they need for NFTs on atomichub 😀
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: yes, questions can be damn unexpected, but burning😁🔥
Morty – Alien Worlds : Great question.
We don’t have any official arrangements with any other exchanges, just with Binance. I’d advise everyone to exercise caution when trading TLM on other exchanges except Binance when the trading goes live.
We are going to set a min limit of 100 TLM for the teleport bridge, Alcor in that case will be the hub for people trying to trade less than 100 TLM.
The tokens holds the same value across all chains. 1 TLM = 1 TLM across all blockchains
REEEHEEE: I also sold some tools and the next day the drills went up like 6000% 😂
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yes you are right 🍯 Wtf.. hooodl😁
D. Папа Роуч: so teleport will be active tomorrow no matter what?
REEEHEEE: I gave away so many drills, urgh, but they are in good hands now
D. Папа Роуч: exactly! lol but at least i bought a small army of minions and weapons long time ago 😁
Morty – Alien Worlds : Teleport will go live tomorrow an official announcement will be made before the Teleport site goes live. So stay tuned to our announcement channels, twitter and medium.
D. Папа Роуч: hell yeah!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: to be honest me too😉
D. Папа Роуч: thank you guys for answers! ready for the next question?
Morty – Alien Worlds : Yes!
Q2 from Telegram user @AmirJosh
We’ve been mining $TLM since December but there is no clear information about to when users can finally utilize their weapons and their minions into battle. Can you give us updates on Thunderdome’s development? Or can we use weapons and minions when exploring Planet Binance?
D. Папа Роуч: another hot topic🤣
REEEHEEE: You obviously will be able to use your weapons and minions in the thunderdome, but while mining, exploring? That could be interesting actually.
D. Папа Роуч: interesting idea 😉 so about planet binance…will there be another land packs sale for this planet?
REEEHEEE: I am also really hyped to use my abundant minons and weapons to battle these damn storm giants, I’ll probably lose but well 😂lets have fun, I just attack with 100 of them at the same time
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I read that the planet Binance is a gas giant . what can we mine there if there is not even land there
REEEHEEE: Simply said: It is a “landless” planet
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Like Jupiter?
D. Папа Роуч: hahaah. it’s a planet for the missions as i undestand?
REEEHEEE: Something around that indeed, if my own understanding doesn’t fail me now. but you probably won’t be able to mine on it as it is simply landless
D. Папа Роуч: probably 🤔
Morty – Alien Worlds : Of course this is the most awaited feature of Alien Worlds and we are working relentlessly to deliver the best blockchain fighting game experience to our users. We have a lot going on with respect to a new UI, which will be a complete overhaul from the old Ui
We have all the logical designs there as you can see in our Fighting game medium post
We need to get the fight logic working in a determinist way and we need to get this linked up with the new UI redesign as well.
Binance planet which is a “gas planet” (landless) and it’s function will be to accrue Trilium.
Fighting game won’t have the concept of planets as far as I understand and Thunder Dome is one of the many games we may have within the Alien Worlds Metaverse.
I don’t have any dates to give out yet but from what I’ve seen within the team these work streams are progressing fairly good and we will be able to reveal something soon.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: It’s a mystery😁 We look forward to releasing🚀
REEEHEEE: I wonder what people would get by mining on an gas planet, maybe gas? with gas pumps? 😂 but no not that I knew
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Lol😁
Morty – Alien Worlds : Haha.
Maybe the concept of land will be replaced by space stations
D. Папа Роуч: cool! 👍 thank you! i have another small question regarding land – can you tell us how many packs with lands opened at the moment? how many lands in ‘circulation’?
Morty – Alien Worlds : Who knows. It is still at very early stage.
REEEHEEE: ohhhhh. ideas, concepts … it all is coming together
Morty – Alien Worlds : You can see all the number of packs that’ve been opened on this account.
Morty – Alien Worlds : 2879 land packs have been opened so far
D. Папа Роуч: thanks! important info for new people in game 😇 😉 and big thanks for answers! ready for the third question?
REEEHEEE: i am ready indeed 👌
D. Папа Роуч: but what about Morty? 👀
Morty – Alien Worlds : yes, sir!
D. Папа Роуч: let’s gooooo
Q3 from Telegram user @igervacio
I read that it is possible to carry out elections and voting on the planets through Trillium. Are these votes programmed and carried out by the Alien Words team or do the users themselves propose ideas of governance within their own planets?
REEEHEEE: They propose their own ideas.
They vote for each other, they have different plans for different planets.
Even I am going for governance 😅
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: It’s a really cool feature of the metaverse… on which planet?
REEEHEEE: Eyeke. My plans for example are beyond everyones understanding (tbh I do not have a plan yet)
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I will vote for you😁
REEEHEEE: hahaha, I do not have a plan tho, other people are thinking and writing scripts and slogans
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I think I like a plan without a plan 😁
D. Папа Роуч: me as well!
REEEHEEE: it’s insane how well engaged they are
D. Папа Роуч: i have land on eyeke. and to be able to vote for candidate people should stake their trillium on particular planet? right?
REEEHEEE: simple and flexible 😂 Yes indeed
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: You don’t understand how it pulls us in😁
Morty – Alien Worlds : The Federation job here will be to keep an eye of the metaverse and to step if there are any malpractices or exploits. The Councilors will run the planets as their tokens holders wish to.
REEEHEEE: Lets say the people that get voted are going to have “some” powers
Morty – Alien Worlds : yes, you to be able to vote you need to have your TLM staked to the planet. You get 1 token 1 vote.
D. Папа Роуч: wow, i didn’t know about that 1 token = 1 vote hmm got it!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Good hint👍
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Guys, sorry) me again) Who will govern Binance planet?
REEEHEEE: obviously also me who else, joking 😂
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Ahaha😂
REEEHEEE: i do not know if voting on that one will be available tho
REEEHEEE: because what would be the token? BNB? 😂
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Thank you 😀 i will hide again 😂
Morty – Alien Worlds : Binance planet will also have the similar DAO like structure, the token holders staking to binance planet will be able to elect their planet councilors.
Маry Satoshi CLUB: Ohhhh… Is it a hint?😂
REEEHEEE: Ohh see, that is crazy 😂
D. Папа Роуч: nice
REEEHEEE: I wonder what the name of the token would be
REEEHEEE: $satoshi maybe?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thanks! what you say excites my imagination😁
D. Папа Роуч: on binance? SAFU
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: great idea😁
Morty – Alien Worlds : Haha I like SAFU token
D. Папа Роуч: 🙌 appreciate for the answers guys! let’s move onto the next question?
REEEHEEE: lets go ahead 😀
Q4 from Telegram User @Winner_don
There is a feature -Shining mechanism that allows gamers to shine up lower level items from stone through to gold, stardust. What is shining mechanism all about? what benefit do i stand to gain for shining my items? will i pay for shining?
D. Папа Роуч: lots of people know about this, and lots of new folks don’t 😉
REEEHEEE: You can shine 4 of the same NFTs with the same shining level together to get the same NFT with a higher shine (like 4x stone -> 1x gold)
That process takes a little TLM also.
But you get a shined better looking NFT back with some boosted stats
REEEHEEE: i might have a little graphic for that
Morty – Alien Worlds : Shining is where you combine 4 identical NFTs to improve their stats and it also enhances their appearance.
There are 4 tiers of shines, stone, gold, stardust and antimatter.
Abundant cards can be shined only up to gold, Common can be shined up to stardust and Rare and above can go all the way to antimatter.
D. Папа Роуч: graphs are always good 👌
D. Папа Роуч: by the way we already can shine avatars, so can you give us some information (hints) about the future functions of avatars in game? do you already have any ideas how they will be use?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I used a lot of tlm for shining.. And I couldn’t stop… 🙈It was so beautiful 😁
Morty – Alien Worlds : Shined cards can be very useful in a competitive environment. Some time one may feel like shining would just give them a small boost. This small boost can go miles in terms of scoring an NFT while mining or getting a higher mining power, better charge times and difficulty reduction for mining TLM. Also, shined cards preserve the previous mint numbers of the cards burned so for collectors this can very interesting.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: yes! It’s logical!
REEEHEEE: atm it is something like a collectible cosmetic, but maybe maybe we could introduce some sort of bonus to it, but I am not entirely sure about that 😀 I honestly do not even know if that would be possible 😂
D. Папа Роуч: well, maybe in the future we can combine 1 avatar of each of race, together, and breed a new race? 😄
REEEHEEE: But I also wish it would give me a juicy tlm mining bonus. hahaha that is some interesting idea
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: again a mystery 😉
Morty – Alien Worlds : For Avatars what I feel like they can have a good use in the fighting game. All avatars have a class and type which can have synergy in between certain type of weapons and minions
REEEHEEE: I actually never thought about that one
D. Папа Роуч: very interesting idea👍 @GoldRocket27 do you want to ask someting? or we ready for the next q? 👀
REEEHEEE: Actually, how are you today?
Morty – Alien Worlds : There are lot of possibilities.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I’m really looking forward to fighting 😁 My minions clink their swords 😁
D. Папа Роуч: haha super!
how are you?
Morty – Alien Worlds : Haha. You must train them well and keep them ready
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I just feed them and they are already fat 😂😂😂
Morty – Alien Worlds : Hahaha. Seems like you are a good master.
D. Папа Роуч: good soldier/minion should eat and sleep enough😁 and i think we ready for the next question!
D. Папа Роуч: let’s do this?
Morty – Alien Worlds : Let’s go
Q5 from Telegram user @Andrey_Seleznov
Do you have plans to release a mobile client for the game? Many people enjoy the game on the phones but playing in mobile browser is not an ideal experience atm. Also it would be great to have access to the market from inside of the game – have you considered integrating it?
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Yes, a mobile app would make life easier for many participants, to be honest
REEEHEEE: The mobile web version indeed is hard to handle and might need some polish,
it isn’t officially supported yet but already working on a lot of devices.
A app or client could be a really great solution to that problem
D. Папа Роуч: i just realized that i never used Alien Worlds on mobile
REEEHEEE: I suggest the pc web version 👌
D. Папа Роуч: yep!
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: I used. On the train. And this is pain🙈
Morty – Alien Worlds : This are some things to keep in mind when it comes to making games on mobile while we have most of our game logic on wax blockchain.
1) There is not an easy way to integrate cloud wallet on a mobile client. It only works on mobile browser. There is a lot of opportunity for dev teams to build mobile games if we could get a mobile wax cloud wallet app, which could then launch all games from with in the wallet app.
2) At this stage there are very frequent game updates, which will become very daunting for users. We built Alien Worlds with the mission to make it easy to onboard users from non-blockchain space with 0 friction. Downloading the game and installing it adds a little bit of friction.
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: And you did it great👏👏👏
Morty – Alien Worlds : It is not very easy to get the blockchain based apps on the iOS as they have their own in app purchase policies and every purchase inside the game will have to go through apple. You can’t even launch an iOS app without having it on the app store. Andorid on the other hand is easy you can just put the apk on the website as a download link, but then it will be very unfair for people with iOS devices 😅
D. Папа Роуч: we also can hope wax will release mobile wallet soon enough, maybe it on their roadmap👀 i need to look up …
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Thank you for the clarification! It’s clear to me🚀 Ready for the next question😉
Morty – Alien Worlds : Yes, sir!
D. Папа Роуч: the last question from part 1!
Q6 from Telegram User @Z0ryan
On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person to fly around the Earth and this opened the era of space exploration. Today, 60 years later, thanks to the Alien Worlds blockchain game, we can easily travel the Metaverse and conquer the Planets. Have you thought about the fact that one day the settlers on Mars will use TLM?
D. Папа Роуч: what a question
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Lol😂
Morty – Alien Worlds : Haha, I am sure one of explorers is very close to Elon and they will speak to Papa Elon about ditching DOGE and switching to TLM as the official currency of Mars
REEEHEEE: I actually am sure that mr musk will introduce his beloved currency on mars but we can on our planets 😂. TLM DOGE bridge incoming?
Morty – Alien Worlds : We might have to offer him a planet or 2
D. Папа Роуч: wen?
Morty – Alien Worlds : I don’t see why he wouldn’t consider
REEEHEEE: if we land on mars
D. Папа Роуч: haha 🤣
Morty – Alien Worlds : Alien Worlds explorers are colonizing foreign planets before every one else. 😉. Woah, now comes the most exciting part @REEEHEEE are you ready for this
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: please tell me what price did you put in TLM? a person should understand what class ticket to buy for a spacecraft? 😁🚀
Morty – Alien Worlds : 1 TLM = 1 TLM. Always
REEEHEEE: later on people won’t be able to get half of a tlm
Morty – Alien Worlds : Time will tell what can be purchased with 1 TLM within the Metaverse
D. Папа Роуч: perfect 👌
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: 😂 This is a great answer 🚀🚀🚀
Morty – Alien Worlds : haha mining is getting so difficult. So many miners. The other I read there were 1000+ mines per minute
Gold Rocket | Satoshi Club: Then the long awaited moment🙏
REEEHEEE: in 1 year people will be happy about what they could get now, I suggest to do the best atm and mine 😂 sweet yes
Part 2 — live questions from the Telegram community
Q1 from Telegram User @Sumione
Do you have any plan to increase the usecase of TLM IN future??
REEEHEEE: We do, thunderdome, more shining and much more is to come we have some great plans 😀
Q2 from Telegram User @K2ice
What is the minimum amount of TLM set for the teleport bridge?
Morty – Alien Worlds : 100 TLM
Q3 from Telegram User @nadee5
How can You introduce Aliens world to invite to join for any crypto newbies?
REEEHEEE: it is free, fast, easy
join our socials and you will receive all the help you need 😀
Q4 from Telegram User @alyaakin
If Binance planet is a landless gas planet, how fight can be done there?
Morty – Alien Worlds : Fighting game will not be limited to planet. Thunderdome will have the ability to run multiple game sessions. Think of it like a battle royale game session in fortnite or pubg minus all the 3d graphics where RNG takes care of most of the game logic.
Q5 from Telegram User @azrayeni
Why did you decide to change your UI and redesign it?
Morty – Alien Worlds : The current UI is more like a MVP version of the game. It was always planned with time we would be making graphical and user experience improvements in the game.
Q6 from Telegram User @rockmorti
In this metaverse, does the community have a chance or the right to participate with new ideas, lore changes, and design proposals for alienworlds?
Morty – Alien Worlds : Yes, this is totally possible. We value community contributions a lot of external tools that you see floating around the metaverse are community built tools. We also have a separate fund for this called the Galactic hub fund to support community development and ideas
Q7 from Telegram User @KhaleesiTheCryptoLady
If there are achievements, there are also failures? So, what was the biggest failure of Alien Worlds since inception?
REEEHEEE: I never (and I am honest) heard about any big failure but we have some bugs indeed, they mostly show up if an extreme amount of people tries to mine, wax candle handle us 😂
My biggest failure is… that I sold my advanced TDs and drills, they freakingly went up by 500% a minute after I did that
Q8 from Telegram User @ronaldo_super
It was free to play Alien Worlds before. After the listing tomorrow will there be any fee for playing the game?
REEEHEEE: nope still free
Q9 from Telegram User @Boylut
Can a non-crypto person benefit from the solution AliensWorld is offering?
Morty – Alien Worlds : Of course. Our mission has been to build a vast gamified metaverse which caters to all types of audiences, offering them very easy onboarding without having to spend or hold any crypto. You can start Alien Worlds for free and the only pre-requisite is to have an email to sign up for a wax cloud wallet account. I think we have one of the easiest and simplest player onboarding process across all blockchain projects
Q10 from Telegram User @ShaLiPon
We all know that community is one of the most important aspects of a project success, so how does Alien Worlds create a good and strong community? Is there any events to participate with?
REEEHEEE: Ohh community, we have a strong one for sure, just visit our social platforms like discord and find out on your own 😂
And yes there are a lot guides and resources to help you out 👍
Part 3 – Quiz Results
In the final part we tested your knowledge in terms of Alien Worlds. They’ve prepared 4 questions for this part. The total reward pool for quiz was 300$.
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